Who's there? Exactly

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Who's there? Exactly

Post by uberhund »

Using Adafruit's RFID shield, I've just finished installing a system to announce the arrival of frequent visitors by their unique theme song through Adafruit WAV shields placed throughout the house.

For example, my arrival is announced to the Dr. Who. theme song.

Though the system requires visitors to have a Mifare card on them (their company ID badge is usually fine), I'm hoping the new generation of NFC phones will work just as well.

Selecting the theme song for each regular visitor has been an unexpected source of merriment and revelation. Some can come up with an identifying theme song immediately, others struggle with the choice. Not sure what significance, if any, that might have.
The RFID sensor and xBee transmitter are embedded in a pedestal built to resemble other structures on the front of the house
The RFID sensor and xBee transmitter are embedded in a pedestal built to resemble other structures on the front of the house
pedestal and close up with card.png (570.54 KiB) Viewed 5292 times
The xBee transmits the name of the theme song to play when a Mifare RFID card is recognized
The xBee transmits the name of the theme song to play when a Mifare RFID card is recognized
rfid pedestal lid open.jpg (39.95 KiB) Viewed 5292 times
The WAV file corresponding to the visitor's RFID is played through mock books like this one sitting on bookshelves throughout the house
The WAV file corresponding to the visitor's RFID is played through mock books like this one sitting on bookshelves throughout the house
book of messages.jpg (47.05 KiB) Viewed 5378 times

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