Adafruit MusicMaker, TLC5947, MKR Zero, and SD or SdFat

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Adafruit MusicMaker, TLC5947, MKR Zero, and SD or SdFat

Post by mbkrueger »

I've been working with MIDI files using the Music Maker in MIDI mode with the MD_MIDIFile library. Recently I started using LEDs via the TLC5947 driver (love these!). I'm now moving to the Arduino MKR Zero for using Scheduler. Unfortunately, MD_MIDIFile uses the SdFat library, not SD; and I can't get the SdFat library to work with the MKR Zero. I've been able to read the SD card using the SD library, I'm sure of the setup / SD Card itself. But when I use SdFat, the card fails initialization. I have set the select to SDCARD_SS_PIN to no avail.

Has anyone worked with MD_MIDIFile, or more specifically the SdFat library and the MKR Zero? I figure I'm missing something - just haven't been able to put my finger on what.

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Re: Adafruit MusicMaker, TLC5947, MKR Zero, and SD or SdFat

Post by adafruit_support_mike »

I'm afraid we don't have any experience with that. Maybe someone from the community will know more.

You might also want to check in the Arduino forums:

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