Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

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Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

Not even sure where to start on this puzzler. So I have written a CircuitPython program on my RPi Pico W that runs just fine in Thonny. But when I just plug the device in to run outside of Thonny it hangs and specifically at the spot in the program where it's flashing the 6 LEDs defined in the cc_led_pins list. It turns on the first PIN then hangs. Interesting it's on the sleep() call. Any thoughts on why this might be happening?

Code: Select all

import traceback
import sys
import time
import board
# import network
import usb_midi
import digitalio
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange
import json
from lcdzilla.lcdzilla import lcdzilla

debug = False

# Startup process
    # Create the pin for our fault LED. Turn on your fault light. Let it shine wherever you go...
    fault = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP11)
    fault.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
    fault.value = False
    # Load the screen definitions
    if debug:
        print("Loading screen definitions...")
    f = open('lcd_def.json')
    screen_defs = json.load(f)
    if debug:
        print("Screen definitions loaded...")

    # Create the LCD
    lcd = lcdzilla(lcdzilla.LCD_PFC8574, 0x27, board.GP1, board.GP0, num_lines=4, num_characters=20)

    # Create the USB midi device
    midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=1)

    #  Pins for the footswitches. Adjust this as needed for more/less footswitches
    cc_pins = [board.GP18, board.GP19, board.GP20, board.GP21, board.GP22,
    cc_buttons = []
    cc_button_states = []
    cc_led_pins = [board.GP12, board.GP13, board.GP14, board.GP15, board.GP16, board.GP17]
    cc_leds = []

    for pin in cc_pins:
        cc_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        cc_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # Build the cc LED pin array, toggle on/off as a LED test
    for pin in cc_led_pins:
        cc_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
        cc_led.value = True
        cc_led.value = False
    # In my configuration one of the switches is a mode switch
    mode_select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP28)
    mode_select.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
    mode_select.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    mode_select_state = None

    # Pins for the navigation buttons.
    menu = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP2)
    menu_state = None
    select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP3)
    select_state = None
    up = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP4)
    up_state = None
    down = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP5)
    down_state = None
    left = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP6)
    left_state = None
    right = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP7)
    right_state = None
    f1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP8)
    f1_state = None
    f2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP9)
    f2_state = None
    f3 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP10)
    f3_state = None
#     f4 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RUN)
#     f4_state = None
    navigation = [menu, select, up, down, left, right, f1, f2, f3]

    for button in navigation:
        button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    main_state = None
    state_change = False
    clock = time.monotonic()
    key_value = None

    config_data = None
    config_dft = {
    # Get the config file data
        config_file = open('config.json', 'r')
        if config_file:
            config_data = ujson.loads(config_file.readall())
        config_data = config_dft

    # Load the midi control codes array
    cc_values = [config_data['cc1'], config_data['cc2'], config_data['cc3'],
                 config_data['cc4'], config_data['cc5'], config_data['cc6']]
    # Load the button labels array
    cc_labels = [config_data['cc1_lbl'], config_data['cc2_lbl'], config_data['cc3_lbl'],
                 config_data['cc4_lbl'], config_data['cc5_lbl'], config_data['cc6_lbl']]
except Exception as ex:
    fault.value = True
    with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
       traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
if debug:

while True:
        # Here we are checking if the buttons were released but they were previously pressed.
        state_reset = False
        if menu.value and menu_state:
            menu_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if select.value and select_state:
            select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if up.value and up_state:
            up_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if down.value and down_state:
            down_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if left.value and left_state:
            left_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if right.value and right_state:
            right_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f1.value and f1_state:
            f1_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f2.value and f2_state:
            f2_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f3.value and f3_state:
            f3_state = None
            state_reset = True
#         if f4.value and f4_state:
#             f4_state = None
#             state_reset = True            
        if mode_select.value and mode_select_state:
            mode_select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
            if cc_buttons[i].value and cc_button_states[i]:
                cc_button_states[i] = False
                state_reset = True

