Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

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Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

Post by Disciple »

Disclaimer first: I am not a BANNED professional, and my project is not an approved medical device. I am a hobbyist with a sketch that might prove useful, based on Adafruit's MLX90640 Breakout, a low-cost radiant temperature sensor. The camera is only as accurate as its sensor, but if that's adequate for someone's purpose, I offer this code to make it easier to use.

This is a software modification for my freshly released thermal camera project. It's an alternative PyBadge sketch that configures the camera to launch into a fever sensing mode, while preserving all the original camera functions. It consists of two files. One is the alternate source code for the PyBadge using Arduino programming and the Arcada library, the other is a header file containing sound data. Here's the modded PyBadge code.

Code: Select all

  ThermalImager_009e - Collect thermal image values from a MLX90640 sensor array,
                       display them as color-mapped pixels on a TFT screen,
  include data capture to flash media, and a user configuration menu.
  Written by Disciple using code from these sources.

  Arcada and MLX90640 libraries from adafruit.com

  Ver.  1 - Read temps, auto-range extremes, display gray squares on TFT
  Ver.  2 - Add Ironbow color palette, low+center+high markers
  Ver.  3 - Add crude BMP image write to SD
  Ver.  4 - Attach interrupts to improve button response
  Ver.  5 - Store BMPs to SD in an orderly manner, in folders
  Ver.  6 - Port to Teensy 3.2, where the libraries used are suited
  Ver.  7 - Port to Adafruit PyBadge using Arcada library.  Use simulated data while awaiting hardware release
  Ver.  8 - Convert menu to scrolling style and add settings for emissivity and frame rate, more if feasible.
  Ver.  9 - Bring in the current Adafruit library and read a real sensor.
  Ver. 9e - Add another preset temperature range for fever sensing, plus lower framerate, alarm palette, sound

#include <Adafruit_MLX90640.h>
#include "Adafruit_Arcada.h"
#include <Audio.h>
#include "sound.h"    // "Pew" sound is here
Adafruit_MLX90640 mlx;
Adafruit_Arcada arcada;
AudioPlayMemory         sound;
AudioOutputAnalogStereo audioOut;
AudioConnection         c0(sound, 0, audioOut, 0);

#if !defined(USE_TINYUSB)
  #warning "Compile with TinyUSB selected!"

File myFile;

float mlx90640To[768];   // Here we receive the float vals acquired from MLX90640

#define DE_BOUNCE 200
  // Wait this many msec between button clicks
#define MENU_LEN 13
  // Number of total available menu choices
#define MENU_ROWS 9
  // Number of menu lines that can fit on screen
#define MENU_VPOS 6
#define GRAY_33 0x528A
#define BOTTOM_DIR "MLX90640"
#define DIR_FORMAT "/dir%05d"
#define BMP_FORMAT "/frm%05d.bmp"
#define CFG_FLNAME "/config.ini"
#define MAX_SERIAL 999

// Radiant fever alert values in Fahrenheit.  Combine 'FEVER ALERT' range preset with 'HOT ALARM' palette.
// FEVER_SPAN defines the displayed temp range.  Values higher than FEVER_THRESH will display alarm colors.
#define FEVER_THRESH 96.4
#define FEVER_SPAN 20.0

// BMP File Header, little end first, Photoshop ver.
const PROGMEM uint8_t BmpPSPHead[14] = {
 0x42, 0x4D,             // "BM" in hex
 0x38, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // File size, 2360
 0x00, 0x00,             // reserved for app data 1
 0x00, 0x00,             // reserved for app data 2
 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  // Offset of first pixel, 54

// BMP 24-bit DIB Header, little end first, Photoshop ver.
const PROGMEM uint8_t DIBHeadPSP1[40] = {
 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // Header size, 40
 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // pixel width, 32
 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // pixel height, 24
 0x01, 0x00,              // color planes, 1
 0x18, 0x00,              // bits per pixel, 24
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // Compression method, 0==none
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // Raw bitmap data size, dummy 0
 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00,  // Pixels per meter H, 2834
 0x12, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00,  // Pixels per meter V, 2834
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // Colors in palette, 0==default 2^n
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00   // Number of important colors, 0

// BMP file data, 2 byte padding
const PROGMEM uint8_t PSPpad[2] = {0x00, 0x00};

//Byte arrays of bitmapped icons, 16 x 12 px:
const PROGMEM uint8_t battIcon[] = {
0x0f, 0x00, 0x3f, 0xc0, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 
0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x40, 0x3f, 0xc0};

const PROGMEM uint8_t camIcon[] = {
0x01, 0xe0, 0x61, 0x20, 0xff, 0xf0, 0x80, 0x10, 0x86, 0x10, 0x89, 0x10, 
0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x89, 0x10, 0x86, 0x10, 0x80, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf0};

const PROGMEM uint8_t SDicon[] = {
0x0f, 0xe0, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x3c, 0x60, 0x78, 0x60, 0x70, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 
0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x6f, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x7f, 0xe0, 0x7f, 0xe0};

const PROGMEM uint8_t snowIcon[] = {
0x15, 0x00, 0x4E, 0x40, 0xC4, 0x60, 0x75, 0xC0, 0x9F, 0x20, 0x0E, 0x00,
0x0E, 0x00, 0x9F, 0x20, 0x75, 0xC0, 0xC4, 0x60, 0x4E, 0x40, 0x15, 0x00};

