AVR mac tutorial help

USB AVR Programmer and SPI interface. Adafruit's USBtinyISP.

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AVR mac tutorial help

Post by cray5656 »


I am getting closer to the end now.

Step 5. Download and install avrdude (the software that loads programs from your machine onto the chips)

Download the current release of avrdude from : http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/

Decompress the downloaded file and put the decompressed folder in your home directory

In a Terminal window, navigate to the avrdude directory. From your home directory type: cd avrdude-5.2 (or whatever you downloaded)
Configure avrdude. type: ./configure
Compile avrdude. type: make
Install avrdude. type: sudo make install

Yay all the software is installed!

I just entered ./configure and got this error so not sure aht to do now?

Configuration summary:
DON'T HAVE libelf
DON'T HAVE libusb
DON'T HAVE libusb_1_0
DON'T HAVE libftdi1
DON'T HAVE libftdi
DON'T HAVE libhid
DO HAVE pthread
DISABLED parport
DISABLED linuxgpio

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