BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

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BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »


I have adapted the Adafruit_BNO055 library so that is uses the i2c_t3 library for I2C instead of Wire. Now, you can use any I2C bus and pins of Teensy with the BNO055 library.

This is my first trip into libraries so any feedback is welcome.

The library is named Adafruit_BNO055_t3.

To use the lib, get i2c_t3 from here and install it.

In your code, type

Code: Select all

#include <i2c_t3.h>
instead of

Code: Select all

#include <Wire.h>

Code: Select all

#include <Adafruit_BNO055_t3.h>
instead of

Code: Select all

#include <Adafruit_BNO055.h>
Then, instead of typing

Code: Select all

Adafruit_BNO055 bno_A = Adafruit_BNO055(55, BNO055_ADDRESS_A);
to create a new instance of bno, you may type something like

Code: Select all

Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(WIRE1_BUS, -1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A, I2C_MASTER, I2C_PINS_29_30, I2C_PULLUP_INT, I2C_RATE_100, I2C_OP_MODE_ISR);
All the added parameters are explained in i2c_t3 documentation, apart from the first one, which adds the possibility to select the I2C bus (type WIRE_BUS or WIRE1_BUS).

This is Adafruit_BNO055_t3.h:

Code: Select all

 This is a library for the BNO055 orientation sensor
 Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BNO055 Breakout.
 Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!
 These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface.
 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 please support Adafruit andopen-source hardware by purchasing products
 from Adafruit!
 Written by KTOWN for Adafruit Industries.
 Roald Baudoux - 2016-03
 Updated 2016-03-15: i2c_bus type defined to set choice of Wire or Wire1
 MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution

#ifndef __ADAFRUIT_BNO055_H__
#define __ADAFRUIT_BNO055_H__

#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"

// code for AT_TINY85 deleted (no AT_TINY85 on Teensy boards)
#include <i2c_t3.h> // MODIFIED FROM Wire.h to i2c_t3.h

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <utility/imumaths.h>

#define BNO055_ADDRESS_A (0x28)
#define BNO055_ADDRESS_B (0x29)
#define BNO055_ID        (0xA0)


enum i2c_bus {WIRE_BUS, WIRE1_BUS}; // ADDED RB

typedef struct
    uint16_t accel_offset_x;
    uint16_t accel_offset_y;
    uint16_t accel_offset_z;
    uint16_t gyro_offset_x;
    uint16_t gyro_offset_y;
    uint16_t gyro_offset_z;
    uint16_t mag_offset_x;
    uint16_t mag_offset_y;
    uint16_t mag_offset_z;
    uint16_t accel_radius;
    uint16_t mag_radius;
} adafruit_bno055_offsets_t;