        # Sleep for a short time so the button is not detected to be pressed again
        if state_reset:

        # Determine what button was pressed, if any. A menu button pressed will
        # immediately change the state to config state. Note that we'll only
        # process the menu button press the first time until the button is released and
        # the state is reset at the top of the loop.  This prevents the same action from
        # happening multiple times in one press
        if not menu.value and not menu_state:
            menu_state = True
            if debug:
                print("You pressed the menu key")
            if main_state != "Config":
                main_state = "Config"
                state_change = True
                main_state = "Midi"

        if main_state == None:
            # Show the splash on the LCD
            main_state = "Midi"
            state_change = True
        elif main_state == "Midi":
            if state_change:
                # Load the midi information into the screen definition
                for line in screen_defs["midi_screen"]:
                    for subfield in line:
                        cc_array = -1
                        if "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc1":
                            cc_array = 0
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc2":
                            cc_array = 1
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc3":
                            cc_array = 2
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc4":
                            cc_array = 3
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc5":
                            cc_array = 4
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc6":
                            cc_array = 5
                        if cc_array >= 0:
                            subfield["text"] = "{0}-{1}".format(cc_array+1, cc_labels[cc_array])
                state_change = False
            # Check if any cc button was pressed
            for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
                if not cc_buttons[i].value and not cc_button_states[i]:
                    # Don't send a control code if < 0
                    if cc_values[i] >= 0:
                        midi.send(ControlChange(cc_values[i], 120))
                        cc_button_states[i] = True
                        cc_leds[i].value = not cc_leds[i].value
                        status_text = ">>>{0}<<<".format(cc_labels[i])
                        if debug:
                        # lcd.load_status_line(status_text)
                        lcd.load_status_line("Switch {0} not mapped".format(str(i+1))) 
            # time.sleep(1)
        elif main_state == "Config":
            if state_change:
                state_change = False
            if not up.value and not up_state:
                up_state = True
                if debug:
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the up key")
            elif not down.value and not down_state:
                down_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the down key")
            elif not left.value and not left_state:
                left_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the left key")
            elif not right.value and not right_state:
                right_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the right key")
            elif not select.value and not select_state:
                select_state = True
                subfield = lcd.enter()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the select key")
                # Exiting config goes back to Midi send mode
                if 'previous' in subfield and subfield['previous'] == 'Midi':
                    main_state = "Midi"
                    state_change = True
                # Else the menu has another prior screen
                elif 'previous' in subfield:
                # Else the menu has a next which just displays another submenu
                elif 'next' in subfield:
                # Switch edit menu
                elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editswitch':
                    key_value = subfield["key"]
                    for line in screen_defs["edit_switch"]:
                        for field in line:
                            if "id" in field and field["id"] == "switch_label":
                                field["text"] = subfield["text"]
                # Edit control code
                elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editcc':
                    for line in screen_defs["edit_cc"]:
                        for field in line:
                            if "id" in field and field["id"] == "ccvalue":
                                field["text"] = config_data[key_value]
            elif not f1.value and not f1_state:
                f1_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F1 key")
            elif not f2.value and not f2_state:
                f2_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F2 key")
            elif not f3.value and not f3_state:
                f3_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F3 key")
#             elif not f4.value and not f4_state:
#                 f4_state = True
#                 if debug:
#                     print("You pressed the F4 key")                    
    except Exception as ex:
        with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
           traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
        fault.value = True

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by mikeysklar »

This would be interesting to understand. Since there are buttons, TFT and LEDs there is a lot going on here.

You might be able to get a previous traceback after trying to run without Thonny.

Code: Select all

>>> import supervisor
>>> supervisor.get_previous_traceback()
Can you start with commenting out the sleep code to see if the code can complete its run or still hangs in the same place?

The MIDI code would be the next culprit that I would be suspicious of as it expects some USB communication and might need additional delays when not going through Thonny to work correctly.

