Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by king10208 »

Perhaps a silly question, but as I was trying to figure out how to add a "prototype" to the .h file (sorry, more of an experimentalist than a programming guy), I had a thought - if I do enter this maxSpeed() function and call it in setup(), would I still be able to scale the others to it? What I currently have is:

Code: Select all

void setup()
  AFMSbot.begin(); // Start the bottom shield
  AFMSmid.begin(); // Start the middle shield
  AFMStop.begin(); // Start the top shield
  stepper1.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
  stepper2.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
  stepper3.setSpeed(0.5 * mxrate);
  stepper4.setSpeed(0.7 * mxrate);
  stepper5.setSpeed(0.9 * mxrate);
//  stepper6.setMaxSpeed(1000);
//  stepper6.setSpeed(1000);

Would I be able to just replace the .setMaxSpeed(n) with .MaxSpeed() and still be able to use the 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 multipliers? A key functionality of this system is the 3:1 final drive ratio.

Concerning the .h file, though, I'd need to maybe tuck a line in like this?

Code: Select all

  void setSpeed(uint16_t);
  void maxSpeed();
  uint8_t onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style);
and then, in the .cpp, something like this?

Code: Select all

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::maxSpeed() {

  usperstep = 60000000 / ((uint32_t)revsteps * (uint32_t)rpm);
  steppingcounter = 0;
I feel like that second part is all wrong. We were adjusting the PWM to max of 4335 before in an attempt to speed that up.

Pardon my flailing here, and thanks yet again for your continued assistance.

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

You have the prototype right. But maybe the name "maxSpeed()" is misleading. All that we want to do in this function is to simply set the PWM on both channels to 255*17.

* PWM is used for speed control for DC motors.
* It is also used for microstepping of stepper motors. Microstepping works by slowiy increasing the power to one coil while decreasing power to the other via PWM.
* Non-microstepping modes always use full power (100% duty cycle) PWM.
* For maximum stepping speed, we want to eliminate the overhead of setting PWM for the two coils on every step. It should always be at the max duty cycle.

But, we still need to set it to 255*17 before we start moving the motors. That is why we need a function like maxSpeed() that we can call from setup.

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by king10208 »

Perhaps I finally understand. How does this look to put in the .cpp file?

Code: Select all

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::maxSpeed() {
// use this function to run steppers at max rate without microstepping
    MC->setPWM(PWMApin, 4335);		// try speed 17*255 instead
    MC->setPWM(PWMBpin, 4335);		// and put this code up in setup

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

That looks right.

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by king10208 »

After a little fussing around with it to implement a main pot-adjustable speed control. I'm ultimately getting ~43 RPM again on the final output with this code:

Code: Select all

// Shows how to run six Steppers at once with varying speeds
// Requires the Adafruit_Motorshield v2 library 
// And AccelStepper with AFMotor support 

// This tutorial is for Adafruit Motorshield v2 only!
// Will not work with v1 shields

#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>
//#include "utility/Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h"

Adafruit_MotorShield AFMSbot(0x60); // Default address, no jumpers
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMSmid(0x61); // Rightmost jumper closed
Adafruit_MotorShield AFMStop(0x62); // Second jumper from the right closed

// Connect two steppers with 200 steps per revolution (1.8 degree)
// to the bottom shield
Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper1 = AFMSbot.getStepper(200, 1);
Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper2 = AFMSbot.getStepper(200, 2);

// Connect two steppers with 200 steps per revolution (1.8 degree)
// to the bottom shield
Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper3 = AFMSmid.getStepper(200, 1);
Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper4 = AFMSmid.getStepper(200, 2);

// Connect two steppers with 200 steps per revolution (1.8 degree)
// to the bottom shield
Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper5 = AFMStop.getStepper(200, 1);
//Adafruit_StepperMotor *myStepper6 = AFMStop.getStepper(200, 2);

int mxrate = 0;
int mxrates = 0;
int prcnt = 0;

