Pandora Radio Help!

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Pandora Radio Help!

Post by fat_daddy »

Ok, I'm not a programmer, but I can make do. I have constructed the Pandora Wifi Radio following the instructions to a T. It appears that adafruit has moved the libraries for the i2c and when I try to do the configuration I get the following error:

File "", line 20, in <module>
from Adafruit_I2C import Adafruit_I2C
ImportError: No module named Adafruit_I2C

I did some research and like I said, it looks like Adafruit has moved the python code to individual libraries instead of one large one. My programming skills are very basic, and I just can't seem to get this figured out. I would really appreciate some help with this as I am trying to build this for my daughter to stream pandora to help her sleep.

Sorry if this isn't enough detail, I'm just flustered and frustrated right now.



Editing to add that I can get the Pandora to connect and play, I can't get the configuration for the 16x2 LCD part of the tutorial done.

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Re: Pandora Radio Help!

Post by adafruit_support_rick »

The legacy clone should work:

Code: Select all

git clone -b legacy
Better, you can install pip:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip python-dev
sudo pip3 install rpi.gpio
and then use pip to install the I2C library

Code: Select all

sudo pip3 install adafruit-gpio

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Re: Pandora Radio Help!

Post by mvsopen »

I don't know if this helps, but I just built pianobar for my Pi 3, without the I2C display (Terminal only) and
here are a few of the changes I had to make:

Changes I made to the build instructions, and a few tricks I found.
Note: I'm building this all from a terminal, so I don't need to use any of ssh commands.

1. Verify the Pi 3 works on wireless, first. This step is critical. No network = no Pandora!
2. Back up your Pi image first, just in case. I use “Win32 Disk Imager”. Not fast, but it works. I'm also using the full Jesse kernel, not the lite version, btw, on an 8 gb card.
3. You must have a account, and copy your github password to it, or you cannot download the required files. (If the GIT request asks you for a user name
and password, you haven’t properly stored your account information on GIT),
4. You have to have a Pandora account (free) as you must copy your account name and pwd into a config file on the pi.
5. You should know how Pandora works, with at least one station list pre-established so you know it is functional. You'll see your station on the screen when pianobar
logs in. (I'm still getting an autoplay station error, but I don't care)
6. Whenever I started pianobar, the volume was so low, I could not hear anything. As the docs say, pressing “)” repeatedly will raise the volume, but if you go too far,
it overdrives the audio circuit and the sound turns awful. “(“ will lower it down again. I discovered that the default volume setting in the pianobar config file was set
by default to “-5”, way too low. I raised it to “10” and had no problems.
7. Most of the commands in the documentation needed a “sudo” in front of them. I.e. "sudo apt-get xxx" and not just "apt-get"
8. apt-get couldn’t find the libcurl4 library, so I had to use this library instead: apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
9. Instead of getting a large number of files at ones ("apt-get install a b c") I did these one at a time, so I knew they were all downloaded and installed cleanly. "apt-get
install a" then "apt-get install b", etc.
9. I’m not adding any of the remote display hardware at this time, so a basic pi and a set of amplified speakers (or headphones) worked. I still enabled i2C, just in case...
10. It took about an hour to compile pianobar. There were a few warnings about depreciated files, but nothing which stopped the build.
11. “?” will give you a list of Pandora/Pianobar commands. All standard Pandora options are implemented and functional.

This was a really fun build! Without having to add the external display, it still works great as a background music player.
Thanks, Adafruit Folks, for such clear instructions!


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