I have NEVER been able to connect to any network with either of them, even when using the example test code from "Adafruit MagTag - Adafruit learn...".
Installing CircuitPython worked perfectly - no problems there.
The test code loads fine.
The initial network scan works - it can see mine and other nearby wifi networks no problems.
When attempting to connect to my network, it always fails with "ConnectionError: Unknown failure 205"
Full output of test script:
Code: Select all
Adafruit CircuitPython 6.2.0-beta.2 on 2021-02-11; Adafruit MagTag with ESP32S2
soft reboot
Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.
code.py output:
ESP32-S2 WebClient Test
My MAC addr: ['0x7c', '0xdf', '0xa1', '0x1', '0x8b', '0x28']
Available WiFi networks:
DIRECT-1A-HP OfficeJet Pro 7740 RSSI: -62 Channel: 6
eastnet RSSI: -60 Channel: 1
Connecting to eastnet
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "code.py", line 30, in <module>
ConnectionError: Unknown failure 205
Code done running.
Code: Select all
wifi.radio.connect(secrets["ssid"], secrets["password"])
I've deleted entries for external networks detected from the "Available WiFi networks" list above, however it HAS detected networks well over 50 metres away!
I have several ESP32 Devkit-v2 and other ESP32 boards (not running circuitpython) which connect with my wifi network without any problems...
Testing has been done with magtag around 3 metres from wifi router - moving it closer or further away makes no difference.
The magtags can see other networks during available wifi network scan, so obviously not a hardware problem.