uint8_t pixelArray[2304];   // BMP image body, 32 pixels * 24 rows * 3 bytes

// Some global values that several functions will use, including
// 5 floats to append to the BMP pixel data:
// coldest pixel, coldest color, center temp, hottest color, hottest pixel
float sneakFloats[5] = {3.1415926, 0.0, -11.7, 98.6, -12.34};      // Test values that get overwritten
uint16_t highAddr = 0, lowAddr = 0;                                // Append the pixel addresses, too

uint16_t backColor, lowPixel, highPixel, buttonRfunc = 1,
         emissivity = 95, frameRate = 3,
         thermRange = 6, paletteNum = 3, colorPal[256],            // Array for color palettes
         nextDirIndex = 0, nextBMPindex = 0, nextBMPsequence = 1;  // These keep count of SD files and dirs, 0==error
uint32_t deBounce = 0, buttonBits = 0;
boolean mirrorFlag = false, celsiusFlag = false, markersOn = true,
        screenDim = false, smoothing = false, alarmBeep = true,
        showLastCap = false, save1frame = false,
        recordingInProg = false, buttonActive = false;
float battAverage = 0.0, colorLow = 0.0, colorHigh = 100.0;        // Values for managing color range
volatile boolean clickFlagMenu = false, clickFlagSelect = false;   // Volatiles for timer callback handling

void setup()
  if (!arcada.arcadaBegin()) {    // Start TFT and fill with black
    // Serial.print("Failed to begin");
    while (1);
  arcada.filesysBeginMSD();       // Set up SD or QSPI flash as an external USB drive

  arcada.displayBegin();              // Activate TFT screen
  arcada.display->setRotation(1);     // wide orientation
  arcada.setBacklight(255);           // Turn on backlight
  battAverage = arcada.readBatterySensor();

//  while(!Serial); // Wait for user to open terminal
  Serial.println("MLX90640 IR Array Example");

  if(arcada.filesysBegin()){              // Initialize flash storage, begin setting up indices for saving BMPs
    if(!arcada.exists(BOTTOM_DIR)) {      // Is base "MLX90640" directory absent?
      if(arcada.mkdir(BOTTOM_DIR))        // Can it be added?
        nextDirIndex = nextBMPindex = 1;  // Success, prepare to store numbered files & dirs
    } else {      // "MLX90640" directory exists, can we add files | directories?
      // Get the number of the next unused serial directory path
      nextDirIndex = availableFileNumber(1, BOTTOM_DIR + String(DIR_FORMAT));
      // and the next unused serial BMP name
      nextBMPindex = availableFileNumber(1, BOTTOM_DIR + String(BMP_FORMAT));
  }  // By now each global index variable is either 0 (no nums available), or the next unclaimed serial num

  if(!mlx.begin(MLX90640_I2CADDR_DEFAULT, &Wire)) {
    Serial.println("MLX90640 not found!");
    arcada.haltBox("MLX90640 not found!");
      delay(10);  // Halt here
  Serial.println("Found Adafruit MLX90640");

  Serial.print("Serial number: ");
  Serial.print(mlx.serialNumber[0], HEX);
  Serial.print(mlx.serialNumber[1], HEX);
  Serial.println(mlx.serialNumber[2], HEX);


  switch(frameRate) {
    case 0: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_0_5_HZ); break; // 6 frame rates, 0.5 to 16 FPS in powers of 2
    case 1: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_1_HZ); break;
    case 2: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_2_HZ); break;
    case 3: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_4_HZ); break;
    case 4: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_8_HZ); break;
    default: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_16_HZ); break;
  Wire.setClock(1000000); // max 1 MHz

  for(int counter01 = 0; counter01 < 2304; ++counter01)
    pixelArray[counter01] = counter01 / 9;  // Initialize BMP pixel buffer with a gradient

  loadPalette(paletteNum);             // Load palette
  backColor = GRAY_33;                 // 33% gray for BG
  setBackdrop(backColor, buttonRfunc); // Current BG, current button labels

  // Audio initialization

  arcada.timerCallback(50, buttonCatcher);  // Assign a 50Hz callback function to catch button presses

void loop()
  static uint32_t frameCounter = 0;
  float scaledPix, highPix, lowPix;
  uint16_t markColor;

// Show the battery level indicator, 3.7V to 3.3V represented by a 7 segment bar
  battAverage = battAverage * 0.95 + arcada.readBatterySensor() * 0.05; // *Gradually* track battery level
  highPix = (int)constrain((battAverage - 3.3) * 15.0, 0.0, 6.0) + 1;   // Scale it to a 7-segment bar
  markColor = highPix > 2 ? 0x07E0 : 0xFFE0;                            // Is the battery level bar green or yellow?
  markColor = highPix > 1 ? markColor : 0xF800;                         // ...or even red?
  arcada.display->fillRect(146, 2, 12, 12, backColor);                  // Erase old battery icon
  arcada.display->drawBitmap(146, 2, battIcon, 16, 12, 0xC618);         // Redraw gray battery icon
  arcada.display->fillRect(150, 12 - highPix, 4, highPix, markColor);   // Add the level bar

// Fetch 768 fresh temperature values from the MLX90640
  arcada.display->drawBitmap(146, 18, camIcon, 16, 12, 0xF400); // Show orange camera icon during I2C acquisition
  if(mlx.getFrame(mlx90640To) != 0) {
  arcada.display->fillRect(146, 18, 12, 12, backColor);         // Acquisition done, erase camera icon