class Adafruit_BNO055 : public Adafruit_Sensor
    typedef enum
        /* Page id register definition */
        BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR                                     = 0X07,
        BNO055_CHIP_ID_ADDR                                     = 0x00,
        BNO055_ACCEL_REV_ID_ADDR                                = 0x01,
        BNO055_MAG_REV_ID_ADDR                                  = 0x02,
        BNO055_GYRO_REV_ID_ADDR                                 = 0x03,
        BNO055_SW_REV_ID_LSB_ADDR                               = 0x04,
        BNO055_SW_REV_ID_MSB_ADDR                               = 0x05,
        BNO055_BL_REV_ID_ADDR                                   = 0X06,
        /* Accel data register */
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X08,
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X09,
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X0A,
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X0B,
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X0C,
        BNO055_ACCEL_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X0D,
        /* Mag data register */
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                              = 0X0E,
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                              = 0X0F,
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                              = 0X10,
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                              = 0X11,
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                              = 0X12,
        BNO055_MAG_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                              = 0X13,
        /* Gyro data registers */
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                             = 0X14,
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                             = 0X15,
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                             = 0X16,
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                             = 0X17,
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                             = 0X18,
        BNO055_GYRO_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                             = 0X19,
        /* Euler data registers */
        BNO055_EULER_H_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1A,
        BNO055_EULER_H_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1B,
        BNO055_EULER_R_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1C,
        BNO055_EULER_R_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1D,
        BNO055_EULER_P_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1E,
        BNO055_EULER_P_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X1F,
        /* Quaternion data registers */
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_W_LSB_ADDR                       = 0X20,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_W_MSB_ADDR                       = 0X21,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                       = 0X22,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                       = 0X23,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                       = 0X24,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                       = 0X25,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                       = 0X26,
        BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                       = 0X27,
        /* Linear acceleration data registers */
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                     = 0X28,
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                     = 0X29,
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                     = 0X2A,
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                     = 0X2B,
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                     = 0X2C,
        BNO055_LINEAR_ACCEL_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                     = 0X2D,
        /* Gravity data registers */
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_X_LSB_ADDR                          = 0X2E,
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_X_MSB_ADDR                          = 0X2F,
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Y_LSB_ADDR                          = 0X30,
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Y_MSB_ADDR                          = 0X31,
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Z_LSB_ADDR                          = 0X32,
        BNO055_GRAVITY_DATA_Z_MSB_ADDR                          = 0X33,
        /* Temperature data register */
        BNO055_TEMP_ADDR                                        = 0X34,
        /* Status registers */
        BNO055_CALIB_STAT_ADDR                                  = 0X35,
        BNO055_SELFTEST_RESULT_ADDR                             = 0X36,
        BNO055_INTR_STAT_ADDR                                   = 0X37,
        BNO055_SYS_CLK_STAT_ADDR                                = 0X38,
        BNO055_SYS_STAT_ADDR                                    = 0X39,
        BNO055_SYS_ERR_ADDR                                     = 0X3A,
        /* Unit selection register */
        BNO055_UNIT_SEL_ADDR                                    = 0X3B,
        BNO055_DATA_SELECT_ADDR                                 = 0X3C,
        /* Mode registers */
        BNO055_OPR_MODE_ADDR                                    = 0X3D,
        BNO055_PWR_MODE_ADDR                                    = 0X3E,
        BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR                                 = 0X3F,
        BNO055_TEMP_SOURCE_ADDR                                 = 0X40,
        /* Axis remap registers */
        BNO055_AXIS_MAP_CONFIG_ADDR                             = 0X41,
        BNO055_AXIS_MAP_SIGN_ADDR                               = 0X42,
        /* SIC registers */
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_0_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X43,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_0_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X44,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_1_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X45,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_1_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X46,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_2_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X47,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_2_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X48,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_3_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X49,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_3_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X4A,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_4_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X4B,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_4_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X4C,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_5_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X4D,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_5_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X4E,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_6_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X4F,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_6_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X50,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_7_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X51,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_7_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X52,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_8_LSB_ADDR                            = 0X53,
        BNO055_SIC_MATRIX_8_MSB_ADDR                            = 0X54,
        /* Accelerometer Offset registers */
        ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X55,
        ACCEL_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X56,
        ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X57,
        ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X58,
        ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR                                 = 0X59,
        ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR                                 = 0X5A,
        /* Magnetometer Offset registers */
        MAG_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR                                   = 0X5B,
        MAG_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR                                   = 0X5C,
        MAG_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR                                   = 0X5D,
        MAG_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR                                   = 0X5E,
        MAG_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR                                   = 0X5F,
        MAG_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR                                   = 0X60,
        /* Gyroscope Offset register s*/
        GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR                                  = 0X61,
        GYRO_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR                                  = 0X62,
        GYRO_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR                                  = 0X63,
        GYRO_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR                                  = 0X64,
        GYRO_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR                                  = 0X65,
        GYRO_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR                                  = 0X66,
        /* Radius registers */
        ACCEL_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR                                   = 0X67,
        ACCEL_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR                                   = 0X68,
        MAG_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR                                     = 0X69,
        MAG_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR                                     = 0X6A
    } adafruit_bno055_reg_t;
    typedef enum
        POWER_MODE_NORMAL                                       = 0X00,
        POWER_MODE_LOWPOWER                                     = 0X01,
        POWER_MODE_SUSPEND                                      = 0X02
    } adafruit_bno055_powermode_t;
    typedef enum
        /* Operation mode settings*/
        OPERATION_MODE_CONFIG                                   = 0X00,
        OPERATION_MODE_ACCONLY                                  = 0X01,
        OPERATION_MODE_MAGONLY                                  = 0X02,
        OPERATION_MODE_GYRONLY                                  = 0X03,
        OPERATION_MODE_ACCMAG                                   = 0X04,
        OPERATION_MODE_ACCGYRO                                  = 0X05,
        OPERATION_MODE_MAGGYRO                                  = 0X06,
        OPERATION_MODE_AMG                                      = 0X07,
        OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS                                  = 0X08,
        OPERATION_MODE_COMPASS                                  = 0X09,
        OPERATION_MODE_M4G                                      = 0X0A,
        OPERATION_MODE_NDOF_FMC_OFF                             = 0X0B,
        OPERATION_MODE_NDOF                                     = 0X0C
    } adafruit_bno055_opmode_t;
    typedef enum
        REMAP_CONFIG_P0                                         = 0x21,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P1                                         = 0x24, // default
        REMAP_CONFIG_P2                                         = 0x24,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P3                                         = 0x21,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P4                                         = 0x24,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P5                                         = 0x21,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P6                                         = 0x21,
        REMAP_CONFIG_P7                                         = 0x24
    } adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_config_t;
    typedef enum
        REMAP_SIGN_P0                                           = 0x04,
        REMAP_SIGN_P1                                           = 0x00, // default
        REMAP_SIGN_P2                                           = 0x06,
        REMAP_SIGN_P3                                           = 0x02,
        REMAP_SIGN_P4                                           = 0x03,
        REMAP_SIGN_P5                                           = 0x01,
        REMAP_SIGN_P6                                           = 0x07,
        REMAP_SIGN_P7                                           = 0x05
    } adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_sign_t;
    typedef struct
        uint8_t  accel_rev;
        uint8_t  mag_rev;
        uint8_t  gyro_rev;
        uint16_t sw_rev;
        uint8_t  bl_rev;
    } adafruit_bno055_rev_info_t;
    typedef enum
        VECTOR_EULER         = BNO055_EULER_H_LSB_ADDR,
    } adafruit_vector_type_t;

