Charging a 5V USB battery from solar

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Charging a 5V USB battery from solar

Post by Louieblue »

I have a solar panel that puts out [email protected] and I want to charge a "power bank" style Li-Ion battery
I have the Adafruit solar charger but that is designed to charge 3.7V to 4.2V batteries.
Is there a product that outputs 5.2V?
Can I run the Powerboost 1000 after the solar charge controller?
Is there a downside to doing this? Losses?


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Re: Charging a 5V USB battery from solar

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

I've never opened up a PowerBank, but I'm guessing it has a 3.7v LiPo and a charger/boost converter inside. Pretty much the equivalent of one of these:

Solar charging is a bit of a special case though. To do that efficiently, you would need the solar charger and battery and a (non-charger version) PowerBoost on the output.

There is some efficiency loss one every stage of the power conversion. The charger, the battery, the boost converter etc. Chaining two similar systems in series just doubles the losses.

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