Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Raspy 4

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Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Raspy 4

Post by hufemj »

I'm trying to get the Heart Rate Monitor example from the "Pulse Oximeter, Heart Rate Monitor, and BBQ Thermometer" page to run on my Raspberry Pi4 to hopefully connect with the Arduino HRM example sketch on a Metro M0 Express client. The client works fine using the Bluefruit Connection App. Downloaded the code on the Raspy 4 after making sure the bluez firmware was upgraded, but when I run the code I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 23, in <module>
for adv in ble.start_scan(ProvideServicesAdvertisement, timeout=5):
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/adafruit_ble/", line 268, in start_scan
advertisement = adv_type(entry=entry)
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/adafruit_ble/advertising/", line 167, in __init__
self.flags.general_discovery = True
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'general_discovery'

It seems that if the example code works with a real HRM, it should also work with the example Sketch, no?

Any help would be most welcome.

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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by mikeysklar »

The code is running correctly, but the Arduino HRM might be a little basic as it does not appear to support general_discovery. Which Arduino HRM sketch are you running (link?). Maybe we can find a more robust version to work with.

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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by hufemj »

Not sure how to provide a link. I'm using the heart rate monitor example sketch that comes with Arduino 1.8.13:

File->examples->Adafruit BluefruitLE nRF51->heartratemonitor

For what it's worth, the HRM sketch 'disconnects while being interrograted' by LightBlue, but it does connect with the Bluefruit Connect App.

I can provide the sketch itself, if that would be helpful.

Thanks for the reply!


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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by mikeysklar »

Hi Mark,

I see the code you are running is available here (link and pasted below). The looks like a minimal HRM faker which does not provide a suitable advertisement for the Pi code you are running

What hardware are you using? You mentioned using a Metro M0 Express, but what is the BLE hardware connected to that device to run this code? ... onitor.ino

Code: Select all

 This is an example for our nRF51822 based Bluefruit LE modules

 Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!

 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
 products from Adafruit!

 MIT license, check LICENSE for more information
 All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in
 any redistribution

    Please note the long strings of data sent mean the *RTS* pin is
    required with UART to slow down data sent to the Bluefruit LE!

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_BLE.h"
#include "Adafruit_BluefruitLE_SPI.h"
#include "Adafruit_BluefruitLE_UART.h"

#include "BluefruitConfig.h"

  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// Create the bluefruit object, either software serial...uncomment these lines
SoftwareSerial bluefruitSS = SoftwareSerial(BLUEFRUIT_SWUART_TXD_PIN, BLUEFRUIT_SWUART_RXD_PIN);

Adafruit_BluefruitLE_UART ble(bluefruitSS, BLUEFRUIT_UART_MODE_PIN,

/* ...or hardware serial, which does not need the RTS/CTS pins. Uncomment this line */

/* ...hardware SPI, using SCK/MOSI/MISO hardware SPI pins and then user selected CS/IRQ/RST */

/* SPI, using SCK/MOSI/MISO user-defined SPI pins and then user selected CS/IRQ/RST */
//                             BLUEFRUIT_SPI_MOSI, BLUEFRUIT_SPI_CS,
//                             BLUEFRUIT_SPI_IRQ, BLUEFRUIT_SPI_RST);

// A small helper
void error(const __FlashStringHelper*err) {
  while (1);

/* The service information */

int32_t hrmServiceId;
int32_t hrmMeasureCharId;
int32_t hrmLocationCharId;
    @brief  Sets up the HW an the BLE module (this function is called
            automatically on startup)
void setup(void)
  while (!Serial); // required for Flora & Micro

  boolean success;

  Serial.println(F("Adafruit Bluefruit Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) Example"));


  /* Initialise the module */
  Serial.print(F("Initialising the Bluefruit LE module: "));

  if ( !ble.begin(VERBOSE_MODE) )
    error(F("Couldn't find Bluefruit, make sure it's in CoMmanD mode & check wiring?"));
  Serial.println( F("OK!") );

  /* Perform a factory reset to make sure everything is in a known state */
  Serial.println(F("Performing a factory reset: "));
  if (! ble.factoryReset() ){
       error(F("Couldn't factory reset"));

  /* Disable command echo from Bluefruit */

  Serial.println("Requesting Bluefruit info:");
  /* Print Bluefruit information */;

  // this line is particularly required for Flora, but is a good idea
  // anyways for the super long lines ahead!
  // ble.setInterCharWriteDelay(5); // 5 ms