// you can change these to DOUBLE or INTERLEAVE or MICROSTEP!
// wrappers for the first motor!
void forwardstep1() {  
  myStepper1->onestep(FORWARD, DOUBLE);
void backwardstep1() {  
  myStepper1->onestep(BACKWARD, DOUBLE);
// wrappers for the second motor!
void forwardstep2() {  
  myStepper2->onestep(FORWARD, DOUBLE);
void backwardstep2() {  
  myStepper2->onestep(BACKWARD, DOUBLE);
// wrappers for the third motor!
void forwardstep3() {  
  myStepper3->onestep(FORWARD, DOUBLE);
void backwardstep3() {  
  myStepper3->onestep(BACKWARD, DOUBLE);
// wrappers for the fourth motor!
void forwardstep4() {  
  myStepper4->onestep(FORWARD, DOUBLE);
void backwardstep4() {  
  myStepper4->onestep(BACKWARD, DOUBLE);
// wrappers for the fifth motor!
void forwardstep5() {  
  myStepper5->onestep(FORWARD, DOUBLE);
void backwardstep5() {  
  myStepper5->onestep(BACKWARD, DOUBLE);
//// wrappers for the sixth motor!
//void forwardstep6() {  
//  myStepper6->onestep(FORWARD, SINGLE);
//void backwardstep6() {  
//  myStepper6->onestep(BACKWARD, SINGLE);

// Now we'll wrap the 6 steppers in an AccelStepper object
AccelStepper stepper1(forwardstep1, backwardstep1);
AccelStepper stepper2(forwardstep2, backwardstep2);
AccelStepper stepper3(forwardstep3, backwardstep3);
AccelStepper stepper4(forwardstep4, backwardstep4);
AccelStepper stepper5(forwardstep5, backwardstep5);
//AccelStepper stepper6(forwardstep6, backwardstep6);

void setup()
  AFMSbot.begin(); // Start the bottom shield
  AFMSmid.begin(); // Start the middle shield
  AFMStop.begin(); // Start the top shield
  int mxrate = 300;
//  stepper1.setMaxSpeed(mxrate);
//  stepper1.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
//  stepper2.setMaxSpeed(mxrate);
//  stepper2.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
//  stepper3.setMaxSpeed(mxrate);
//  stepper3.setSpeed(0.5 * mxrate);
//  stepper4.setMaxSpeed(mxrate);
//  stepper4.setSpeed(0.7 * mxrate);
//  stepper5.setMaxSpeed(mxrate);
//  stepper5.setSpeed(0.9 * mxrate);
//  stepper6.setMaxSpeed(1000);
//  stepper6.setSpeed(1000);


void loop()
//  Serial.begin(9600);
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);

//  Serial.println(sensorValue);

  int percnt = (sensorValue/10.23);
  int mxrate = (3.00 * percnt);

  stepper1.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
  stepper2.setSpeed(0.3 * mxrate);
  stepper3.setSpeed(0.5 * mxrate);
  stepper4.setSpeed(0.7 * mxrate);
  stepper5.setSpeed(0.9 * mxrate);

//  stepper6.runSpeed();


I was able to achieve faster speeds with the maxspeed() strategy, but didn't figure out how to use that to my advantage (that is, how to use it while maintaining a tight 3:1 final drive ratio).

Here is my .cpp:

Code: Select all

 This is the library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. 
 It supports DC motors & Stepper motors with microstepping as well
 as stacking-support. It is *not* compatible with the V1 library!

 It will only work with
 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open
 source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware
 by purchasing products from Adafruit!
 Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
 BSD license, check license.txt for more information.
 All text above must be included in any redistribution.

#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
 #include "Arduino.h"
 #include "WProgram.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_MotorShield.h"
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
 #define WIRE Wire
#else // Arduino Due
 #define WIRE Wire1

#if (MICROSTEPS == 8)
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 50, 98, 142, 180, 212, 236, 250, 255};
#elif (MICROSTEPS == 16)
uint8_t microstepcurve[] = {0, 25, 50, 74, 98, 120, 141, 162, 180, 197, 212, 225, 236, 244, 250, 253, 255};

Adafruit_MotorShield::Adafruit_MotorShield(uint8_t addr) {
  _addr = addr;
  _pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(_addr);

void Adafruit_MotorShield::begin(uint16_t freq) {
  // init PWM w/_freq
  _freq = freq;
  _pwm.setPWMFreq(_freq);  // This is the maximum PWM frequency
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<16; i++) 
    _pwm.setPWM(i, 0, 0);

void Adafruit_MotorShield::setPWM(uint8_t pin, uint16_t value) {
  if (value > 4095) {
    _pwm.setPWM(pin, 4096, 0);
  } else 
    _pwm.setPWM(pin, 0, value);
void Adafruit_MotorShield::setPin(uint8_t pin, boolean value) {
  if (value == LOW)
    _pwm.setPWM(pin, 0, 0);
    _pwm.setPWM(pin, 4096, 0);

