Stream Custom Sensor Data via BLE to Phone

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Stream Custom Sensor Data via BLE to Phone

Post by Toefftoeff91 »

I'm using the Adafruit Feather NRF52 as a BTLE module to stream Data to my phone. When I just use the TX-GPIO Pin, I am able to stream the right Data in the right Format (Hex-format) to the Serial Monitor (Putty, HTerm, TeraTerm). When I change the pin to RX, the Data sent via BTLE are not the right data.
I recieve the Sensordata via an FPGA who sends a standard UART-Frame. The Baudrate is 115200.

The Frame in the Serial monitor should look like this:

00, 01 (Just a counting up int16 header), 00, FF (End of Frame bytes)
so together: 00, 01, 00 , FF. Like in the picture.


This is what I get on the phone:

I'm just using the standard BLEUart.ino code:

Code: Select all

 This is an example for our nRF52 based Bluefruit LE modules

 Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!

 Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
 please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
 products from Adafruit!

 MIT license, check LICENSE for more information
 All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in
 any redistribution
#include <bluefruit.h>
#include <Adafruit_LittleFS.h>
#include <InternalFileSystem.h>

// BLE Service
BLEDfu  bledfu;  // OTA DFU service
BLEDis  bledis;  // device information
BLEUart bleuart; // uart over ble
BLEBas  blebas;  // battery

void setup()
  // Blocking wait for connection when debug mode is enabled via IDE
  while ( !Serial ) yield();
  Serial.println("Bluefruit52 BLEUART Example");

  // Setup the BLE LED to be enabled on CONNECT
  // Note: This is actually the default behavior, but provided
  // here in case you want to control this LED manually via PIN 19

  // Config the peripheral connection with maximum bandwidth 
  // more SRAM required by SoftDevice
  // Note: All config***() function must be called before begin()

  Bluefruit.setTxPower(4);    // Check bluefruit.h for supported values
  //Bluefruit.setName(getMcuUniqueID()); // useful testing with multiple central connections

  // To be consistent OTA DFU should be added first if it exists

  // Configure and Start Device Information Service
  bledis.setManufacturer("Adafruit Industries");
  bledis.setModel("Bluefruit Feather52");

  // Configure and Start BLE Uart Service

  // Start BLE Battery Service

  // Set up and start advertising

  Serial.println("Please use Adafruit's Bluefruit LE app to connect in UART mode");
  Serial.println("Once connected, enter character(s) that you wish to send");

void startAdv(void)
  // Advertising packet

  // Include bleuart 128-bit uuid

  // Secondary Scan Response packet (optional)
  // Since there is no room for 'Name' in Advertising packet
  /* Start Advertising
   * - Enable auto advertising if disconnected
   * - Interval:  fast mode = 20 ms, slow mode = 152.5 ms
   * - Timeout for fast mode is 30 seconds
   * - Start(timeout) with timeout = 0 will advertise forever (until connected)
   * For recommended advertising interval
  Bluefruit.Advertising.setInterval(32, 244);    // in unit of 0.625 ms
  Bluefruit.Advertising.setFastTimeout(30);      // number of seconds in fast mode
  Bluefruit.Advertising.start(0);                // 0 = Don't stop advertising after n seconds  

void loop()
   int8_t data =;  
   // Forward data from HW Serial to BLEUART
//  while (Serial.available())
 // {
    // Delay to wait for enough input, since we have a limited transmission buffer
    uint8_t buf[32];
    int count = Serial.readBytes(buf, sizeof(buf));
    bleuart.write( buf, count );

    bleuart.print("ACC DATA\n");
//    bleuart.print(data);
//    delay (10);

  // Forward from BLEUART to HW Serial
  while ( bleuart.available() )
    uint8_t ch;
    ch = (uint8_t);

// callback invoked when central connects
void connect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle)
  // Get the reference to current connection
  BLEConnection* connection = Bluefruit.Connection(conn_handle);

  char central_name[32] = { 0 };
  connection->getPeerName(central_name, sizeof(central_name));

  Serial.print("Connected to ");

 * Callback invoked when a connection is dropped
 * @param conn_handle connection where this event happens
 * @param reason is a BLE_HCI_STATUS_CODE which can be found in ble_hci.h
void disconnect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t reason)
  (void) conn_handle;
  (void) reason;

  Serial.print("Disconnected, reason = 0x"); Serial.println(reason, HEX);

Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?
Data via HTERM
Data via HTERM
HTERM.jpg (176.4 KiB) Viewed 115 times
Data via BLEUART
Data via BLEUART
BLEUART.jpg (982.44 KiB) Viewed 115 times

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 4:45 am

Re: Stream Custom Sensor Data via BLE to Phone

Post by Toefftoeff91 »

I solved the problem. After trying different UART configurations the standard UART config SERIAL_8N1 works. So the Sensor should send in this UART Frame config and it should work.

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