  /* Change the device name to make it easier to find */
  Serial.println(F("Setting device name to 'Bluefruit HRM': "));

  if (! ble.sendCommandCheckOK(F("AT+GAPDEVNAME=Bluefruit HRM")) ) {
    error(F("Could not set device name?"));

  /* Add the Heart Rate Service definition */
  /* Service ID should be 1 */
  Serial.println(F("Adding the Heart Rate Service definition (UUID = 0x180D): "));
  success = ble.sendCommandWithIntReply( F("AT+GATTADDSERVICE=UUID=0x180D"), &hrmServiceId);
  if (! success) {
    error(F("Could not add HRM service"));

  /* Add the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic */
  /* Chars ID for Measurement should be 1 */
  Serial.println(F("Adding the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic (UUID = 0x2A37): "));
  success = ble.sendCommandWithIntReply( F("AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A37, PROPERTIES=0x10, MIN_LEN=2, MAX_LEN=3, VALUE=00-40"), &hrmMeasureCharId);
    if (! success) {
    error(F("Could not add HRM characteristic"));

  /* Add the Body Sensor Location characteristic */
  /* Chars ID for Body should be 2 */
  Serial.println(F("Adding the Body Sensor Location characteristic (UUID = 0x2A38): "));
  success = ble.sendCommandWithIntReply( F("AT+GATTADDCHAR=UUID=0x2A38, PROPERTIES=0x02, MIN_LEN=1, VALUE=3"), &hrmLocationCharId);
    if (! success) {
    error(F("Could not add BSL characteristic"));

  /* Add the Heart Rate Service to the advertising data (needed for Nordic apps to detect the service) */
  Serial.print(F("Adding Heart Rate Service UUID to the advertising payload: "));
  ble.sendCommandCheckOK( F("AT+GAPSETADVDATA=02-01-06-05-02-0d-18-0a-18") );

  /* Reset the device for the new service setting changes to take effect */
  Serial.print(F("Performing a SW reset (service changes require a reset): "));


/** Send randomized heart rate data continuously **/
void loop(void)
  int heart_rate = random(50, 100);

  Serial.print(F("Updating HRM value to "));
  Serial.println(F(" BPM"));

  /* Command is sent when \n (\r) or println is called */
  /* AT+GATTCHAR=CharacteristicID,value */
  ble.print( F("AT+GATTCHAR=") );
  ble.print( hrmMeasureCharId );
  ble.print( F(",00-") );
  ble.println(heart_rate, HEX);

  /* Check if command executed OK */
  if ( !ble.waitForOK() )
    Serial.println(F("Failed to get response!"));

  /* Delay before next measurement update */
} ...

Code: Select all

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Read heart rate data from a heart rate peripheral using the standard BLE
Heart Rate service.

import time

import adafruit_ble
from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
from import DeviceInfoService
from adafruit_ble_heart_rate import HeartRateService

# PyLint can't find BLERadio for some reason so special case it here.
ble = adafruit_ble.BLERadio()  # pylint: disable=no-member

hr_connection = None

while True:
    for adv in ble.start_scan(ProvideServicesAdvertisement, timeout=5):
        if HeartRateService in
            print("found a HeartRateService advertisement")
            hr_connection = ble.connect(adv)

    # Stop scanning whether or not we are connected.
    print("Stopped scan")

    if hr_connection and hr_connection.connected:
        print("Fetch connection")
        if DeviceInfoService in hr_connection:
            dis = hr_connection[DeviceInfoService]
                manufacturer = dis.manufacturer
            except AttributeError:
                manufacturer = "(Manufacturer Not specified)"
                model_number = dis.model_number
            except AttributeError:
                model_number = "(Model number not specified)"
            print("Device:", manufacturer, model_number)
            print("No device information")
        hr_service = hr_connection[HeartRateService]
        print("Location:", hr_service.location)
        while hr_connection.connected:

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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by hufemj »

I'm testing with an Adafruit BLE Friend SPI. But, I'm open to using other hardware. I'm teaching a course in Cybersecurity and IoT in the Fall and would like to explore both BLE and Circuit Python. Students pick their own project and in the past I've used an Elegoo Uno kit and an Elegoo Mega2560 kit. Haven't done anything with Circuit Python before but would like to try it. Also trying to manage costs for the students because Raspberry Pi + Arduino + sensor kit adds up after awhile.



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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by mikeysklar »


We offer at a lot of nRF52 variations from the CPX BLE to Feathers and ItsyBitsy form factors. I think those would be a significantly more modern platform to teach BLE from a IoT and security perspective.