// First pass: Find hottest and coldest pixels
  highAddr = lowAddr = 0;
  highPix  = lowPix  = mlx90640To[highAddr];

  for (int x = 1 ; x < 768 ; x++) { // Compare every pixel
    if(mlx90640To[x] > highPix) {   // Hotter pixel found?
      highPix = mlx90640To[x];      // Record its values
      highAddr = x;
    if(mlx90640To[x] < lowPix) {    // Colder pixel found?
      lowPix = mlx90640To[x];       // Likewise
      lowAddr = x;
  if(thermRange == 0) {    // Are the colors set to auto-range?
    colorLow = lowPix;     // Then high and low color values get updated
    colorHigh = highPix;
  sneakFloats[0] = lowPix;     // Retain these five temperature values
  sneakFloats[1] = colorLow;   // to append to the BMP file, if any
  sneakFloats[2] = mlx90640To[400];
  sneakFloats[3] = colorHigh;
  sneakFloats[4] = highPix;

// Second pass: Scale the float values down to 8-bit and plot colormapped pixels
  if(mirrorFlag) {                 // Mirrored display (selfie mode)?
    for(int y = 0; y < 24; ++y) {  // Rows count from bottom up
      for(int x = 0 ; x < 32 ; x++) {
        scaledPix = constrain((mlx90640To[32 * y + x] - colorLow) / (colorHigh - colorLow) * 255.9, 0.0, 255.0);
        pixelArray[3 * (32 * y + x)] = (uint8_t)scaledPix;                           // Store as a byte in BMP buffer
        arcada.display->fillRect(140 - x * 4, 92 - y * 4, 4, 4, colorPal[(uint16_t)scaledPix]);  // Filled rectangles, bottom up
  } else {  // Not mirrored
    for(int y = 0; y < 24; ++y) {
      for(int x = 0 ; x < 32 ; x++) {
        scaledPix = constrain((mlx90640To[32 * y + x] - colorLow) / (colorHigh - colorLow) * 255.9, 0.0, 255.0);
        pixelArray[3 * (32 * y + x)] = (uint8_t)scaledPix;
        arcada.display->fillRect(16 + x * 4, 92 - y * 4, 4, 4, colorPal[(uint16_t)scaledPix]);

  // Play a sound effect if hottest temperature is over the fever threshold
  if(thermRange == 6 && paletteNum == 3 && (highPix * 1.8 + 32.0 > FEVER_THRESH) && alarmBeep) {
    digitalWrite(ARCADA_SPEAKER_ENABLE, HIGH);  // Speaker on
    sound.play(pew);                            // Start the sound
    if(!sound.isPlaying())                      // If end of "pew!" sound reached...
      digitalWrite(ARCADA_SPEAKER_ENABLE, LOW); // Speaker off

// Post pass: Screen print the lowest, center, and highest temperatures
  arcada.display->fillRect(  0, 96, 53, 12, colorPal[0]);                  // Contrasting mini BGs for cold temp
  arcada.display->fillRect(107, 96, 53, 12, colorPal[255]);                // and for hot temperature texts
  scaledPix = constrain((mlx90640To[400] - colorLow) / (colorHigh - colorLow) * 255.9, 0.0, 255.0);
  arcada.display->fillRect(53, 96, 54, 12, colorPal[(uint16_t)scaledPix]); // Color coded mini BG for center temp

  arcada.display->setCursor(10, 99);
  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF ^ colorPal[0]);   // Contrasting text color for coldest value
  arcada.display->print(celsiusFlag ? lowPix : lowPix * 1.8 + 32.0);  // Print Celsius or Fahrenheit

  arcada.display->setCursor(120, 99);
  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF ^ colorPal[255]); // Contrast text for hottest value
  arcada.display->print(celsiusFlag ? highPix : highPix * 1.8 + 32.0);  // Print Celsius or Fahrenheit

  arcada.display->setCursor(65, 99);
  if((mlx90640To[400] < (colorLow + colorHigh) * 0.5) == (paletteNum < 3))
    arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF);               // A contrasting text color for center temp
  arcada.display->print(celsiusFlag ? mlx90640To[400] : mlx90640To[400] * 1.8 + 32.0);  // Pixel 12 * 32 + 16

  markColor = 0x0600;    // Deep green color to draw onscreen cross markers
  if(markersOn) {        // Show markers?
    if(mirrorFlag) {     // ...over a mirrored display?
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine(156 - (( lowAddr % 32) * 4 + 16), 93 - 4 * ( lowAddr / 32), 4, markColor); // Color crosses mark cold pixel,
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine(159 - (( lowAddr % 32) * 4 + 17), 92 - 4 * ( lowAddr / 32), 4, markColor);
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine(156 - ((highAddr % 32) * 4 + 16), 93 - 4 * (highAddr / 32), 4, markColor); // hot pixel,
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine(159 - ((highAddr % 32) * 4 + 17), 92 - 4 * (highAddr / 32), 4, markColor);
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine(76, 45, 4, markColor);                                                     // and center pixel
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine(78, 44, 4, markColor);
    } else {             // Not mirrored
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine(( lowAddr % 32) * 4 + 16, 93 - 4 * ( lowAddr / 32), 4, markColor); // Color crosses mark cold pixel,
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine(( lowAddr % 32) * 4 + 17, 92 - 4 * ( lowAddr / 32), 4, markColor);
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine((highAddr % 32) * 4 + 16, 93 - 4 * (highAddr / 32), 4, markColor); // hot pixel,
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine((highAddr % 32) * 4 + 17, 92 - 4 * (highAddr / 32), 4, markColor);
      arcada.display->drawFastHLine(80, 45, 4, markColor);                                             // and center pixel
      arcada.display->drawFastVLine(81, 44, 4, markColor);