Adafruit_DCMotor *Adafruit_MotorShield::getMotor(uint8_t num) {
  if (num > 4) return NULL;


  if (dcmotors[num].motornum == 0) {
    // not init'd yet!
    dcmotors[num].motornum = num;
    dcmotors[num].MC = this;
    uint8_t pwm, in1, in2;
    if (num == 0) {
      pwm = 8; in2 = 9; in1 = 10;
    } else if (num == 1) {
      pwm = 13; in2 = 12; in1 = 11;
    } else if (num == 2) {
      pwm = 2; in2 = 3; in1 = 4;
    } else if (num == 3) {
      pwm = 7; in2 = 6; in1 = 5;
    dcmotors[num].PWMpin = pwm;
    dcmotors[num].IN1pin = in1;
    dcmotors[num].IN2pin = in2;
  return &dcmotors[num];

Adafruit_StepperMotor *Adafruit_MotorShield::getStepper(uint16_t steps, uint8_t num) {
  if (num > 2) return NULL;


  if (steppers[num].steppernum == 0) {
    // not init'd yet!
    steppers[num].steppernum = num;
    steppers[num].revsteps = steps;
    steppers[num].MC = this;
    uint8_t pwma, pwmb, ain1, ain2, bin1, bin2;
    if (num == 0) {
      pwma = 8; ain2 = 9; ain1 = 10;
      pwmb = 13; bin2 = 12; bin1 = 11;
    } else if (num == 1) {
      pwma = 2; ain2 = 3; ain1 = 4;
      pwmb = 7; bin2 = 6; bin1 = 5;
    steppers[num].PWMApin = pwma;
    steppers[num].PWMBpin = pwmb;
    steppers[num].AIN1pin = ain1;
    steppers[num].AIN2pin = ain2;
    steppers[num].BIN1pin = bin1;
    steppers[num].BIN2pin = bin2;
  return &steppers[num];


Adafruit_DCMotor::Adafruit_DCMotor(void) {
  MC = NULL;
  motornum = 0;
  PWMpin = IN1pin = IN2pin = 0;

void Adafruit_DCMotor::run(uint8_t cmd) {
  switch (cmd) {
  case FORWARD:
    MC->setPin(IN2pin, LOW);  // take low first to avoid 'break'
    MC->setPin(IN1pin, HIGH);
  case BACKWARD:
    MC->setPin(IN1pin, LOW);  // take low first to avoid 'break'
    MC->setPin(IN2pin, HIGH);
  case RELEASE:
    MC->setPin(IN1pin, LOW);
    MC->setPin(IN2pin, LOW);

void Adafruit_DCMotor::setSpeed(uint8_t speed) {
  MC->setPWM(PWMpin, speed*16);


Adafruit_StepperMotor::Adafruit_StepperMotor(void) {
  revsteps = steppernum = currentstep = 0;

uint16_t steps, Adafruit_MotorShield controller)  {

  revsteps = steps;
  steppernum = 1;
  currentstep = 0;

  if (steppernum == 1) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR1_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR1_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR2_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR2_B); // all motor pins to 0
    // enable both H bridges
    pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

    // use PWM for microstepping support
    MC->setPWM(1, 255);
    MC->setPWM(2, 255);

  } else if (steppernum == 2) {
    latch_state &= ~_BV(MOTOR3_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR3_B) &
      ~_BV(MOTOR4_A) & ~_BV(MOTOR4_B); // all motor pins to 0

    // enable both H bridges
    pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(6, HIGH);

    // use PWM for microstepping support
    // use PWM for microstepping support
    MC->setPWM(3, 255);
    MC->setPWM(4, 255);

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::setSpeed(uint16_t rpm) {
  //Serial.println("steps per rev: "); Serial.println(revsteps);
  //Serial.println("RPM: "); Serial.println(rpm);

  usperstep = 60000000 / ((uint32_t)revsteps * (uint32_t)rpm);
  steppingcounter = 0;

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::maxSpeed() {
// use this function to run steppers at max rate without microstepping
    MC->setPWM(PWMApin, 4335);		// try speed 17*255 instead
    MC->setPWM(PWMBpin, 4335);		// and put this code up in setup