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

Okay, so I reduced my program down to a simple test. Here's the test code:

Code: Select all

import busio
import board
import digitalio
import time

cc_led_pins = [board.GP12, board.GP13, board.GP14, board.GP15, board.GP16, board.GP17]
cc_leds = []

# Build the cc LED pin array, toggle on/off as a LED test
for pin in cc_led_pins:
    cc_led = digitaliodigita.DigitalInOut(pin)
    cc_led.direction = lio.Direction.OUTPUT
    cc_led.value = True
    # time.sleep(.25)
    cc_led.value = False

for led in cc_leds:
    led.value = True
So when you run the above code in Thonny as expected the leds flash very quickly then all turn on. Running this by just booting the Pico and the LEDs never turn on and stay on as the program works in Thonny. Note that I removed the "sleep". so the initial flash of the LEDs happens very quickly. Very odd to me that they program behaves one way in Thonny and another way when just booting the Pico. Maybe there is a nuance about Pico programming that I don't understand here?

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by danhalbert »

Add a

Code: Select all

while True:
to your simplified program and see what happens. Right now your program is exiting immediately.

Do you have a regular Pi Pico or only the Pico W? If you have the former, could you try it on that too?

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »


Yes, I suspected my program was exiting immediately but I probably incorrectly assumed it would work the same with our without Thonny.

I added the suggested code and the LEDs all stay on.

And unfortunately I don't have a regular Pico, just the Pico W.

So after getting the program to continue running using the "While" loop I put the time.sleep() call back in and it worked fine. Now the question is why is the larger program hanging. Is there perhaps a better way to handle waiting on the Pico other than the traditional time.sleep()?

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »


Just to follow up...I tried the time.monotonic() function to continue looping until the number of seconds passed instead of using time.sleep(). The results were still the same in the larger program. The first LED lights up then the program "hangs". So I just commented out the use of time.monotonic() and the program gets to the point where it displays the "splash screen" on the LCD then hangs in the middle of writing the text to the LCD (using your library for a PFC8574 I2C backpack). I also noticed that your lcd library uses time.sleep() as well so maybe that's the common element, the use of time.sleep() in CircuitPython on a Pico W. FYI, I also posted this in Discord but thought it would be better as a thread on the CircuitPython forum.


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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

mikeysklar wrote:This would be interesting to understand. Since there are buttons, TFT and LEDs there is a lot going on here.

You might be able to get a previous traceback after trying to run without Thonny.

Code: Select all

>>> import supervisor
>>> supervisor.get_previous_traceback()
Can you start with commenting out the sleep code to see if the code can complete its run or still hangs in the same place?

The MIDI code would be the next culprit that I would be suspicious of as it expects some USB communication and might need additional delays when not going through Thonny to work correctly.

Yes, there is a lot going on here. Basically I'm building a custom MIDI control board to use with the MODEP pedal emulation platform. I could use an off the shelf midi controller but I want to add some functionality that is specific to MODEP so hence the need for a custom solution.

Just curious, where would I insert the call to get_previous_traceback()?

As far as the MIDI being the issue at the point where the program hangs the program hasn't even sent a MIDI command although the constructor to create the MIDI device has been called. I will comment out the MIDI stuff and see if it hangs.

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by mikeysklar »

The commands I suggested for traceback would be issued through the REPL console. This would be after the failure since it is using "get_previous_traceback()".

Code: Select all

>>> import supervisor
>>> supervisor.get_previous_traceback()

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

Okay, I have narrowed it down. After moving some things around and trying loading things in different order I just commented out the code to create the USB Midi device and send any control codes. So the problem appears to be in the USB Midi library from adafruit or possibly something incompatible with that library and another. What would I need to provide to help diagnose this?

Also, once the device freezes running the suggested supervisor.get_previous_traceback() returns nothing.