// Print the frame count on the left sidebar
  arcada.display->setRotation(0);    // Vertical printing
  arcada.display->setCursor(48, 4);
  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF, backColor); // White text, current BG
  arcada.display->print("FRM ");
  arcada.display->setRotation(1);    // Back to horizontal

// Handle any button presses
  if(!buttonActive && clickFlagMenu) {         // Was B:MENU button pressed?
    buttonActive = true;                       // Set button flag
    deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;           // and start debounce timer
    menuLoop(backColor);                       // Execute menu routine until finished
    clickFlagSelect = recordingInProg = false; // Clear unneeded flags
    nextBMPsequence = 1;
    setBackdrop(backColor, buttonRfunc);       // Repaint current BG & button labels

  if(!buttonActive && clickFlagSelect) { // Was the A button pressed?
    buttonActive = true;                 // Set button flag
    deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;     // and start debounce timer

    if(buttonRfunc == 0) {                                           // Freeze requested?
      arcada.display->drawBitmap(146, 48, snowIcon, 16, 12, 0xC61F); // Freeze icon on
      while(buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A)                        // Naive freeze: loop until button released
        delay(10);                                                   // Short pause
      deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;                               // Restart debounce timer
      arcada.display->fillRect(146, 48, 12, 12, backColor);          // Freeze icon off
    } else if(buttonRfunc == 1) {                         // Capture requested?
      if((nextBMPindex = availableFileNumber(nextBMPindex, BOTTOM_DIR + String(BMP_FORMAT))) != 0) { // Serialized BMP filename available?
        save1frame = true;                                // Set the flag to save a BMP
        arcada.display->fillRect(0, 96, 160, 12, 0x0600); // Display a green strip
        arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF);             // with white capture message text
        arcada.display->setCursor(16, 99);
        arcada.display->print("Saving frame ");
    } else {                            // Begin or halt recording a sequence of BMP files
      if(!recordingInProg) {            // "A:START RECORDING" was pressed
        if((nextDirIndex = availableFileNumber(nextDirIndex, BOTTOM_DIR + String(DIR_FORMAT))) != 0) { // Serialized directory name available?
          // Make the directory
          if(newDirectory()) {          // Success in making a new sequence directory?
            recordingInProg = true;     // Set the flag for saving BMP files
            nextBMPsequence = 1;        // ...numbered starting with 00001
            setBackdrop(backColor, 3);  // Show "A:STOP RECORDING" label
          } else                        // Couldn't make the new directory, so
            nextDirIndex = 0;           // disable further sequences
      } else {                          // "A:STOP RECORDING" was pressed
        recordingInProg = false;
        setBackdrop(backColor, 2);      // Clear "A:STOP RECORDING" label

// Saving any BMP images to flash media happens here
  if(save1frame || recordingInProg) {      // Write a BMP file to SD?
    arcada.display->drawBitmap(146, 32, SDicon, 16, 12, 0x07E0); // Flash storage activity icon on

    prepForSave();                         // Save to flash.  Use global values for parameters
    nextBMPsequence += recordingInProg ? 1 : 0;  // If recording a series, increment frame count
    save1frame = false;                    // If one frame saved, clear the flag afterwards

    arcada.display->fillRect(146, 32, 12, 12, backColor);        // Flash storage activity icon off

  if(showLastCap) {                      // Redisplay the last BMP saved?
    buttonActive = true;                 // Set button flag
    deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;     // and start debounce timer
    recallLastBMP(backColor);            // Redisplay last bitmap from buffer until finished
    setBackdrop(backColor, buttonRfunc); // Repaint current BG & button labels
    showLastCap = false;

// Here we protect against button bounces while the function loops
  if(buttonActive && millis() > deBounce && (buttonBits
     & (ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_B | ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A)) == 0)  // Has de-bounce wait expired & all buttons released?
    buttonActive = false;                // Clear flag to allow another button press

  clickFlagMenu = clickFlagSelect = false; // End of the loop, clear all interrupt flags

// Compute and fill an array with 256 16-bit color values
void loadPalette(uint16_t palNumber) {
  uint16_t x, y;
  float fleX, fleK;

  switch(palNumber) {
    case 1:  // Compute ironbow palette
      for(x = 0; x < 256; ++x) {
        fleX = (float)x / 255.0;

        // fleK = 65535.9 * (1.02 - (fleX - 0.72) * (fleX - 0.72) * 1.96);
        // fleK = (fleK > 65535.0) || (fleX > 0.75) ? 65535.0 : fleK;  // Truncate red curve
        fleK = 63487.0 * (1.02 - (fleX - 0.72) * (fleX - 0.72) * 1.96);
        fleK = (fleK > 63487.0) || (fleX > 0.75) ? 63487.0 : fleK;  // Truncate red curve
        colorPal[x] = (uint16_t)fleK & 0xF800;                      // Top 5 bits define red

        // fleK = fleX * fleX * 2047.9;
        fleK = fleX * fleX * 2015.0;
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x07E0;  // Middle 6 bits define green

        // fleK = 31.9 * (14.0 * (fleX * fleX * fleX) - 20.0 * (fleX * fleX) + 7.0 * fleX);
        fleK = 30.9 * (14.0 * (fleX * fleX * fleX) - 20.0 * (fleX * fleX) + 7.0 * fleX);
        fleK = fleK < 0.0 ? 0.0 : fleK;          // Truncate blue curve
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x001F;  // Bottom 5 bits define blue
    case 2:  // Compute quadratic "firebow" palette
      for(x = 0; x < 256; ++x) {
        fleX = (float)x / 255.0;

