Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled NeoPix

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Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled NeoPix

Post by KobaSena_Fr »

I recently bought and tested the NeoPixel Goggles wuth the tutorial and works fine.

But I have a big problem when trying to make it work with the Bluetooth control programm...

The error I have :

Code: Select all

Original_avec_bluetooth:13:10: error: SoftwareSerial.h: No such file or directory
   13 | #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

exit status 1
SoftwareSerial.h: No such file or directory
I have searched and it looks like it doesen't work wit the M0 ??
So Adafruit is selling a kit with a tutorial but it doesn't work...

Do you know what I have to change to make it work ?

Code: Select all

// Bluetooth Goggles Sketch -- shows the Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend
// can be used even with Trinket or Gemma!


// Works in conjunction with Bluefruit LE Connect app on iOS or Android --
// pick colors or use '1' and '2' buttons to select pinwheel or sparkle modes.
// You can try adding more, but space is VERY tight...helps to use Arduino IDE
// 1.6.4 or later; produces slightly smaller code than the 1.0.X releases.


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR_ATtiny85__ // Trinket, Gemma, etc.
 #include <avr/power.h>

#define RX_PIN    2 // Connect this Trinket pin to BLE 'TXO' pin
#define CTS_PIN   1 // Connect this Trinket pin to BLE 'CTS' pin
#define LED_PIN   0 // Connect NeoPixels to this Trinket pin
#define NUM_LEDS 32 // Two 16-LED NeoPixel rings
#define FPS      30 // Animation frames/second (ish)

SoftwareSerial    ser(RX_PIN, -1);
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUM_LEDS, LED_PIN);

void setup() {
#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000L)
  // MUST do this on 16 MHz Trinket for serial & NeoPixels!
  // Stop incoming data & init software serial
  pinMode(CTS_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CTS_PIN, HIGH);

  pixels.begin(); // NeoPixel init
  // Flash space is tight on Trinket/Gemma, so setBrightness() is avoided --
  // it adds ~200 bytes.  Instead the color picker input is 'manually' scaled.

uint8_t  buf[3],              // Enough for RGB parse; expand if using sensors
         animMode = 0,        // Current animation mode
         animPos  = 0;        // Current animation position
uint32_t color    = 0x400000, // Current animation color (red by default)
         prevTime = 0L;       // For animation timing

void loop(void) {
  int      c;
  uint32_t t;

  // Animation happens at about 30 frames/sec.  Rendering frames takes less
  // than that, so the idle time is used to monitor incoming serial data.
  digitalWrite(CTS_PIN, LOW); // Signal to BLE, OK to send data!
  for(;;) {
    t = micros();                            // Current time
    if((t - prevTime) >= (1000000L / FPS)) { // 1/30 sec elapsed?
      prevTime = t;
      break;                                 // Yes, go update LEDs
    }                                        // otherwise...
    if((c = == '!') {            // Received UART app input?
      while((c = < 0);           // Yes, wait for command byte
      switch(c) {
       case 'B':       // Button (Control Pad)
        if(readAndCheckCRC(255-'!'-'B', buf, 2) & (buf[1] == '1')) {
          buttonPress(buf[0]); // Handle button-press message
       case 'C':       // Color Picker
        if(readAndCheckCRC(255-'!'-'C', buf, 3)) {
          // As mentioned earlier, setBrightness() was avoided to save space.
          // Instead, results from the color picker (in buf[]) are divided
          // by 4; essentially equivalent to setBrightness(64).  This is to
          // improve battery run time (NeoPixels are still plenty bright).
          color = pixels.Color(buf[0]/4, buf[1]/4, buf[2]/4);
       case 'Q':       // Quaternion
        skipBytes(17); // 4 floats + CRC (see note below re: parsing)
       case 'A':       // Accelerometer
#if 0
        // The phone sensors are NOT used by this sketch, but this shows how
        // they might be read.  First, buf[] must be delared large enough for
        // the expected data packet (minus header & CRC) -- that's 16 bytes
        // for quaternions (above), or 12 bytes for most of the others.
        // Second, the first arg to readAndCheckCRC() must be modified to
        // match the data type (e.g. 'A' here for accelerometer).  Finally,
        // values can be directly type-converted to float by using a suitable
        // offset into buf[] (e.g. 0, 4, 8, 12) ... it's not used in this
        // example because floating-point math uses lots of RAM and code
        // space, not suitable for the space-constrained Trinket/Gemma, but
        // maybe you're using a Pro Trinket, Teensy, etc.
        if(readAndCheckCRC(255-'!'-'A', buf, 12)) {
          float x = *(float *)(&buf[0]),
                y = *(float *)(&buf[4]),
                z = *(float *)(&buf[8]);
        // In all likelihood, updates from the buttons and color picker
        // alone are infrequent enough that you could do without any mention
        // of the CTS pin in this code.  It's the extra sensors that really
        // start the firehose of data.
       case 'G':       // Gyroscope
       case 'M':       // Magnetometer
       case 'L':       // Location
        skipBytes(13); // 3 floats + CRC
  digitalWrite(CTS_PIN, HIGH); // BLE STOP!

