Can't register Xively free developer account.

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Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by superman136 »

I've just bought the CC3000 unit, and tried with the lesson of using Xively. Unfortunately, I couldn't register for Xively account, because they said there are a long waiting list. I don't know how long I will have to wait to get connected to Xively. However, I found another company named AT&T M2X, they provides same service like Xively. Is there anyway I can get instruction/ tutorial to use M2X with your Adafruit CC3000. Because I think Xively channel is on the heavy load, and we can't learn anything from the past tutorial if people can't register for the account.
Sorry I am totally noob with this

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Re: Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by adafruit_support_mike »

I'm afraid no one here has ever heard of M2X, so we don't have any help to offer.

Try some of the other CC3000 tutorials to get used to working with the hardware and software while you wait for Xively to catch up to you.

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Re: Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by Franklin97355 »

Looking at the M2X site they seem to have tutorials on connecting and sending data that should help. Look at those and the ones at Xively to see what you need to change.

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Re: Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by superlazylad »

Were you able to get off the waiting list? If so, how long did it take?

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Re: Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by nigratruo »

I got a tip that Cosm is really great to log data from a RP and was already gung ho for trying it.
But now they let you wait for a developer account? Huh, what is that about?

Are they playing a "making something seem more attractive" by artificial shortage?
If they are, it is really dumb and looks really silly.

In the same way as they would sell software or any product that can be easily copied and say that "it is a limited edition". Anything good should be done in more numbers, not in less and there is no logic behind artificially restricting it.

Too bad, looks like I have to look for another service, I guess they lost this developer to the competition already. ;-)

I have come across this before, where you needed an invitation to use a service. As a developer, you actually develop their brand and service and contribute and makde it more popular, so they should be grateful for you, not the other way around.
Always puzzles me.

Kinda like a waiting queue in front of a in-club, where you can feel so fancy and COOL to get in, while the other ones have to wait

Says this and jumps to google, typing "xively alternatives"

Wow, there are tons and tons of alternatives, complete with tutorials about using the RP to log to it. I had no idea that competition was so fierce. More power to us contributors and developers!

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Re: Can't register Xively free developer account.

Post by languer »

Two data services I have used and like:

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