Reake circuitpython with fronzen only

CircuitPython on hardware including Adafruit's boards, and CircuitPython libraries using Blinka on host computers.

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Reake circuitpython with fronzen only

Post by cavonxx »

Hi, everyone, I want to remake circuitpython but frozen only.

I'm using ESP32 S2, with a ST7789 display. And also CircuitPython is great, all the libraries make things much easier! But ESP32-S2 has poor ram, and I ran into memory allocation alot. So I try to build my own firmware, with Adafruit library built-it frozen, whitch helps alot. While as i keep working on my project, I ran into memory allocation again, so i put all my code in frozen too. Everything works great, except I have to make clean and remake all over again, or it will ignore any frozen changes, which makes developing so slow.

As I know, frozen and circuitpython framwork are seperate. So technically, i can jst rebuild the frozen every time i change the python code. Not wasting time. But how?

Please help, thanks

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Re: Reake circuitpython with fronzen only

Post by dastels »

What ESP32-S2 board are you using? How much RAM does it have?


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