        // fleK = 65535.9 * (1.00 - (fleX - 1.0) * (fleX - 1.0));
        fleK = 63487.0 * (1.00 - (fleX - 1.0) * (fleX - 1.0));
        colorPal[x] = (uint16_t)fleK & 0xF800;                      // Top 5 bits define red

        // fleK = fleX < 0.25 ? 0.0 : (fleX - 0.25) * 1.3333 * 2047.9;
        fleK = fleX < 0.25 ? 0.0 : (fleX - 0.25) * 1.3333 * 2015.0;
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x07E0;  // Middle 6 bits define green

        // fleK = fleX < 0.5 ? 0.0 : (fleX - 0.5) * (fleX - 0.5) * 127.9;
        fleK = fleX < 0.5 ? 0.0 : (fleX - 0.5) * (fleX - 0.5) * 123.0;
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x001F;  // Bottom 5 bits define blue
    case 3:  // Compute "alarm" palette
      for(x = 0; x < 256; ++x) {
        fleX = (float)x / 255.0;

        fleK = 65535.9 * (fleX < 0.875 ? 1.00 - (fleX * 1.1428) : 1.0);
        colorPal[x] = (uint16_t)fleK & 0xF800;                      // Top 5 bits define red

        fleK = 2047.9 * (fleX < 0.875 ? 1.00 - (fleX * 1.1428) : (fleX - 0.875) * 8.0);
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x07E0;  // Middle 6 bits define green

        fleK = 31.9 * (fleX < 0.875 ? 1.00 - (fleX * 1.1428) : 0.0);
        colorPal[x] += (uint16_t)fleK & 0x001F;  // Bottom 5 bits define blue
    case 4:  // Compute negative gray palette, black hot
      for(x = 0; x < 256; ++x)
        colorPal[255 - x] = (((uint16_t)x << 8) & 0xF800) + (((uint16_t)x << 3) & 0x07E0) + (((uint16_t)x >> 3) & 0x001F);
    default:  // Compute gray palette, white hot
      for(x = 0; x < 256; ++x)
        colorPal[x] = (((uint16_t)x << 8) & 0xF800) + (((uint16_t)x << 3) & 0x07E0) + (((uint16_t)x >> 3) & 0x001F);

void setColorRange(int presetIndex) { // Set coldest/hottest values in color range

  switch(presetIndex) {
    case 1:  // Standard range, from FLIR document: 50F to 90F
      colorLow = 10.0;
      colorHigh = 32.22;
    case 2:  // Cool/warm range, for detecting mammals outdoors
      colorLow = 5.0;
      colorHigh = 32.0;
    case 3:  // Warm/warmer range, for detecting mammals indoors
      colorLow = 20.0;
      colorHigh = 32.0;
    case 4:  // Hot spots, is anything hotter than it ought to be?
      colorLow = 20.0;
      colorHigh = 50.0;
    case 5:  // Fire & ice, extreme temperatures only!
      colorLow = -10.0;
      colorHigh = 200.0;
    case 6:  // Fever alert, a scale with 'hot alarm' colors ceneterd at a preset fever threshold
      colorLow =  ((FEVER_THRESH - FEVER_SPAN * 0.875) - 32.0) / 1.8;
      colorHigh = ((FEVER_THRESH + FEVER_SPAN * 0.125) - 32.0) / 1.8;
    default:  // Default is autorange, so these values will change with every frame
      colorLow = 0.0;
      colorHigh = 100.0;

// Draw the stationary screen elements behind the live camera window
void setBackdrop(uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t buttonFunc) {

  for(int x = 0; x < 160; ++x)   // Paint current palette across bottom
    arcada.display->drawFastVLine(x, 110, 6, colorPal[map(x, 0, 159, 0, 255)]);

  arcada.display->setCursor(16, 120);
  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF, bgColor);    // White text, current BG for button labels
  switch(buttonFunc) {
    case 0:
      arcada.display->print("B:MENU        A:FREEZE");
    case 1:
      arcada.display->print("B:MENU       ");
      if(nextBMPindex == 0)                         // No room to store a BMP in flash media?
        arcada.display->setTextColor(GRAY_33 >> 1); // Grayed button label
    case 2:
      arcada.display->print("B:MENU    ");
      if(nextDirIndex == 0)                         // Has flash storage no room for a new directory?
        arcada.display->setTextColor(GRAY_33 >> 1); // Grayed button label
      arcada.display->print("A:START RECORD");
    case 3:
      arcada.display->print("B:MENU    ");
      arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF, 0xF800);  // White text, red BG recording indicator
      arcada.display->print("A:STOP RECORD");
    case 4:
      arcada.display->print("               A:EXIT"); // Use for bitmap redisplay only

void prepForSave() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 768; ++x)
    pixelArray[3 * x + 2] = pixelArray[3 * x + 1] = pixelArray[3 * x];  // Copy each blue byte into R & G for 256 grays in 24 bits

  if(!writeBMP()) {                                      // Did BMP write to flash fail?
    arcada.display->fillRect(0, 96, 160, 12, 0xF800);    // Red error signal
    arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF);                // with white text
    arcada.display->setCursor(20, 99);
    arcada.display->print("Storage error!");

boolean newDirectory() { // Create a subdirectory, converting the name between char arrays and string objects
  char fileArray[64];
  String fullPath;

  sprintf(fileArray, DIR_FORMAT, nextDirIndex); // Generate subdirectory name
  fullPath = BOTTOM_DIR + String(fileArray);    // Make a filepath out of it, then
  return arcada.mkdir(fullPath.c_str());        // try to make a real subdirectory from it