    // Arduino Zero board check removed (No Zero in Teensy range)
    #error "On an arduino Zero, BNO055's ADR pin must be high. Fix that, then delete this line."
    Adafruit_BNO055 ( int32_t sensorID = -1, uint8_t address = BNO055_ADDRESS_B );
    Adafruit_BNO055 ( int32_t sensorID = -1, uint8_t address = BNO055_ADDRESS_A );
    Adafruit_BNO055 (i2c_bus iBus = WIRE_BUS, int32_t sensorID = -1, uint8_t aAddress = BNO055_ADDRESS_A, i2c_mode iMode = I2C_MASTER, i2c_pins pins = I2C_PINS_18_19, i2c_pullup pullup = I2C_PULLUP_INT, i2c_rate iRate = I2C_RATE_100, i2c_op_mode opeMode = I2C_OP_MODE_ISR); // MODIFIED
    bool  begin               ( adafruit_bno055_opmode_t aMode = OPERATION_MODE_NDOF );
    void  setMode             ( adafruit_bno055_opmode_t aMode );
    void  getRevInfo          ( adafruit_bno055_rev_info_t* );
    void  displayRevInfo      ( void );
    void  setExtCrystalUse    ( boolean usextal );
    void  getSystemStatus     ( uint8_t *system_status,
                               uint8_t *self_test_result,
                               uint8_t *system_error);
    void  displaySystemStatus ( void );
    void  getCalibration      ( uint8_t* system, uint8_t* gyro, uint8_t* accel, uint8_t* mag);
    imu::Vector<3>  getVector ( adafruit_vector_type_t vector_type );
    imu::Quaternion getQuat   ( void );
    int8_t          getTemp   ( void );
    /* Adafruit_Sensor implementation */
    bool  getEvent  ( sensors_event_t* );
    void  getSensor ( sensor_t* );
    /* Functions to deal with raw calibration data */
    bool  getSensorOffsets(uint8_t* calibData);
    bool  getSensorOffsets(adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &offsets_type);
    void  setSensorOffsets(const uint8_t* calibData);
    void  setSensorOffsets(const adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &offsets_type);
    bool  isFullyCalibrated(void);
    byte  read8   ( adafruit_bno055_reg_t );
    bool  readLen ( adafruit_bno055_reg_t, byte* buffer, uint8_t len );
    bool  write8  ( adafruit_bno055_reg_t, byte value );
    // bool _i2cBus; // ADDED : O for Wire and 1 for Wire1
    uint8_t _aAddress;
    int32_t _sensorID;
    adafruit_bno055_opmode_t _aMode;
    // ADDED RB :
    i2c_bus _iBus; // Wire or Wire 1
    i2c_mode _iMode; // MASTER OR SLAVE MODE
    i2c_pins _pins;
    i2c_pullup _pullup;
    i2c_rate _iRate;
    i2c_op_mode _opeMode;

This is Adafruit_BNO055_t3_V2.cpp:

