Would the code from Sparkfun's IR control kit run on that

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Would the code from Sparkfun's IR control kit run on that

Post by doctorwho8 »

I have a Feather here, it's the 32u4 Basic Proto one. I'd like to try out this code example on it:

Code: Select all

  SparkFun Electronics 2013
  Modified by: Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan on 8/6/2018
  Playing with Infrared Remote Control
  Description: By pressing on one of the SparkFun infrared remote
  control's buttons, the serial monitor will output the associated
  hex value when a signal is received by an IR receiver.

  If using with the IR Receiver Breakout (SEN-8554):
  Supply voltage of 2.5V to 5.5V
    OUT: To pin 11 on Arduino
    GND: GND
    VCC: 5V

  If using with the IR Receiver Diode (SEN-10266):
  Supply voltage of 2.5V to 5.5V
    OUT: To pin 11 on Arduino
    GND: GND
    VS: 5V

  Note: This is based on Ken Shirriff's code found on GitHub.
  Make sure to install the library:

  Note: This code also works with cheap remotes. If you want to look
  at the individual timing of the bits, use this code:

#include <IRremote.h>

int RECV_PIN = 11;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

//Codes for Infrared Remote Control
//COM-11759 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/11759
//Note: Uncomment out this section if you are using this w/ the older remote.

#define POWER 0x10EFD827
#define A 0x10EFF807
#define B 0x10EF7887
#define C 0x10EF58A7
#define UP 0x10EFA05F
#define DOWN 0x10EF00FF
#define LEFT 0x10EF10EF
#define RIGHT 0x10EF807F
#define SELECT 0x10EF20DF
//Codes for Infrared Remote Control
//COM-14865 https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14865
//Note: Comment out this section if you are using this w/ the older remote.

#define POWER 0x00FF629D
#define A 0x00FF22DD
#define B 0x00FF02FD
#define C 0x00FFC23D
#define UP 0x00FF9867
#define DOWN 0x00FF38C7
#define LEFT 0x00FF30CF
#define RIGHT 0x00FF7A85
#define SELECT 0x00FF18E7


void setup()
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

void loop()
  if (irrecv.decode(&results))
    if (results.value == POWER)
    else if (results.value == A)
    else if (results.value == B)
    else if (results.value == C)
    else if (results.value == UP)
    else if (results.value == DOWN)
    else if (results.value == LEFT)
    else if (results.value == RIGHT)
    else if (results.value == SELECT)
    else {
      Serial.println("IR RECV Code Value Not Defined or Button was Held Down");

    Serial.print("IR RECV Code = 0x ");
    Serial.println(results.value, HEX);

Basically it was probably tested on one of the regular Arduino designs, probably an Uno. But since that would be my first choice, I would rather like to find out if it would work there.

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Re: Would the code from Sparkfun's IR control kit run on tha

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

That should probably work. The 32U4 is the same processor as used in the old Arduino Leonardo boards.

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