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http://www.flickr.com/photos/jillesdotc ... hotostream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jillesdotc ... hotostream
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jillesdotc ... hotostream
I rewrote the RGB (de)coding functions and created some constants to color a bit easier.
rgbcolor() uses seperate codes for red, green & blue e.g. 0..255 or 0x00..0xff
htmlcolor() uses a single (HTML) colorcode, e.g. 0xFF00FF
Code: Select all
#include <RGBmatrixPanel.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define CLK 8
#define OE 9
#define LAT 10
#define A A0
#define B A1
#define C A2
#define D A3
RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, D, CLK, LAT, OE, false);
const word black = 0;
const word white = 65535;
const word red = 63488;
const word darkred = 30720;
const word green = 31;
const word darkgreen = 7;
const word blue = 2016;
const word darkblue = 992;
const word cyan = 2047;
const word darkcyan = 1007;
const word purple = 31712;
const word yellow = 63519;
const word pink = 65504;
const word gray = 48631;
const word darkgray = 14823;
const word orange = 63494;
const word darkorange = 36870;
const word brown = 24582;
const word olive = 30735;
const word violet = 36390;
const word salmon = 62290;
void steve() {
word Eyes=blue;
word Skin=salmon;
word Hair=black;
word Mouth=black;
word Nose=brown;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l=16; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
void herobrine() {
word Eyes=white;
word Skin=salmon;
word Hair=black;
word Mouth=brown;
word Nose=black;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l=16; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
void creeper() {
word Eyes=black;
word Skin=darkgreen;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=8;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;h=8;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l=16; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
void skeleton() {
word Eyes=black;
word Skin=gray;
word Hair=darkgray;
word Mouth=black;
word Nose=darkgray;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
void zombie() {
word Eyes=black;
word Skin=green;
word Hair=darkgreen;
word Mouth=green;
word Nose=darkgreen;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Hair ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 8; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l=24; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Mouth ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
void pig() {
word Eyes=black;
word Skin=salmon;
word Nose=brown;
int x,y,l,h=4;
x=0; y=0; h=6;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, black ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l= 2; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l=12; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, white ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Eyes ); x+=l;
l= 2; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, Skin ); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h; h=4;
l=10; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
l= 4; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Nose ); x+=l;
l=10; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y, l, h, Skin); x+=l;
x=0; y+=h;h=6;
l=32; matrix.fillRect( x, y,l, h, black ); x+=l;
word rgbcolor(byte r, byte g, byte b ) {
word red, green, blue,result;
red=((r / 255)*31);
green=((g / 255)*31);
blue=((b / 255)*63);
result=( (red*2048) + (green) + (blue*32) );
return result;
word htmlcolor( word color ) {
word red, green, blue, result;
result=rgbcolor(red, green, blue );
return result;
void setup() {
matrix.fillRect(0, 0, 8, 8, red);
matrix.fillRect(8, 0, 8, 8, darkred);
matrix.fillRect(16, 0, 8, 8, orange);
matrix.fillRect(24, 0, 8, 8, darkorange);
matrix.fillRect(0, 8, 8, 8, yellow);
matrix.fillRect(8, 8, 8, 8, brown);
matrix.fillRect(16, 8, 8, 8, green);
matrix.fillRect(24, 8, 8, 8, darkgreen);
matrix.fillRect(0, 16, 8, 8, blue);
matrix.fillRect(8, 16, 8, 8, darkblue);
matrix.fillRect(16, 16, 8, 8, cyan);
matrix.fillRect(24, 16, 8, 8, darkcyan);
matrix.fillRect(0, 24, 8, 8, purple);
matrix.fillRect(8, 24, 8, 8, pink);
matrix.fillRect(16, 24, 8, 8, darkgray);
matrix.fillRect(24, 24, 8, 8, white);
void loop() {