Code: Select all

 This is a library for the BNO055 orientation sensor
 Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BNO055 Breakout.
 Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!
 These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface.
 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 please support Adafruit andopen-source hardware by purchasing products
 from Adafruit!
 Written by KTOWN for Adafruit Industries.
 Roald Baudoux - 2016-03
 Updated 2016-03-15: i2c_bus type defined to set choice of Wire or Wire1
 MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution

#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"

#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include "Adafruit_BNO055_t3.h" // MODIFIED RB


 @brief  Instantiates a new Adafruit_BNO055 class
 !!!!! MODIFIED TO BE COMPATIBLE  WITH I2C_T3 library instead of Wire
 // Params : I2C bus, sensor ID, address, I2C mode (master/slave), pins, pullups, freq, opMode (interrupt/DMA/immediate)
// OLD : Adafruit_BNO055::Adafruit_BNO055(int32_t sensorID, uint8_t address)
Adafruit_BNO055::Adafruit_BNO055(i2c_bus iBus, int32_t sensorID, uint8_t aAddress, i2c_mode iMode, i2c_pins pins, i2c_pullup pullup, i2c_rate iRate, i2c_op_mode opeMode)
    _iBus = iBus; // ADDED RB 0 for Wire() and 1 for Wire1();
    _sensorID = sensorID;
    _aAddress = aAddress;
    _iMode = iMode;         // ADDED RB
    _pins = pins;           // ADDED RB
    _pullup = pullup;       // ADDED RB
    _iRate = iRate;           // ADDED RB
    _opeMode = opeMode;       // ADDED RB


 @brief  Sets up the HW
bool Adafruit_BNO055::begin(adafruit_bno055_opmode_t aMode)
    /* Enable I2C */
    if (_iBus == WIRE_BUS)
        Wire.begin(_iMode, _aAddress, _pins, _pullup, _iRate, _opeMode);
        Wire1.begin(_iMode, _aAddress, _pins, _pullup, _iRate, _opeMode);
    /* Make sure we have the right device */
    uint8_t id = read8(BNO055_CHIP_ID_ADDR);
    if(id != BNO055_ID)
        delay(1000); // hold on for boot
        id = read8(BNO055_CHIP_ID_ADDR);
        if(id != BNO055_ID) {
            return false;  // still not? ok bail
    /* Switch to config mode (just in case since this is the default) */
    /* Reset */
    write8(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, 0x20);
    while (read8(BNO055_CHIP_ID_ADDR) != BNO055_ID)
    /* Set to normal power mode */
    write8(BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0);
    /* Set the output units */
     uint8_t unitsel = (0 << 7) | // Orientation = Android
     (0 << 4) | // Temperature = Celsius
     (0 << 2) | // Euler = Degrees
     (1 << 1) | // Gyro = Rads
     (0 << 0);  // Accelerometer = m/s^2
     write8(BNO055_UNIT_SEL_ADDR, unitsel);
    /* Configure axis mapping (see section 3.4) */
     write8(BNO055_AXIS_MAP_CONFIG_ADDR, REMAP_CONFIG_P2); // P0-P7, Default is P1
     write8(BNO055_AXIS_MAP_SIGN_ADDR, REMAP_SIGN_P2); // P0-P7, Default is P1
    write8(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, 0x0);
    /* Set the requested operating mode (see section 3.3) */
    return true;

 @brief  Puts the chip in the specified operating mode
void Adafruit_BNO055::setMode(adafruit_bno055_opmode_t aMode)
    _aMode = aMode;
    write8(BNO055_OPR_MODE_ADDR, _aMode);

 @brief  Use the external 32.768KHz crystal
void Adafruit_BNO055::setExtCrystalUse(boolean usextal)
    adafruit_bno055_opmode_t modeback = _aMode;
    /* Switch to config mode (just in case since this is the default) */
    write8(BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0);
    if (usextal) {
        write8(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, 0x80);
    } else {
        write8(BNO055_SYS_TRIGGER_ADDR, 0x00);
    /* Set the requested operating mode (see section 3.3) */