Here's the code that works. If you uncomment the two lines that import adafruit_midi the program will freeze:

Code: Select all

import traceback
import sys
import time
import board
import digitalio
# import network
import usb_midi
# import adafruit_midi
# from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange
import json
from lcdzilla.lcdzilla import lcdzilla

debug = True

def load_cc_values():
    return [cur_mapping['cc1'], cur_mapping['cc2'], cur_mapping['cc3'],
                 cur_mapping['cc4'], cur_mapping['cc5'], cur_mapping['cc6']]

def load_cc_labels():
    cc_label_list = []
    if cur_mapping['cc1'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc2'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc3'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc4'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc5'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc6'] >= 0:
    return cc_label_list

def build_map_select():
    mapping_screen_def = []
    for idx, line in enumerate(screen_defs["select_mapping"]):
        for field in line:
            if "id" in field and field["id"] != "selectmapping":
            if "id" in field and field["id"] == "selectmapping":
                for mapping_idx, mapping in enumerate(config_data["mappings"]):
                    new_line = [{"text":mapping["name"],"select":True,"id":"selectmapping"}]
        if debug:
            print("Select mapping screen: {0}".format(mapping_screen_def))
    return mapping_screen_def

# Startup process
    # Create the pin for our fault LED. Turn on your fault light. Let it shine whever you go...
    fault = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP11)
    fault.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
    fault.value = False
    # Load the screen definitions
    if debug:
        print("Loading screen definitions...")
    f = open('lcd_def.json')
    screen_defs = json.load(f)
    if debug:
        print("Screen definitions loaded...")

    #  Pins for the footswitches. Adjust this as needed for more/less footswitches
    cc_pins = [board.GP18, board.GP19, board.GP20, board.GP21, board.GP22,
    cc_buttons = []
    cc_button_states = []
    cc_led_pins = [board.GP12, board.GP13, board.GP14, board.GP15, board.GP16, board.GP17]
    cc_leds = []

    for pin in cc_pins:
        cc_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        cc_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # Build the cc LED pin array, toggle on/off as a LED test
    for pin in cc_led_pins:
        cc_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
        cc_led.value = True
        target = time.monotonic() + .25
        while time.monotonic() < target:
        cc_led.value = False
    # In my configuration one of the switches is a mode switch
    mode_select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP28)
    mode_select.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
    mode_select.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    mode_select_state = None

    # Pins for the navigation buttons.
    menu = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP2)
    menu_state = None
    select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP3)
    select_state = None
    up = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP4)
    up_state = None
    up_long_press = False
    down = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP5)
    down_state = None
    down_long_press = False
    left = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP6)
    left_state = None
    right = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP7)
    right_state = None
    f1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP8)
    f1_state = None
    f2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP9)
    f2_state = None
    f3 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP10)
    f3_state = None
#     f4 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RUN)
#     f4_state = None
    navigation = [menu, select, up, down, left, right, f1, f2, f3]

    for button in navigation:
        button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # Create the LCD
    lcd = lcdzilla(lcdzilla.LCD_PFC8574, 0x27, board.GP1, board.GP0, num_lines=4, num_characters=20)

    # Create the USB midi device
    # midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=1)
    main_state = None
    state_change = False
    clock = None
    key_value = None

    config_data = None
    config_dft = {
        "mappings" : [
    cur_mapping = None
    save_config = False
    # Get the config file data
        config_file = open('config.json', 'r')
        if config_file:
            config_data = json.load(config_file)
            if debug:
                print("Loaded config file: {0}".format(config_data))
    except Exception as ex:
        config_data = config_dft
        if debug:
            print("Didn't load config file, using default. Error: {0}".format(ex))
    # Set the current mapping
    for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
        if mapping['name'] == config_data["cur_mapping"]:
            cur_mapping = mapping
    # If current mapping is not found then use the default mapping
    if not cur_mapping:
        for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
            if mapping["name"] == "default":
                cur_mapping = mapping
                config_data["cur_mapping"] = "default"

