16x32 LED Matrix

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16x32 LED Matrix

Post by PyschoDodge »

Hello, I am having some issues with 16x32 RGB LED matrix panel. I purchased the 16x32 RGB LED matrix panel, Nootropic RGB Matrix Backpack Assembled from Nootropic and USB FTDI TTL-232 cable. I have been getting error message on Arduino software when uploading a example code

RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A0, A1, A2, CLK, LAT, OE, false);

That is highlighted in yellow with error messages at bottom of program. I was using the "MaxtrixDemo" from Nootropic's website. Everything is wired up right on my Arduino Uno what I seen on Learn section (https://learn.adafruit.com/32x16-32x32- ... x32-matrix) and still got that problem. So I took the USB FTDI TTL-232 cable and connect it from laptop to RGB Matrix Backpack and still got problems and that line of code is showing in yellow.

The bigger weird part is at beginning I was trying to learn about all this and seen the demo was playing on LED matrix panel. I tried to upload and got weird error message and sorry I did not catch the error message and notice now the LED display does not light up at all. I did check for voltage on RGB Matrix Backpack and I am showing 5 voltages.

Did I screw something up badly or I am doing something wrong. I did go through learn section and double check couple times and don't know where I screwed up. If anyone knows or has any ideas, please let me know and thanks.

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Re: 16x32 LED Matrix

Post by pburgess »

What's the specific error message accompanying the line? Usually it's in red at the bottom of the window.

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Re: 16x32 LED Matrix

Post by PyschoDodge »

Here what show up at bottom window.

Code: Select all

MatrixDemo.ino:2:28: error: RGBmatrixPanel.h: No such file or directory
MatrixDemo:39: error: 'RGBmatrixPanel' does not name a type
MatrixDemo:40: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:41: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:42: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:43: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:44: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:45: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:46: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:47: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:48: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:49: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:50: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:51: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void setup()':
MatrixDemo:73: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void drawGhost(int, int, uint16_t, int)':
MatrixDemo:106: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:110: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void loop()':
MatrixDemo:127: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void drawInvaders(int, int, int)':
MatrixDemo:189: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void nootropicDesign()':
MatrixDemo:215: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void pacmanCharacters()':
MatrixDemo:254: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:292: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void BANNED()':
MatrixDemo:355: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:375: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void drawDots()':
MatrixDemo:399: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:402: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void drawMaze()':
MatrixDemo:420: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:423: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo:425: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'void clear()':
MatrixDemo:432: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope
MatrixDemo.ino: In function 'uint8_t drawBitmap(int, int, unsigned char*, uint16_t)':
MatrixDemo:450: error: 'matrix' was not declared in this scope

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Re: 16x32 LED Matrix

Post by PyschoDodge »

Problem resolved, uninstalled Arduino sofware and reinstall the software and put the libraries in right place. One way to learn, LOL

Weird question since I got my 16X32 LED Matrix and enjoying it. I purchased another one and decided to have both on at same time. I have it wired up right and both LED Matrixs do turn on. I uploaded a basic scroll text that I played round from one libraries you guys had. One LED Matrix works well, but the second one, you will see text go by but led lights will scatter while the scroll text goes by. The code is below, am I missing something, I have been working it for while and I am scratching my head on this one.

Code: Select all

// scrolltext demo for Adafruit RGBmatrixPanel library.
// Demonstrates double-buffered animation on our 16x32 RGB LED matrix:
// http://www.adafruit.com/products/420

// Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada & Phil Burgess/PaintYourDragon
// for Adafruit Industries.
// BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution.

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>   // Core graphics library
#include <RGBmatrixPanel.h> // Hardware-specific library

// Similar to F(), but for PROGMEM string pointers rather than literals
#define F2(progmem_ptr) (const __FlashStringHelper *)progmem_ptr

#define CLK 8  // MUST be on PORTB! (Use pin 11 on Mega)
#define LAT A3
#define OE  9
#define A   A0
#define B   A1
#define C   A2
// Last parameter = 'true' enables double-buffering, for flicker-free,
// buttery smooth animation.  Note that NOTHING WILL SHOW ON THE DISPLAY
// until the first call to swapBuffers().  This is normal.
RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, CLK, LAT, OE, true);
// Double-buffered mode consumes nearly all the RAM available on the
// Arduino Uno -- only a handful of free bytes remain.  Even the
// following string needs to go in PROGMEM:

const char str[] PROGMEM = "   GO  CHICAGO  CUBS  GO      ";
int    textX   = matrix.width(),
       textMin = sizeof(str) * -12,
       hue     = 0;
//int8_t ball[3][4] = {
 // {  3,  0,  1,  1 }, // Initial X,Y pos & velocity for 3 bouncy balls
//  { 17, 15,  1, -1 },
//  { 27,  4, -1,  1 }
//static const uint16_t PROGMEM ballcolor[3] = {
//  0x0080, // Green=1
 // 0x0002, // Blue=1
//  0x1000  // Red=1

void setup() {
  matrix.setTextWrap(false); // Allow text to run off right edge

void loop() {
  byte i;

  // Clear background

  // Bounce three balls around
//  for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
    // Draw 'ball'
 //   matrix.fillCircle(ball[i][0], ball[i][1], 5, pgm_read_word(&ballcolor[i]));
    // Update X, Y position
 //   ball[i][0] += ball[i][2];
 //   ball[i][1] += ball[i][3];
    // Bounce off edges
  //  if((ball[i][0] == 0) || (ball[i][0] == (matrix.width() - 1)))
  //    ball[i][2] *= -1;
 //   if((ball[i][1] == 0) || (ball[i][1] == (matrix.height() - 1)))
    //  ball[i][3] *= -1;

  // Draw big scrolly text on top
  matrix.setTextColor(matrix.ColorHSV(hue, 255, 255, true));
  matrix.setCursor(textX, 1);

  // Move text left (w/wrap), increase hue
  if((--textX) < textMin) textX = matrix.width();
  hue += 7;
  if(hue >= 1536) hue -= 1536;
 // delay(500);

  // Update display

In this code, I just took out the bouncing balloons and just use for scrolling text. If anyone knows what I am missing, let me know. It will help me out, and thanks for reading.

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Re: 16x32 LED Matrix

Post by etti »

Hi, From "Nootropic RGB Matrix Backpack" and "USB FTDI TTL-232 cable" can not be sent with special program type "PROCESSING" t images or text to be displayed?

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