The Central HRM code for our nRF52 is much more advanced than the older nRF52 library example we had been discussing. ... entral-hrm

Code: Select all

 This is an example for our nRF52 based Bluefruit LE modules

 Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!

 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
 products from Adafruit!

 MIT license, check LICENSE for more information
 All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in
 any redistribution
#include <bluefruit.h>

/* HRM Service Definitions
 * Heart Rate Monitor Service:  0x180D
 * Heart Rate Measurement Char: 0x2A37
 * Body Sensor Location Char:   0x2A38
BLEService        hrms = BLEService(UUID16_SVC_HEART_RATE);
BLECharacteristic hrmc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT);
BLECharacteristic bslc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION);

BLEDis bledis;    // DIS (Device Information Service) helper class instance
BLEBas blebas;    // BAS (Battery Service) helper class instance

uint8_t  bps = 0;

void setup()
  while ( !Serial ) delay(10);   // for nrf52840 with native usb

  Serial.println("Bluefruit52 HRM Example");

  // Initialise the Bluefruit module
  Serial.println("Initialise the Bluefruit nRF52 module");

  // Set the advertised device name (keep it short!)
  Serial.println("Setting Device Name to 'Feather52 HRM'");
  Bluefruit.setName("Bluefruit52 HRM");

  // Set the connect/disconnect callback handlers

  // Configure and Start the Device Information Service
  Serial.println("Configuring the Device Information Service");
  bledis.setManufacturer("Adafruit Industries");
  bledis.setModel("Bluefruit Feather52");

  // Start the BLE Battery Service and set it to 100%
  Serial.println("Configuring the Battery Service");

  // Setup the Heart Rate Monitor service using
  // BLEService and BLECharacteristic classes
  Serial.println("Configuring the Heart Rate Monitor Service");

  // Setup the advertising packet(s)
  Serial.println("Setting up the advertising payload(s)");

  Serial.println("Ready Player One!!!");

void startAdv(void)
  // Advertising packet

  // Include HRM Service UUID

  // Include Name
  /* Start Advertising
   * - Enable auto advertising if disconnected
   * - Interval:  fast mode = 20 ms, slow mode = 152.5 ms
   * - Timeout for fast mode is 30 seconds
   * - Start(timeout) with timeout = 0 will advertise forever (until connected)
   * For recommended advertising interval
  Bluefruit.Advertising.setInterval(32, 244);    // in unit of 0.625 ms
  Bluefruit.Advertising.setFastTimeout(30);      // number of seconds in fast mode
  Bluefruit.Advertising.start(0);                // 0 = Don't stop advertising after n seconds  

void setupHRM(void)
  // Configure the Heart Rate Monitor service
  // See:
  // Supported Characteristics:
  // Name                         UUID    Requirement Properties
  // ---------------------------- ------  ----------- ----------
  // Heart Rate Measurement       0x2A37  Mandatory   Notify
  // Body Sensor Location         0x2A38  Optional    Read
  // Heart Rate Control Point     0x2A39  Conditional Write       <-- Not used here

  // Note: You must call .begin() on the BLEService before calling .begin() on
  // any characteristic(s) within that service definition.. Calling .begin() on
  // a BLECharacteristic will cause it to be added to the last BLEService that
  // was 'begin()'ed!

  // Configure the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic
  // See:
  // Properties = Notify
  // Min Len    = 1
  // Max Len    = 8
  //    B0      = UINT8  - Flag (MANDATORY)
  //      b5:7  = Reserved
  //      b4    = RR-Internal (0 = Not present, 1 = Present)
  //      b3    = Energy expended status (0 = Not present, 1 = Present)
  //      b1:2  = Sensor contact status (0+1 = Not supported, 2 = Supported but contact not detected, 3 = Supported and detected)
  //      b0    = Value format (0 = UINT8, 1 = UINT16)
  //    B1      = UINT8  - 8-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM
  //    B2:3    = UINT16 - 16-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM
  //    B4:5    = UINT16 - Energy expended in joules
  //    B6:7    = UINT16 - RR Internal (1/1024 second resolution)
  hrmc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS);
  hrmc.setCccdWriteCallback(cccd_callback);  // Optionally capture CCCD updates
  uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, 0x40 }; // Set the characteristic to use 8-bit values, with the sensor connected and detected
  hrmc.write(hrmdata, 2);

