24-Channel PWM Driver

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24-Channel PWM Driver

Post by flrnfg »

I am trying to expand on the POV project in Simon Monk’s 15 DANGEROUSLY MAD PROJECTS.
I purchased a “24-Channel PWM Diver” for the task.
From github.com tlc5947test.ino this sketch will not verify or compile.
Is there a tutorial and/or wiring diagram or schematic to wire for a RGB LED project or similar type of project?

Code: Select all

#include "Adafruit_TLC5947.h"

// How many boards do you have chained?
#define NUM_TLC5974 1

#define data   4
#define clock   5
#define latch   6
#define oe  -1  // set to -1 to not use the enable pin (its optional)

Adafruit_TLC5947 tlc = Adafruit_TLC5947(NUM_TLC5974, clock, data, latch);

void setup() {
  Serial.println("TLC5974 test");
  if (oe >= 0) {
    pinMode(oe, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(oe, LOW);

void loop() {
  colorWipe(4095, 0, 0, 100); // "Red" (depending on your LED wiring)
  colorWipe(0, 4095, 0, 100); // "Green" (depending on your LED wiring)
  colorWipe(0, 0, 4095, 100); // "Blue" (depending on your LED wiring)

// Fill the dots one after the other with a color
void colorWipe(uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b, uint8_t wait) {
  for(uint16_t i=0; i<8*NUM_TLC5974; i++) {
      tlc.setLED(i, r, g, b);

// Slightly different, this makes the rainbow equally distributed throughout
void rainbowCycle(uint8_t wait) {
  uint32_t i, j;

  for(j=0; j<4096; j++) { // 1 cycle of all colors on wheel
    for(i=0; i< 8*NUM_TLC5974; i++) {
      Wheel(i, ((i * 4096 / (8*NUM_TLC5974)) + j) & 4095);

// Input a value 0 to 4095 to get a color value.
// The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
void Wheel(uint8_t ledn, uint16_t WheelPos) {
  if(WheelPos < 1365) {
    tlc.setLED(ledn, 3*WheelPos, 4095 - 3*WheelPos, 0);
  } else if(WheelPos < 2731) {
    WheelPos -= 1365;
    tlc.setLED(ledn, 4095 - 3*WheelPos, 0, 3*WheelPos);
  } else {
    WheelPos -= 2731;
    tlc.setLED(ledn, 0, 3*WheelPos, 4095 - 3*WheelPos);

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Re: 24-Channel PWM Driver

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

Please do not double post. Your question is answered here: http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=44766

Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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