LPD8806 in monowheel

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LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by mohawkpiper »

Just wanted to share a video.
took me a while but i finally got it finished.


i couldn't have done it without Adafruit!
Thanks guys for the awesome stuff and all the help you have provided on these forums.


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Re: LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

Excellent work! Very nice :D

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Re: LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by adafruit_support_rick »

Oh, Well Done!! :D :D :D

You've got some beautiful patterns, too - that really makes it.
The first-person perspectives in the video were interesting. Are the lights distracting or anything while you're riding?

Gonna go check out your instructable...

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Re: LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by pburgess »

So cool! My favorite is the fire trail sort of effect starting around 1:40.

Have you tried any long exposure photography of this yet?

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Re: LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by mohawkpiper »

the first person perspectives...
it doesn't really look like that i guess. those perspectives you see in the video are me actually holding the camera as low to the ground, as far out to the side, and as far back as i could, while riding it. so its viewing from behind my feet. we (my buddy from socal came up to visit and we did the filming while he was here) tried all sorts of different perspectives and the ones from the riders actual point of view were extremely uninteresting. the lights aren't distracting while riding, as its not nearly as noticeable from the riders POV.

the fire trail effects...
i like those too. i also like the one that starts at about 1:00 that goes in orange, purple, then yellow but the 'fireball' effect is mixed in with other ones.
it's neat to see how they look in motion, i haven't really seen any of it in motion until we filmed that night and some of it looked quite different than when not in motion.

the long exposure...
im not the greatest with cameras. my wife is though. unfortunately she didn't come with us that night. i gave a few a shot, but didnt leave the shutter open long enough really.

we filmed for a few hours one night, then came home and looked at the footage and checked out what worked and what didnt with plans of changing the patterns to the ones we liked more, and then filming again the second night. my wife was going to go with the second night to do the long exposure (since i didnt do a good job the first night) but we ended up getting out there too late and she had gone to bed already, but i also didnt charge the batteries for the monowheel's leds, or the battery on the camera, and it was pretty much a bust cuz everything died by the time we got to the parking lot.

it was still fun though and i was still able to use what we filmed the first night for the video :)

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Re: LPD8806 in monowheel

Post by slurry bowl »

awesome !!!!!


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