 @brief  Gets the latest system status info
void Adafruit_BNO055::getSystemStatus(uint8_t *system_status, uint8_t *self_test_result, uint8_t *system_error)
    write8(BNO055_PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0);
    /* System Status (see section 4.3.58)
     0 = Idle
     1 = System Error
     2 = Initializing Peripherals
     3 = System Iniitalization
     4 = Executing Self-Test
     5 = Sensor fusio algorithm running
     6 = System running without fusion algorithms */
    if (system_status != 0)
        *system_status    = read8(BNO055_SYS_STAT_ADDR);
    /* Self Test Results (see section )
     1 = test passed, 0 = test failed
     Bit 0 = Accelerometer self test
     Bit 1 = Magnetometer self test
     Bit 2 = Gyroscope self test
     Bit 3 = MCU self test
     0x0F = all good! */
    if (self_test_result != 0)
        *self_test_result = read8(BNO055_SELFTEST_RESULT_ADDR);
    /* System Error (see section 4.3.59)
     0 = No error
     1 = Peripheral initialization error
     2 = System initialization error
     3 = Self test result failed
     4 = Register map value out of range
     5 = Register map address out of range
     6 = Register map write error
     7 = BNO low power mode not available for selected operat ion mode
     8 = Accelerometer power mode not available
     9 = Fusion algorithm configuration error
     A = Sensor configuration error */
    if (system_error != 0)
        *system_error     = read8(BNO055_SYS_ERR_ADDR);

 @brief  Gets the chip revision numbers
void Adafruit_BNO055::getRevInfo(adafruit_bno055_rev_info_t* info)
    uint8_t a, b;
    memset(info, 0, sizeof(adafruit_bno055_rev_info_t));
    /* Check the accelerometer revision */
    info->accel_rev = read8(BNO055_ACCEL_REV_ID_ADDR);
    /* Check the magnetometer revision */
    info->mag_rev   = read8(BNO055_MAG_REV_ID_ADDR);
    /* Check the gyroscope revision */
    info->gyro_rev  = read8(BNO055_GYRO_REV_ID_ADDR);
    /* Check the SW revision */
    info->bl_rev    = read8(BNO055_BL_REV_ID_ADDR);
    a = read8(BNO055_SW_REV_ID_LSB_ADDR);
    b = read8(BNO055_SW_REV_ID_MSB_ADDR);
    info->sw_rev = (((uint16_t)b) << 8) | ((uint16_t)a);

 @brief  Gets current calibration state.  Each value should be a uint8_t
 pointer and it will be set to 0 if not calibrated and 3 if
 fully calibrated.
void Adafruit_BNO055::getCalibration(uint8_t* sys, uint8_t* gyro, uint8_t* accel, uint8_t* mag) {
    uint8_t calData = read8(BNO055_CALIB_STAT_ADDR);
    if (sys != NULL) {
        *sys = (calData >> 6) & 0x03;
    if (gyro != NULL) {
        *gyro = (calData >> 4) & 0x03;
    if (accel != NULL) {
        *accel = (calData >> 2) & 0x03;
    if (mag != NULL) {
        *mag = calData & 0x03;

 @brief  Gets the temperature in degrees celsius
int8_t Adafruit_BNO055::getTemp(void)
    int8_t temp = (int8_t)(read8(BNO055_TEMP_ADDR));
    return temp;

 @brief  Gets a vector reading from the specified source
imu::Vector<3> Adafruit_BNO055::getVector(adafruit_vector_type_t vector_type)
    imu::Vector<3> xyz;
    uint8_t buffer[6];
    memset (buffer, 0, 6);
    int16_t x, y, z;
    x = y = z = 0;
    /* Read vector data (6 bytes) */
    readLen((adafruit_bno055_reg_t)vector_type, buffer, 6);
    x = ((int16_t)buffer[0]) | (((int16_t)buffer[1]) << 8);
    y = ((int16_t)buffer[2]) | (((int16_t)buffer[3]) << 8);
    z = ((int16_t)buffer[4]) | (((int16_t)buffer[5]) << 8);
    /* Convert the value to an appropriate range (section 3.6.4) */
    /* and assign the value to the Vector type */
            /* 1uT = 16 LSB */
            xyz[0] = ((double)x)/16.0;
            xyz[1] = ((double)y)/16.0;
            xyz[2] = ((double)z)/16.0;
        case VECTOR_GYROSCOPE:
            /* 1rps = 900 LSB */
            xyz[0] = ((double)x)/900.0;
            xyz[1] = ((double)y)/900.0;
            xyz[2] = ((double)z)/900.0;
        case VECTOR_EULER:
            /* 1 degree = 16 LSB */
            xyz[0] = ((double)x)/16.0;
            xyz[1] = ((double)y)/16.0;
            xyz[2] = ((double)z)/16.0;
        case VECTOR_GRAVITY:
            /* 1m/s^2 = 100 LSB */
            xyz[0] = ((double)x)/100.0;
            xyz[1] = ((double)y)/100.0;
            xyz[2] = ((double)z)/100.0;
    return xyz;