    # Load the midi control codes array
    cc_values = load_cc_values()
    # Load the button labels array
    cc_labels = load_cc_labels()

except Exception as ex:
    fault.value = True
    with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
       traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
if debug:

while True:
        # Here we are checking if the buttons were released but they were previously pressed.
        state_reset = False
        if menu.value and menu_state:
            menu_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if select.value and select_state:
            select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if up.value and up_state:
            up_state = None
            up_long_press = False
            state_reset = True
        if down.value and down_state:
            down_state = None
            down_long_press = False
            state_reset = True
        if left.value and left_state:
            left_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if right.value and right_state:
            right_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f1.value and f1_state:
            f1_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f2.value and f2_state:
            f2_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f3.value and f3_state:
            f3_state = None
            state_reset = True
#         if f4.value and f4_state:
#             f4_state = None
#             state_reset = True            
        if mode_select.value and mode_select_state:
            mode_select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
            if cc_buttons[i].value and cc_button_states[i]:
                cc_button_states[i] = False
                state_reset = True

        # Sleep for a short time so the button is not detected to be pressed again
        if state_reset:
            clock = None
            target = time.monotonic() + .10
            while time.monotonic() < target:
            # time.sleep(.10)

        # Determine what button was pressed, if any. A menu button pressed will
        # immediately change the state to config state. Note that we'll only
        # process the menu button press the first time until the button is released and
        # the state is reset at the top of the loop.  This prevents the same action from
        # happening multiple times in one press
        if not menu.value and not menu_state and main_state != "Config":
            menu_state = True
            if debug:
                print("You pressed the menu key")
            if main_state != "Config":
                main_state = "Config"
                state_change = True
                main_state = "Midi"
        # The mode select button will put the board into mapping select mode
        if not mode_select.value and not mode_select_state and main_state != "MapSelect":
            if debug:
                print("Pressed mode select")
            main_state = "MapSelect"
            state_change = True
        if main_state == None:
            # Show the splash on the LCD
            target = time.monotonic() + 3
            while time.monotonic() < target:
            # time.sleep(3)
            main_state = "Midi"
            state_change = True
        elif main_state == "Midi":
            if state_change:
                # Load the midi information into the screen definition
                for line in screen_defs["midi_screen"]:
                    for subfield in line:
                        cc_array = -1
                        if "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc1":
                            cc_array = 0
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc2":
                            cc_array = 1
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc3":
                            cc_array = 2
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc4":
                            cc_array = 3
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc5":
                            cc_array = 4
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc6":
                            cc_array = 5
                        if cc_array >= 0:
                            subfield["text"] = "{0}-{1}".format(cc_array+1, cc_labels[cc_array])
                state_change = False
            # Check if any cc button was pressed
            for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
                if not cc_buttons[i].value and not cc_button_states[i]:
                    # Don't send a control code if < 0
                    if cc_values[i] >= 0:
                        # midi.send(ControlChange(cc_values[i], 120))
                        cc_button_states[i] = True
                        cc_leds[i].value = not cc_leds[i].value
                        status_text = ">>>{0}<<<".format(cc_labels[i])
                        if debug:
                        # lcd.load_status_line(status_text)
                        lcd.load_status_line("Switch {0} not mapped".format(str(i+1))) 
            # time.sleep(1)
        elif main_state == "MapSelect":
            if state_change:
                mapping_screen_def = build_map_select()
                state_change = False
            # Selected a map
            if not mode_select.value and not mode_select_state:
                subfield = lcd.enter()
                if "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "selectmapping":
                    config_data["cur_mapping"] = subfield["text"]
                    for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                        if mapping["name"] == subfield["text"]:
                            cur_mapping = mapping
                    save_config = True
                    main_state = "Midi"
                    state_change = True
            # Pressing button 3 is same as the up key
            if not cc_buttons[2] and not cc_button_states[2]:
            # Pressing button 6 is the same as the down key
            if not cc_buttons[5] and not cc_button_state[5]:
        elif main_state == "Config":
            # Have we entered up key long press?
            if not up.value and clock and time.monotonic() >= (clock+1):
                up_long_press = True
            if not down.value and clock and time.monotonic() >= (clock+1):
                down_long_press = True
            if state_change:
                for line in screen_defs["config_screen"]:
                    for field in line:
                        if 'id' in field and field['id'] == "mapping_label":
                            field['text'] = cur_mapping["name"]
                state_change = False
            if not up.value and (not up_state or up_long_press):
                up_state = True
                if debug:
                # The up and down keys can be long pressed to speed up value changing. Save the