// Here we write the actual bytes of a BMP file (plus extras) to flash media
boolean writeBMP() {
  uint16_t counter1, shiftedFloats[14]; // A buffer for the appended floats and uint16_t's
  uint32_t timeStamp;
  float shiftAssist;
  char fileArray[64];
  String fullPath;

// First, figure out a name and path for our new BMP
  fullPath = BOTTOM_DIR;                              // Build a filepath starting with the base subdirectory
  if(buttonRfunc == 2) {                              // BMP sequence recording in progress?
    sprintf(fileArray, DIR_FORMAT, nextDirIndex);     // Generate subdirectory name
    fullPath += String(fileArray);                    // Add it to the path
    sprintf(fileArray, BMP_FORMAT, nextBMPsequence);  // Generate a sequential filename
    fullPath += String(fileArray);                    // Complete the filepath string
  } else {                                            // Not a sequence, solitary BMP file
    sprintf(fileArray, BMP_FORMAT, nextBMPindex);     // Generate a serial filename
    fullPath += String(fileArray);                    // Complete the filepath string

  myFile = arcada.open(fullPath.c_str(), FILE_WRITE); // Only one file can be open at a time

  if(myFile) {                      // If the file opened okay, write to it:
    myFile.write(BmpPSPHead, 14);   // BMP header 1
    myFile.write(DIBHeadPSP1, 40);  // BMP header 2
    myFile.write(pixelArray, 2304); // Array of 768 BGR byte triples
    myFile.write(PSPpad, 2);        // Pad with 2 zeros 'cause Photoshop does it.

    // My BMP hack - append 5 fixed-point temperature values as 40 extra bytes
    for(counter1 = 0; counter1 < 5; ++counter1) {    // Shift 5 floats
      shiftAssist = sneakFloats[counter1] + 1000.0;  // Offset MLX90640 temps to positive
      shiftedFloats[counter1 * 2] = (uint16_t)shiftAssist;
      shiftAssist = (shiftAssist - (float)shiftedFloats[counter1 * 2]) * 49152.0; // Scale up fraction
      shiftedFloats[counter1 * 2 + 1] = (uint16_t)shiftAssist;

    shiftedFloats[10] = lowAddr;   // Two more appended numbers, the 2 extreme pixel addresses
    shiftedFloats[11] = highAddr;

    timeStamp = millis();         // Recycle this variable to append a time stamp
    lowAddr = timeStamp & 0xFFFF;
    highAddr = timeStamp >> 16;
    shiftedFloats[12] = lowAddr;
    shiftedFloats[13] = highAddr;

    myFile.write(shiftedFloats, 28);  // Write appended uint16_t's

    return true;
  } else {          // The file didn't open, return error
    return false;

void recallLastBMP(uint16_t bgColor) {  // Display 8-bit values left in buffer from the last BMP save
  int counter1, counter2;
  boolean exitFlag = false;

  setBackdrop(bgColor, 4);  // Clear screen, just a color palette & "A:EXIT" in the BG

  for(int counter1 = 0; counter1 < 24; ++counter1) {  // Redraw using leftover red byte values, not yet overwritten
    for(int counter2 = 0 ; counter2 < 32 ; ++counter2) {
      arcada.display->fillRect(16 + counter2 * 4, 92 - counter1 * 4, 4, 4,
                   colorPal[(uint16_t)pixelArray[3 * (32 * counter1 + counter2) + 2]]);

  while(!exitFlag) {  // Loop here until exit button
    if(!buttonActive && (buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A)) { // "A:EXIT" button freshly pressed?
      exitFlag = true;
      buttonActive = true;
      deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;

    if(buttonActive && millis() > deBounce
       && (buttonBits & (ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A | ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_B)) == 0)  // Has de-bounce wait expired & all buttons released?
      buttonActive = false;               // Clear flag to allow another button press

uint16_t availableFileNumber(uint16_t startNumber, String formatBase) { // Find unclaimed serial number for file series
  uint16_t counter1;
  char nameArray[80];

  for(counter1 = startNumber; counter1 % MAX_SERIAL != 0; ++counter1) { // Start counting
    sprintf(nameArray, formatBase.c_str(), counter1);                   // Generate a serialized filename
    if(!arcada.exists(nameArray))                                       // If it doesn't already exist
      return counter1;                                                  // return the number as available
  return 0; // Loop finished, no free number found, return fail

boolean menuLoop(uint16_t bgColor) {  // Lay out a menu screen, interact to change values
  int counter1 = 0, scrollPosition = 0;
  boolean exitFlag = false, settingsChanged = false;
  uint32_t menuButtons;

  arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * (counter1 + scrollPosition) + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, 0x0000);  // Black stripe cursor on menu

  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF);             // White text
  arcada.display->setCursor(16, 120);               // at screen bottom
  arcada.display->print("B:ADVANCE     A:CHANGE");  // for button labels

  for(counter1 = 0; counter1 < MENU_ROWS; ++counter1) {  // Display menu texts
    menuLines(counter1, scrollPosition);
  counter1 = 0;

  while(!exitFlag) { // Loop until exit is activated
    if(!buttonActive && (buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_B)) {  // Fresh press of B:ADVANCE button?
      buttonActive = true;                                     // Set button flag
      deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;                         // and start debounce timer.

      arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * (counter1 - scrollPosition) + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, bgColor); // Erase cursor & text
      menuLines(counter1, scrollPosition);                     // Refresh menu text line
      counter1 = (counter1 + 1) % MENU_LEN;                    // Advance menu counter

      if(counter1 == 0) {                                      // Have we cycled around to the menu top?
        scrollPosition = 0;
        for(int counter2 = 0; counter2 < MENU_ROWS; ++counter2) {  // Redisplay all menu texts
          arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * counter2 + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, bgColor); // Erase old text
          menuLines(counter2 + scrollPosition, scrollPosition);    // Redraw each text line
      } else if((counter1 + 1 < MENU_LEN) && (counter1 - scrollPosition == MENU_ROWS - 1)) { // Should we scroll down 1 menu line?
        for(int counter2 = 0; counter2 < MENU_ROWS; ++counter2) {  // Redisplay all menu texts
          arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * counter2 + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, bgColor); // Erase old text
          menuLines(counter2 + scrollPosition, scrollPosition);    // Redraw each text line

      arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * (counter1 - scrollPosition) + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, 0x0000);  // New black cursor
      menuLines(counter1, scrollPosition);                     // Refresh text line
      deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;                         // Restart debounce timer, just for safety

    if(!buttonActive && (buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A)) {  // Fresh press of A:CHANGE button?
      buttonActive = true;                                     // Set button flag
      deBounce = millis() + DE_BOUNCE;                         // and start debounce timer.

      switch(counter1) {       // Change whichever setting is currently hilighted
        case 0:
          showLastCap = true;  // Set flag to display the last frame captured to SD
          exitFlag = true;     // and exit
        case 1:
          celsiusFlag = !celsiusFlag; // Toggle Celsius/Fahrenheit
        case 2:
          buttonRfunc = (buttonRfunc + 1) % 3; // Step through button functions
        case 3:
          loadPalette(paletteNum = (paletteNum + 1) % 5); // Step through various color palettes
        case 4:
          thermRange = (thermRange + 1) % 7; // Step through various temp range presets
        case 5:
          markersOn = !markersOn; // Toggle hot/cold marker visibility
        case 6:
          mirrorFlag = !mirrorFlag; // Toggle mirrored display
        case 7:
          switch(frameRate = (frameRate + 1) % 6) {              // 6 frame rates, 0.5 to 16 in powers of 2
            case 0: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_0_5_HZ); break;
            case 1: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_1_HZ); break;
            case 2: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_2_HZ); break;
            case 3: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_4_HZ); break;
            case 4: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_8_HZ); break;
            default: mlx.setRefreshRate(MLX90640_16_HZ); break;
        case 8:
          emissivity = (emissivity + 90) % 100; // Step from 95% to 5% by -10%
        case 9:
          smoothing = !smoothing; // Toggle pixel smoothing
        case 10:
          arcada.setBacklight((screenDim = !screenDim) ? 64 : 255); // Change backlight LED
        case 11:
          alarmBeep = !alarmBeep; // Toggle fever alert sound effect
          exitFlag = true;
      if((counter1 > 0) && (counter1 < MENU_LEN - 1))    // Was any setting just changed?
        settingsChanged = true;

      arcada.display->fillRect(0, 12 * (counter1 - scrollPosition) + MENU_VPOS - 2, 160, 12, 0x0000); // Erase hilit menu line
      menuLines(counter1, scrollPosition);   // Retype hilit menu line

    if(buttonActive && millis() > deBounce
       && (buttonBits & (ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A | ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_B)) == 0)  // Has de-bounce wait expired & all buttons released?
      buttonActive = false;               // Clear flag to allow another button press

void menuLines(int lineNumber, int scrollPos) {  // Screen print a single line in the settings menu

  arcada.display->setTextColor(0xFFFF);               // White text
  arcada.display->setCursor(10, 12 * (lineNumber - scrollPos) + MENU_VPOS); // Menu lines 12 pixels apart

  if(lineNumber - scrollPos == 0 && scrollPos > 0) {  // Are any menu lines scrolled off screen top?
    arcada.display->print("           ^");            // Print a small up arrow indicator
  } else if(lineNumber - scrollPos == 8 && lineNumber + 1 < MENU_LEN) { // How about off the bottom?
    arcada.display->print("           v");            // Print a small down arrow indicator... yeah, it's a v
  } else {