 @brief  Gets a quaternion reading from the specified source
imu::Quaternion Adafruit_BNO055::getQuat(void)
    uint8_t buffer[8];
    memset (buffer, 0, 8);
    int16_t x, y, z, w;
    x = y = z = w = 0;
    /* Read quat data (8 bytes) */
    readLen(BNO055_QUATERNION_DATA_W_LSB_ADDR, buffer, 8);
    w = (((uint16_t)buffer[1]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)buffer[0]);
    x = (((uint16_t)buffer[3]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)buffer[2]);
    y = (((uint16_t)buffer[5]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)buffer[4]);
    z = (((uint16_t)buffer[7]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)buffer[6]);
    /* Assign to Quaternion */
    /* See Orientation (Quaternion)  */
    const double scale = (1.0 / (1<<14));
    imu::Quaternion quat(scale * w, scale * x, scale * y, scale * z);
    return quat;

 @brief  Provides the sensor_t data for this sensor
void Adafruit_BNO055::getSensor(sensor_t *sensor)
    /* Clear the sensor_t object */
    memset(sensor, 0, sizeof(sensor_t));
    /* Insert the sensor name in the fixed length char array */
    strncpy (sensor->name, "BNO055", sizeof(sensor->name) - 1);
    sensor->name[sizeof(sensor->name)- 1] = 0;
    sensor->version     = 1;
    sensor->sensor_id   = _sensorID;
    sensor->type        = SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION;
    sensor->min_delay   = 0;
    sensor->max_value   = 0.0F;
    sensor->min_value   = 0.0F;
    sensor->resolution  = 0.01F;

 @brief  Reads the sensor and returns the data as a sensors_event_t
bool Adafruit_BNO055::getEvent(sensors_event_t *event)
    /* Clear the event */
    memset(event, 0, sizeof(sensors_event_t));
    event->version   = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    event->sensor_id = _sensorID;
    event->type      = SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION;
    event->timestamp = millis();
    /* Get a Euler angle sample for orientation */
    imu::Vector<3> euler = getVector(Adafruit_BNO055::VECTOR_EULER);
    event->orientation.x = euler.x();
    event->orientation.y = euler.y();
    event->orientation.z = euler.z();
    return true;

 @brief  Reads the sensor's offset registers into a byte array
bool Adafruit_BNO055::getSensorOffsets(uint8_t* calibData)
    if (isFullyCalibrated())
        adafruit_bno055_opmode_t lastMode = _aMode;
        return true;
    return false;

 @brief  Reads the sensor's offset registers into an offset struct
bool Adafruit_BNO055::getSensorOffsets(adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &offsets_type)
    if (isFullyCalibrated())
        adafruit_bno055_opmode_t lastMode = _aMode;
        offsets_type.accel_offset_x = (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.accel_offset_y = (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.accel_offset_z = (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.gyro_offset_x = (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.gyro_offset_y = (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.gyro_offset_z = (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.mag_offset_x = (read8(MAG_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(MAG_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.mag_offset_y = (read8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.mag_offset_z = (read8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.accel_radius = (read8(ACCEL_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(ACCEL_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR));
        offsets_type.mag_radius = (read8(MAG_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR) << 8) | (read8(MAG_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR));
        return true;
    return false;

 @brief  Writes an array of calibration values to the sensor's offset registers
void Adafruit_BNO055::setSensorOffsets(const uint8_t* calibData)
    adafruit_bno055_opmode_t lastMode = _aMode;
    /* A writeLen() would make this much cleaner */
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, calibData[0]);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, calibData[1]);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, calibData[2]);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, calibData[3]);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, calibData[4]);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, calibData[5]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, calibData[6]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, calibData[7]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, calibData[8]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, calibData[9]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, calibData[10]);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, calibData[11]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, calibData[12]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, calibData[13]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, calibData[14]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, calibData[15]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, calibData[16]);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, calibData[17]);
    write8(ACCEL_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR, calibData[18]);
    write8(ACCEL_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR, calibData[19]);
    write8(MAG_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR, calibData[20]);
    write8(MAG_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR, calibData[21]);

