Need help using the Map function

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Need help using the Map function

Post by unawoo »

I want to make a stroboscope using a high power led on a CPX Crickit using one of it's Drive pin.
This is how far i got in my code:

import time
from adafruit_crickit import crickit

# Strobe controled by a potentiometer

ss = crickit.seesaw
pot = crickit.SIGNAL8
# potentiometer connected to signal pin #8
# reads 5 to 1023)
crickit.drive_1.frequency = 1000

while True:
hz = ((ss.analog_read(pot),))
hz = map(hz, 5, 1023, 0.005, 0.1)
crickit.drive_1.fraction = 1.0 # all the way on
crickit.drive_1.fraction = 0.0 # all the way off

And this is the error report:

raceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

If i comment out the map line i get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 19, in <module>
TypeError: can't convert tuple to float

I know the Arduino IDE well but i'm just learning circuit python.

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Re: Need help using the Map function

Post by tannewt »

map is a Python builtin that means something different from arduino's map. You can use map_range from simpleio (in the bundle) instead. Hope that helps!

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