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::release(void) {
  MC->setPin(AIN1pin, LOW);
  MC->setPin(AIN2pin, LOW);
  MC->setPin(BIN1pin, LOW);
  MC->setPin(BIN2pin, LOW);
  MC->setPWM(PWMApin, 0);
  MC->setPWM(PWMBpin, 0);

void Adafruit_StepperMotor::step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir,  uint8_t style) {
  uint32_t uspers = usperstep;
  uint8_t ret = 0;

  if (style == INTERLEAVE) {
    uspers /= 2;
 else if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    uspers /= MICROSTEPS;
    steps *= MICROSTEPS;
    Serial.print("steps = "); Serial.println(steps, DEC);

  while (steps--) {
    //Serial.println("step!"); Serial.println(uspers);
    ret = onestep(dir, style);
    delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
    steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000);
    if (steppingcounter >= 1000) {
      steppingcounter -= 1000;
  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    while ((ret != 0) && (ret != MICROSTEPS)) {
      ret = onestep(dir, style);
      delay(uspers/1000); // in ms
      steppingcounter += (uspers % 1000);
      if (steppingcounter >= 1000) {
	steppingcounter -= 1000;

uint8_t Adafruit_StepperMotor::onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style) {
  uint8_t a, b, c, d;
  uint8_t ocrb, ocra;

  ocra = ocrb = 255;

  // next determine what sort of stepping procedure we're up to
  if (style == SINGLE) {
    if ((currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) % 2) { // we're at an odd step, weird
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
      else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {           // go to the next even step
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS;
      else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS;
  } else if (style == DOUBLE) {
    if (! (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2) % 2)) { // we're at an even step, weird
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
      } else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {           // go to the next odd step
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
	currentstep += MICROSTEPS;
      } else {
	currentstep -= MICROSTEPS;
  } else if (style == INTERLEAVE) {
    if (dir == FORWARD) {
       currentstep += MICROSTEPS/2;
    } else {
       currentstep -= MICROSTEPS/2;

  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
   if (dir == FORWARD) {
    } else {
      // BACKWARDS

    currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4;
    currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4;

    ocra = ocrb = 0;
    if ( (currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS - currentstep];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*2 - currentstep];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*3 - currentstep];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*2];
    } else if  ( (currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4)) {
      ocra = microstepcurve[currentstep - MICROSTEPS*3];
      ocrb = microstepcurve[MICROSTEPS*4 - currentstep];

  currentstep += MICROSTEPS*4;
  currentstep %= MICROSTEPS*4;

  Serial.print("current step: "); Serial.println(currentstep, DEC);
  Serial.print(" pwmA = "); Serial.print(ocra, DEC); 
  Serial.print(" pwmB = "); Serial.println(ocrb, DEC); 
  MC->setPWM(PWMApin, ocra*17);		// comment these out on 130924 for faster operation?
  MC->setPWM(PWMBpin, ocrb*17);		// 
//    MC->setPWM(PWMApin, 4335);		// try speed 17*255 instead
//    MC->setPWM(PWMBpin, 4335);		// and put this code up in setup

  // release all
  uint8_t latch_state = 0; // all motor pins to 0

  //Serial.println(step, DEC);
  if (style == MICROSTEP) {
    if ((currentstep >= 0) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS))
      latch_state |= 0x03;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*2))
      latch_state |= 0x06;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*2) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*3))
      latch_state |= 0x0C;
    if ((currentstep >= MICROSTEPS*3) && (currentstep < MICROSTEPS*4))
      latch_state |= 0x09;
  } else {
    switch (currentstep/(MICROSTEPS/2)) {
    case 0:
      latch_state |= 0x1; // energize coil 1 only
    case 1:
      latch_state |= 0x3; // energize coil 1+2
    case 2:
      latch_state |= 0x2; // energize coil 2 only
    case 3:
      latch_state |= 0x6; // energize coil 2+3
    case 4:
      latch_state |= 0x4; // energize coil 3 only
    case 5:
      latch_state |= 0xC; // energize coil 3+4
    case 6:
      latch_state |= 0x8; // energize coil 4 only
    case 7:
      latch_state |= 0x9; // energize coil 1+4
  Serial.print("Latch: 0x"); Serial.println(latch_state, HEX);