 @brief  Writes to the sensor's offset registers from an offset struct
void Adafruit_BNO055::setSensorOffsets(const adafruit_bno055_offsets_t &offsets_type)
    adafruit_bno055_opmode_t lastMode = _aMode;
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_x) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_x >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_y) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_y >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_z) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_offset_z >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_x) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_x >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_y) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_y >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_z) & 0x0FF);
    write8(GYRO_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.gyro_offset_z >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_X_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_x) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_X_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_x >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_y) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Y_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_y >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_z) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_OFFSET_Z_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_offset_z >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_radius) & 0x0FF);
    write8(ACCEL_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.accel_radius >> 8) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_RADIUS_LSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_radius) & 0x0FF);
    write8(MAG_RADIUS_MSB_ADDR, (offsets_type.mag_radius >> 8) & 0x0FF);

bool Adafruit_BNO055::isFullyCalibrated(void)
    uint8_t system, gyro, accel, mag;
    getCalibration(&system, &gyro, &accel, &mag);
    if (system < 3 || gyro < 3 || accel < 3 || mag < 3)
        return false;
    return true;


 @brief  Writes an 8 bit value over I2C
bool Adafruit_BNO055::write8(adafruit_bno055_reg_t reg, byte value)
    if (_iBus == WIRE_BUS)
        Wire.beginTransmission(_aAddress); //// MODIFIED RB
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.write((uint8_t)value); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.send(reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.send(value); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.endTransmission(); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        /* ToDo: Check for error! */
        return true;
        Wire1.beginTransmission(_aAddress); //// MODIFIED RB
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire1.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.write((uint8_t)value); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.send(reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.send(value); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.endTransmission(); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        /* ToDo: Check for error! */
        return true;

 @brief  Reads an 8 bit value over I2C
byte Adafruit_BNO055::read8(adafruit_bno055_reg_t reg )
    byte value = 0;
    if (_iBus == WIRE_BUS)
        Wire.beginTransmission(_aAddress); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.requestFrom(_aAddress, (byte)1); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        value =; /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        value = Wire.readByte(); //// MODIFIED RB receive -> readByte
        return value;
        Wire1.beginTransmission(_aAddress); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire1.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.requestFrom(_aAddress, (byte)1); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        value =; /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        value = Wire1.readByte(); //// MODIFIED RB receive -> readByte
        return value;

 @brief  Reads the specified number of bytes over I2C
bool Adafruit_BNO055::readLen(adafruit_bno055_reg_t reg, byte * buffer, uint8_t len)
    if (_iBus == WIRE_BUS)
        Wire.beginTransmission(_aAddress); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.send(reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire.requestFrom(_aAddress, (byte)len); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
            #if ARDUINO >= 100
            buffer[i] =; /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
            buffer[i] = Wire.readByte(); //// MODIFIE RB receive -> readByte
        /* ToDo: Check for errors! */
        return true;
        Wire1.beginTransmission(_aAddress); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        #if ARDUINO >= 100
        Wire1.write((uint8_t)reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.send(reg); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        Wire1.requestFrom(_aAddress, (byte)len); /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
            #if ARDUINO >= 100
            buffer[i] =; /// TO BE MODIFIED? NO
            buffer[i] = Wire1.readByte(); //// MODIFIE RB receive -> readByte
        /* ToDo: Check for errors! */
        return true;
Please note that a few variable's names have been changed to ease debugging while modifying the library.

I hope this code is useful.

EDIT : please note that an updated version of Adafruit_BNO055_t3_V2.cpp is provided in a later post within this thread.
Last edited by amundsen on Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by adafruit_support_mike »

Nicely done! Thanks for posting.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by nate2400 »

Thanks for making the library! This will save me a lot of time. Have you been able to successfully use the BNO055 with this library and Teensy's internal pullups? I'm trying to use your library now and I get the default error from the adafruit examples that there's no BNO055 detected. My bno call looks like this:

Code: Select all

Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(WIRE_BUS, -1, BNO055_ADDRESS_A, I2C_MASTER, I2C_PINS_18_19, I2C_PULLUP_INT, I2C_RATE_100, I2C_OP_MODE_ISR);
I do have the sensor connected to pins 18 and 19, so I'm not sure what the problem could be unless it's something with the pullups.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

Hello nate2400,

I have three BNO055 breakouts. One, on pins 29-30 / WIRE1, is close to the Teeny so I use it with the internal pull-ups. However the two others, on pins 18-19 / WIRE, are on a longer bus (around 50cm), so I have inserted external pull-ups for these ones.