    switch(lineNumber) {
      case 0:
        arcada.display->print("  Display last capture");
      case 1:
        arcada.display->print("     Scale - ");
        arcada.display->print(celsiusFlag ? "CELSIUS" : "FAHRENHEIT");
      case 2:
        arcada.display->print(" Rt button - ");
        switch(buttonRfunc) {
          case 1:
            arcada.display->print("CAPTURE"); break;
          case 2:
            arcada.display->print("RECORD"); break;
            arcada.display->print("FREEZE"); break;
      case 3:
        arcada.display->print("   Palette - ");
        for(int xPos = 0; xPos < 72; ++xPos)   // Display the current heat spectrum colors
          arcada.display->drawFastVLine(xPos + 87, (lineNumber - scrollPos) * 12 + MENU_VPOS,
                                        8, colorPal[map(xPos, 0, 71, 0, 255)]);
        switch(paletteNum) {
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 3:
            arcada.display->setTextColor(0x0000);    // Black text for reverse contrast
          case 4:
            arcada.display->setTextColor(0x0000);    // Black text
            arcada.display->print("BLACK HOT");
            arcada.display->print("WHITE HOT");
      case 4:
        arcada.display->print("Temp range - ");
        switch(thermRange) {
          case 1:
            arcada.display->print("STANDARD"); break;
          case 2:
            arcada.display->print("COOL/WARM"); break;
          case 3:
            arcada.display->print("WARM/WARMER"); break;
          case 4:
            arcada.display->print("HOT SPOTS"); break;
          case 5:
            arcada.display->print("FIRE & ICE"); break;
          case 6:
            arcada.display->print("FEVER ALERT"); break;
            arcada.display->print("AUTO-RANGE"); break;
      case 5:
        arcada.display->print("   Markers - ");
        arcada.display->print(markersOn ? "ON" : "OFF");
      case 6:
        arcada.display->print("     Image - ");
        arcada.display->print(mirrorFlag ? "MIRRORED" : "FORWARD");
      case 7:
        arcada.display->print("Frame rate - ");
        arcada.display->print((float)(1 << frameRate) * 0.5);
        arcada.display->print(" FPS");
      case 8:
        arcada.display->setTextColor(GRAY_33 << 1); // Grayed menu item
        arcada.display->print("Emissivity - ");
      case 9:
        arcada.display->setTextColor(GRAY_33 << 1); // Grayed menu item
        arcada.display->print(" Smoothing - ");
        arcada.display->print(smoothing ? "ON" : "OFF");
      case 10:
        arcada.display->print(" Backlight - ");
        arcada.display->print(screenDim ? "DIM" : "FULL");
      case 11:
        arcada.display->print("Alarm beep - ");
        arcada.display->print(alarmBeep ? "ON" : "MUTE");
        arcada.display->print("       Exit menu");

// This is the function that substitutes for GPIO external interrupts
// It will check for A and B button presses at 50Hz
void buttonCatcher(void) {
  buttonBits = arcada.readButtons();
  clickFlagMenu |= (buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_B) != 0;
  clickFlagSelect |= (buttonBits & ARCADA_BUTTONMASK_A) != 0;
The other file won't fit here. You can download it from Github.com under sound.h. The sound data is copied from PhilB's Joy of Arcada guide. Thanks, PhilB.

Here's what the sketch does. It functions in the same way as the original thermal camera sketch in the guide, but with a different configuration at launch. It starts up with 'Hot Alarm' as the color palette and 4 FPS as the frame rate, and a new color range preset I call 'Fever Alert'. Temperatures above a preset value show up highlighted on the screen in alarm colors of reds and yellows, and trigger a sound effect. It's meant to quickly identify objects or people that are warmer than they ought to be.
FeverCup001.gif (22.79 KiB) Viewed 1230 times
The radiant temperature alert threshold is 96.4F, as listed in Comparison of 3 Infrared Thermal Detection Systems and Self-Report for Mass Fever Screening from the CDC. This can be changed if needed, by altering a #define value at the head of the sketch. The default emissivity compensation of the MLX90640 is 0.95, quite close to the common emissivity of human skin, listed as 0.98.
Detected temperatures above the threshold result in a "pew pew" sound effect, so that the operator may look away from the screen while staying alert to high temperatures. (The "pew" sound was the only Arcada compatible audio I could find on short notice. Replace it if you wish.) The sound effect can be muted from the settings menu.

Again, this is not a diagnostic tool, but it might provide a low-cost means of quickly screening people with elevated temperatures. It senses less accurately at longer distances, and any hot object can trigger an alert, like a cup of coffee. If it can aid in improving security or public health, by all means use it freely. I shall check in regularly and answer whatever questions I can. I'm no coding wizard, but this is my best contribution, thanks to Adafruit.


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Re: Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

Nice work Disciple. Thanks for posting!

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Re: Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

Post by bartabbott »

Nice update to the camera sketch. I loaded it, but was wondering. My PyBadge doesn't have the speaker installed. Is it required for the sounds to be heard?

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Re: Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

Post by Disciple »

bartabbott wrote:My PyBadge doesn't have the speaker installed. Is it required for the sounds to be heard?
The PyBadge's built-in speaker does produce an audible sound. It's what my Pybadge uses. Adding an 8-ohm speaker to your PyBadge will make the sounds more audible. Refer to the guide for connection details. Hope this helps.


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Re: Fever Alert - Modding the MLX90640 PyBadge Thermal Cam

Post by Disciple »

Positive Effects of a Heat Wave
  1. You can wear a breathing mask without fogging your glasses,
  2. You can fry eggs using clean, carbon-neutral energy,
  3. You can observe unusual phenomena with your MLX90640 Thermal Imaging Camera
Typical thermal images of people are fascinating things, with their body heat indicated in colors like glowing lava radiating in a cool purplish environment.
IronbowFace01.jpg (12.28 KiB) Viewed 231 times
The picture changes on a very hot day. That's when the surroundings can become hotter than a person's body temperature, and the colors seem to go in reverse, since the person might be the coolest thing in the room. Here's a selfie from last Monday. It's noisy, since the warm room was only somewhat hotter than my skin.
HeatWaveFace001.jpg (24.8 KiB) Viewed 231 times
The camera offers a means to explore how the human body is designed to maintain a steady, healthy core temperature even in extreme environments, an affordable discovery tool for STEAM students. They can learn how animals sometimes use alternative methods of thermal self regulation. The camera might even help detect if someone is overheating in hot weather. What could you discover using such an instrument? Add your comments here, and thanks for reading.


Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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