  // Configure the Body Sensor Location characteristic
  // See:
  // Properties = Read
  // Min Len    = 1
  // Max Len    = 1
  //    B0      = UINT8 - Body Sensor Location
  //      0     = Other
  //      1     = Chest
  //      2     = Wrist
  //      3     = Finger
  //      4     = Hand
  //      5     = Ear Lobe
  //      6     = Foot
  //      7:255 = Reserved
  bslc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS);
  bslc.write8(2);    // Set the characteristic to 'Wrist' (2)

void connect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle)
  // Get the reference to current connection
  BLEConnection* connection = Bluefruit.Connection(conn_handle);

  char central_name[32] = { 0 };
  connection->getPeerName(central_name, sizeof(central_name));

  Serial.print("Connected to ");

 * Callback invoked when a connection is dropped
 * @param conn_handle connection where this event happens
 * @param reason is a BLE_HCI_STATUS_CODE which can be found in ble_hci.h
void disconnect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t reason)
  (void) conn_handle;
  (void) reason;

  Serial.print("Disconnected, reason = 0x"); Serial.println(reason, HEX);

void cccd_callback(uint16_t conn_hdl, BLECharacteristic* chr, uint16_t cccd_value)
    // Display the raw request packet
    Serial.print("CCCD Updated: ");
    //Serial.printBuffer(request->data, request->len);

    // Check the characteristic this CCCD update is associated with in case
    // this handler is used for multiple CCCD records.
    if (chr->uuid == hrmc.uuid) {
        if (chr->notifyEnabled(conn_hdl)) {
            Serial.println("Heart Rate Measurement 'Notify' enabled");
        } else {
            Serial.println("Heart Rate Measurement 'Notify' disabled");

void loop()
  if ( Bluefruit.connected() ) {
    uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, bps++ };           // Sensor connected, increment BPS value
    // Note: We use .notify instead of .write!
    // If it is connected but CCCD is not enabled
    // The characteristic's value is still updated although notification is not sent
    if ( hrmc.notify(hrmdata, sizeof(hrmdata)) ){
      Serial.print("Heart Rate Measurement updated to: "); Serial.println(bps); 
      Serial.println("ERROR: Notify not set in the CCCD or not connected!");

  // Only send update once per second

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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by hufemj »

Okay. So I'm making a little progress. I purchased an Adafruit Feather NRF52840 Express and got it working as a peripheral via the Arduino app on my Mac Mini. It connects to both LightBlue and the Bluefruit Connection app. However, the goal is to connect to my Raspberry Pi using Circuit Python on the Raspberry Pi as a central device, per the examples provided here: ... hermometer.

The Raspberry Pi finds the custom HRM in the scan, once I change the name in the central example code to 'Bluefruit52 HRM', but then it crashes indicating that no

Code: Select all

Stopped scan
Fetch connection
Device: Adafruit Industries Bluefruit Feather52
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 66, in <module>
    pulse_ox_service = pulse_ox_connection[BerryMedPulseOximeterService]
  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/adafruit_ble/", line 96, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError("{!r} object has no service {}".format(self, key))
KeyError: "<adafruit_ble.BLEConnection object at 0xb4c967b0> object has no service <class 'adafruit_ble_berrymed_pulse_oximeter.BerryMedPulseOximeterService'>"
So, I think I've been working under a false assumption. All HRM's aren't created equal. A client HRM is pretty much specific to a central HRM. It looks like I either need to create a Python library for the Pi based off of the github code for the BerryMed central device ( ... or need to modify the custom HRM client sketch to match match what the BerryMed central device is looking for.

Am I on the right path? Or chasing down a rabbit hole? The end goal is to create a lab for the students utilizing their Pi and their Feather that introduces them to Arduino sketches, Circuit Python and BLE that could later be used as a model for their projects. Most of the students have taken a Python course, but have little to no experience with C++ or OOP.



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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by mikeysklar »


I believe you are correct that the central HRM client HRM need to be specific to each other to do more than just basic advertistement and identification.

Since your students have python experience why both with the Arduino IDE side? You could base the BLE + CircuitPython examples on various guides have that utilize both of those. ... cuitpython

I think you would specifically like this one: ... itor-gizmo

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Re: Problem running Heart Rate Monitor central device on Ras

Post by hufemj »

Hi Mike,

From what I'm finding, CircuitPython is still fairly new and is only available on a subset of microcontrollers. There is so much more available for the Arduino IDE. I think the students would benefit from exposure to both Circuit Python and the Arduino IDE. The projects they build vary widely and delivery lead times for this and that can cause problems. While Python is much more newbie friendly than C++.

I started digging into modifying the BerryMed central device code using Python on the Raspberry Pi and have found it to be very complicated in terms of imported modules and at this point, pursuing it further might just not be worth it.

Thanks for all your help!


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