  // Show pixels calculated on *prior* pass; this ensures more uniform timing;

  // Then calculate pixels for *next* frame...
  switch(animMode) {
   case 0: // Pinwheel mode
    for(uint8_t i=0; i<NUM_LEDS/2; i++) {
      uint32_t c = 0;
      if(((animPos + i) & 7) < 2) c = color; // 4 pixels on...
      pixels.setPixelColor(   i, c);         // First eye
      pixels.setPixelColor(NUM_LEDS-1-i, c); // Second eye (flipped)
   case 1: // Sparkle mode
    pixels.setPixelColor(animPos, 0);     // Erase old dot
    animPos = random(NUM_LEDS);           // Pick a new one
    pixels.setPixelColor(animPos, color); // and light it

boolean readAndCheckCRC(uint8_t sum, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t n) {
  for(int c;;) {
    while((c = < 0); // Wait for next byte
    if(!n--) return (c == sum);  // If CRC byte, we're done
    *buf++ = c;                  // Else store in buffer
    sum   -= c;                  // and accumulate sum

void skipBytes(uint8_t n) {
  while(n--) {
    while( < 0);

void buttonPress(char c) {
  pixels.clear(); // Clear pixel data when switching modes (else residue)
  switch(c) {
   case '1':
    animMode = 0; // Switch to pinwheel mode
   case '2':
    animMode = 1; // Switch to sparkle mode
   case '3':
   case '4':
   case '5': // Up
   case '6': // Down
   case '7': // Left
   case '8': // Right
Thank you !

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Re: Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled Ne

Post by mikeysklar »

What model of microcontroller are you using?

Which guide are you following?

You are correct that with the code example you have shown it will be incompatible with an M0 based processor.

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Re: Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled Ne

Post by KobaSena_Fr »

I am using a Trinket M0 that is in the NeoPixel Goggle Kit Pack for it.

I used this tutorial at first and is working : ... nket-gemma

And now trying to use this second tutorial for it that doesn't work :

I don't know how to convert it for the M0

Thank you

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Re: Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled Ne

Post by mikeysklar »

The Trinket M0 is well supported with the Kaleidoscope Eyes. The code has been updated for the newer processor.

The Bluetooth-Controlled NeoPixel Goggles use Arduino code is specific to the earlier versions of Trinket, Gemma, and Flora processors.

There are other goggle guides you can use with your Trinket M0. ... el-goggles

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Re: Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled Ne

Post by KobaSena_Fr »

Well yes it works for the first part.

The only thing that I need is help for the bluetooth part and to covert it to M0

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Re: Problem with "SoftwareSerial.h" Bluetooth-Controlled Ne

Post by mikeysklar »

There is some example NeoPixel picker code for the M0 based processors here. This works around the softwareserial issue. ... picker.ino

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