ws2812b programming assistance please

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ws2812b programming assistance please

Post by erik1986 »

i have been working on an ambitious project for the past couple months of learning the programing world of arduino and gotten some good success (perhaps too much that has gone to my head that I can take on some advanced stuff now). my goal is to put a string of 90 rgb ws2812b leds above my (place to make food) cabinets as accent lighting, and have different affects on a single button to scroll through the various ones. I was going to make this out of just a long strip of nonaddressable leds but when I saw Jeremy blum's music lighting with them I had to go big. ive been reading as many posts on different sites and trying to tweak example codes as much as possible, but I think ive hit a wall so here I am for help. what ive come up with so far is a single rainbow effect cropped out of the sample strandtest in the library mixed with a button counter to have it show the certain feature or segment of code, but where theres a void setting for the ranbow effect, I cant continue the code writing. is it possible to even accomplish a string of code that can handle what my plan is or am I doomed from the start?

any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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Re: ws2812b programming assistance please

Post by Franklin97355 »

I think it can be done. The best way to get a handle on what your code needs to be is write out what you want to happen on a sheet of paper. Look at the steps and see if you can convert them to code. If you have a problem try breaking the problem down into smaller parts and code those. As you expand the program you can test the parts and the ones that work can go into your tool chest for use later.

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