Using the internal pull-ups could cause the issue. Previously, faulty code made me setting the farthest sensors to use the internal pull-ups and they were not reported. Now with the code corrected they are detected.

Could you try your sensor without my lib to check?

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by nate2400 »

We actually have very similar projects: I'm eventually trying to connect 4 BNO005's to a Teensy 3.2. When I use the default library, I don't get the error message ("Ooops, no BNO055 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!") but I don't get any readings either. It just prints "Orientation Sensor Raw Data Test". Then does nothing. Using your library I do get the error message.

I've tried adding external pullups, which didn't help. I've also tested this sensor on an arduino and it seems to work fine, so I'm very confused what the problem is here....

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

Actually sometimes I have the same issue of detection, but not always with the same sensor. Sometimes it's the first one, sometimes the second, sometimes the third. I have no idea where it comes from neither. :-(

Here's the code I use to know which sensor is not detected.

Note that sometimes nothing at all is displayed. :-((

Code: Select all

  /* Initialise the sensor */
    /* There was a problem detecting one or both the BNO055 ... check your connections */
    Serial1.print("Ooops, no BNO055-A detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!");
  } else Serial1.println("BNO-A detected!");
    /* There was a problem detecting one or both the BNO055 ... check your connections */
    Serial1.print("Ooops, no BNO055-B detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!");
  } else Serial1.println("BNO-B detected!");
    /* There was a problem detecting one or both the BNO055 ... check your connections */
    Serial1.print("Ooops, no BNO055-C detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!");
  } else Serial1.println("BNO-C detected!");
  Serial1.println("All IMUs detected!");

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by nate2400 »

I just got my sensor working with Teensy and the problem was not in your library, just a physical connection problem I had on my board. The library works great now, thanks!

My BNO055 still will sometimes not output anything for no apparent reason though, like you said in your post. Very strange

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by nate2400 »

Did you ever figure out what causes one of your sensors to randomly not be detected upon initialization? I currently have 4 hooked up, and I'm running into the same problem where sometimes one will not work, which stops my code. It is a different one each time.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

No, I am busy with other projects at the moment and cannot work on it till next week's end.

I suspect an issue with the I2C bus but it could also have something to do with the initialization.

It might be worth trying the sensors with a different lib it such a possibility exists (have a look on PJRC forums).

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by henriqjt »

Newbie question...

Can someone please explain the process of creating the "Adafruit_BNO055_t3.h" and the "Adafruit_BNO055_t3_V2.cpp" library files, from the code given by amundsen?
Your help is much appreciated.


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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

Hello Tomás,

You copy the code into simple text files to which you give the mentioned names. You set them into a subfolder containing your Arduino libraries.

In this subfolder you also put the "utility" folder from Adafruit's BNO055 library.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by henriqjt »

Hi amundsen

Thank you for the information provided. It was very helpful, specially the portion about the need to include the "utility" folder from Adafruit's BNO055 library into the subfolder containing the new .ccp and header files you provided. That solved some compiling issues I encountered.

I'm presently using a BNO055 with the regular wire library on pins 18 and 19 of the teensy 3.2 board. So far it seems to be working pretty well.
What I would like to find out more information about is the reported issue of (lack of) reliability of the teensy board (I2C communication) with the BNO055.
Are the problems reported, such as lack of detection of the BNO055, something that happens when using different pins? Or when using the i2c_t3 library?

My interest in the i2c_t3 library and its ability to use all the i2c buses on the teensy 3 board, relates to a future need to run several BNO055 on a single Teensy.
But if the BNO055 goes undetected on a regular basis, then it would be no use.


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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

Well, I still don't know what might cause this issue of BNO-055 being not detected sometimes. What I can tell now is the quality of the circuit might play a role. I had a PCB with bad soldering and that increased the number of non-detections. Another PCB reduced the issue drastically. The BNO which is most often undetected is the one connected through pins 29 and 30. I first thought it had something to do with the soldering of the connectors (on the central pads) too but a careful examination made me exclude this.

There is another library for the BNO-055 and Teensy. Maybe it would be useful to try another merging of the I2C_t3 lib, but with this alternative BNO-055 lib.

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by henriqjt »

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your experience with the BNO055 when using pins 29 and 30.

- What alternative BNO055 lib do you refer to, to try out with the i2c_t3 lib?

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Re: BNO055 library adapted to i2c_t3 lib for Teensy

Post by amundsen »

The alternative BNO-055 lib is from a guy selling his own breakout board. You should find it through a search on pjrc forums.

Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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