Wishlist for 2022 #CircuitPython2022

CircuitPython on hardware including Adafruit's boards, and CircuitPython libraries using Blinka on host computers.

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Wishlist for 2022 #CircuitPython2022

Post by mlewus »

The January 11th "New nEw NEWS" post suggested that we post our wish list for new features for 2022. Here's mine:

I would like limited multicore access to the second core from circuitpython on the RP2040. It's okay if that access is just to C/C++ code running on the second core with Circuitpython running on the first core. I'd like some means to pass variables back and forth. Could be a mailbox, queue, shared memory, or whatever is currently supported by the RP2040's C API. The communication does not need to be real-time, 1ms would be fast enough for me, though real-time locks as supported by Micropython would be great. #CircuitPython2022

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Re: Wishlist for 2022 #CircuitPython2022

Post by tannewt »

Thanks for the post! I'll link to it in today's round-up blog post.

Would the second core code need dynamic memory? That could be tricky.

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