Remapping BNO055 to be vertical

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Remapping BNO055 to be vertical

Post by joaep2 »


I've recently been trying to re-map the BNO055 so that it can be mounted vertically like this:

new Z, (up) [old X]
||| --> new X (right) [old Z]

and Y would be going into the screen. (The vertical lines are the bottom of the board it's mounted on, the triple "|||" is the thin and short face of the chip. The dot on the chip is on top, closer to you, facing out to the right. We use a particular pre-made breakout board to mount it, and we needed to save space by having the breakout board be vertical.)

I found the forum answers on this to not be very clear about how to use the remapping bits, so I thought I would post my solution here. All the following code goes in the setup() function. After beginning Serial process and using

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if !bno.begin()
, the core code is:

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  if (vertical_orientation){
  } else{
    bno.setAxisRemap(Adafruit_BNO055::REMAP_CONFIG_P1); // default
    bno.setAxisSign(Adafruit_BNO055::REMAP_SIGN_P1); // default
where I've added a valueto the typedef adafruit_bno055_axis_remap_config_t:

Code: Select all


This comes from following the BNO055 datasheet on pg 24 ( ... 000_12.pdf), remapping Z --> X, X--> Z, and Y-->Y (00 00 01 10 --> 0x06). That particular remap wasn't in the Adafruit library so I just added it in Adafruit_BNO055.h. Further I had to flip the X sign so that pitch upwards was positive (00000 1 0 0 --> 0x04 --> REMAP_SIGN_P0).

The issue with the Euler angle math being inaccurate only seems to come into play with rolls of close to 90 degrees, and I don't expect to have rolls greater than 45 deg or so.

Hope this saves someone time in the future! Please let me know if you think I'm missing anything.

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Re: Remapping BNO055 to be vertical

Post by gammaburst »

Your BNO055 datasheet rev 1.2 is obsolete. Current rev is 1.7: ... #documents

The BNO055 Euler angles go bad with only moderate tilt. For example, when I tilt the BNO so its quaternion indicates the equivalent of (roll=+30 pitch=+30 heading=0) degrees, its Euler angles indicate about (roll=+25 pitch=+34 heading=-8). At high tilt angles the Euler error becomes outrageous.

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