  if (latch_state & 0x1) {
   // Serial.println(AIN2pin);
    MC->setPin(AIN2pin, HIGH);
  } else {
    MC->setPin(AIN2pin, LOW);
  if (latch_state & 0x2) {
    MC->setPin(BIN1pin, HIGH);
   // Serial.println(BIN1pin);
  } else {
    MC->setPin(BIN1pin, LOW);
  if (latch_state & 0x4) {
    MC->setPin(AIN1pin, HIGH);
   // Serial.println(AIN1pin);
  } else {
    MC->setPin(AIN1pin, LOW);
  if (latch_state & 0x8) {
    MC->setPin(BIN2pin, HIGH);
   // Serial.println(BIN2pin);
  } else {
    MC->setPin(BIN2pin, LOW);

  return currentstep;

and my .h:

Code: Select all

 This is the library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. 
 It supports DC motors & Stepper motors with microstepping as well
 as stacking-support. It is *not* compatible with the V1 library!

 It will only work with
 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open
 source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware
 by purchasing products from Adafruit!
 Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
 BSD license, check license.txt for more information.
 All text above must be included in any redistribution.

#ifndef _Adafruit_MotorShield_h_
#define _Adafruit_MotorShield_h_

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "utility/Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h"

//#define MOTORDEBUG

#define MICROSTEPS 16         // 8 or 16

#define MOTOR1_A 2
#define MOTOR1_B 3
#define MOTOR2_A 1
#define MOTOR2_B 4
#define MOTOR4_A 0
#define MOTOR4_B 6
#define MOTOR3_A 5
#define MOTOR3_B 7

#define FORWARD 1
#define BACKWARD 2
#define BRAKE 3
#define RELEASE 4

#define SINGLE 1
#define DOUBLE 2
#define INTERLEAVE 3
#define MICROSTEP 4

class Adafruit_MotorShield;

class Adafruit_DCMotor
  friend class Adafruit_MotorShield;
  void run(uint8_t);
  void setSpeed(uint8_t);
  uint8_t PWMpin, IN1pin, IN2pin;
  Adafruit_MotorShield *MC;
  uint8_t motornum;

class Adafruit_StepperMotor {
  friend class Adafruit_MotorShield;

  void step(uint16_t steps, uint8_t dir,  uint8_t style = SINGLE);
  void setSpeed(uint16_t);
  void maxSpeed();
  uint8_t onestep(uint8_t dir, uint8_t style);
  void release(void);
  uint32_t usperstep, steppingcounter;

  uint8_t PWMApin, AIN1pin, AIN2pin;
  uint8_t PWMBpin, BIN1pin, BIN2pin;
  uint16_t revsteps; // # steps per revolution
  uint8_t currentstep;
  Adafruit_MotorShield *MC;
  uint8_t steppernum;

class Adafruit_MotorShield
    Adafruit_MotorShield(uint8_t addr = 0x60);
    friend class Adafruit_DCMotor;
    void begin(uint16_t freq = 1600);

    void setPWM(uint8_t pin, uint16_t val);
    void setPin(uint8_t pin, boolean val);
    Adafruit_DCMotor *getMotor(uint8_t n);
    Adafruit_StepperMotor *getStepper(uint16_t steps, uint8_t n);
    uint8_t _addr;
    uint16_t _freq;
    Adafruit_DCMotor dcmotors[4];
    Adafruit_StepperMotor steppers[2];
    Adafruit_PWMServoDriver _pwm;

A strange little behavior that it is exhibiting is that as the pot approaches its fully-counter-clockwise position, the motors go from slow to very slow to full speed in the other direction. This confuses me. Any ideas? They increase linearly clockwise towards their max RPM of 43. Perplexing.

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Re: Five steppers, three MotorShields (V2), AccelStepper troubles with I2C

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

I was able to achieve faster speeds with the maxspeed() strategy, but didn't figure out how to use that to my advantage (that is, how to use it while maintaining a tight 3:1 final drive ratio).
Not sure exactly what you mean. Are you referring to a 3:1 speed ratio between two motors?

In any case, the only effect that the change should have is to reduce the overhead of the onestep() function. Below the the maximum speed, the timing of the calls is entirely up to AccelStepper.

One problem that trips up many people with AccelStepper is that it does not start the motors at full speed. It accelerates them based on the acceleration rates you program. So if you are looking for an exact ratio of steps, the acceleration may be throwing you off.

Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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