                # current time for checking for long press
                clock = time.monotonic()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the up key")
            elif not down.value and (not down_state or down_long_press):
                down_state = True
                clock = time.monotonic()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the down key")
            elif not left.value and not left_state:
                left_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the left key")
            elif not right.value and not right_state:
                right_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the right key")
            elif not select.value and not select_state:
                select_state = True
                subfield = lcd.enter()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the select key")
                # Don't do anything if the subfield return was nothing. An input error occurred
                if subfield:
                    # Exiting config goes back to Midi send mode
                    if 'previous' in subfield and subfield['previous'] == 'Midi':
                        main_state = "Midi"
                        state_change = True
                    # Else the menu has another prior screen
                    elif 'previous' in subfield:
                    # Else the menu has a next which just displays another submenu
                    elif 'next' in subfield:
                    # Switch edit menu
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editswitch':
                        key_value = subfield["key"]
                        # If the switch is currently disabled then only show an option to
                        # enable the switch
                        if cur_mapping[key_value] == -1:
                            for line in screen_defs["enable_switch"]:
                                for field in line:
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "switch_label":
                                        field["text"] = subfield["text"]
                                    if "key" in field:
                                        field["key"] = key_value
                            for line in screen_defs["edit_switch"]:
                                for field in line:
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "switch_label":
                                        field["text"] = subfield["text"]
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "disableswitch":
                                        field["key"] = key_value
                    # Edit control code
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editcc':
                        for line in screen_defs["edit_cc"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "ccvalue":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping[key_value]
                                    field["key"] = key_value 
                    # Edit switch label
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editlabel':
                        for line in screen_defs["edit_label"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "labelvalue":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping[(key_value + "_lbl")]
                                    field["key"] = key_value + "_lbl"
                    # Set the current mapping name in the save as text field
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "savemappingas":
                        for line in screen_defs["save_mapping"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "mappingname":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping["name"]
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "select_mapping":
                        mapping_screen_def = build_map_select()
                    # Switch enabled
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "enableswitch":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = 0
                        save_config = True
                    # Switch disabled
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "disableswitch":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = -1
                        save_config = True
                    # Control code updated
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "ccvalue":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = subfield['text']
                        save_config = True
                    # Label value updated
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "labelvalue":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = subfield["text"]
                        save_config = True
                    # Mapping selected
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "selectmapping":
                        mapping_name = subfield["text"]
                        config_data["cur_mapping"] = mapping_name
                        main_state = "Midi"
                        state_change = True
                        save_config = True
                    # Saving mapping name as..
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "mappingname":
                        mapping_name = subfield["text"]
                        if debug:
                            print("Looking for mapping: {0}".format(mapping_name))
                            print("Current config: {0}".format(config_data))
                        for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                            if debug:
                                print("Mapping name: {0}".format(mapping["name"]))
                            if mapping["name"] == mapping_name:
                                mapping = cur_mapping
                                save_config = True
                        if not save_config:
                            if debug:
                                print("Didn't find mapping, appending new value")
                            new_mapping = cur_mapping.copy()
                            new_mapping["name"] = mapping_name
                            if debug:
                                print("New mapping: {0}".format(new_mapping))
                            save_config = True
                        config_data["cur_mapping"] = mapping_name
                        if debug:
                            print("Config after change: {0}".format(config_data))
                        # lcd.load_screen(screen_defs["config_screen"])
                        state_change = True
                    # Delete mapping
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "deletemapping":
                        if cur_mapping["name"] == "default":
                            for mapping_idx, mapping in enumerate(config_data["mappings"]):
                                if mapping["name"] == cur_mapping["name"]:
                                    config_data["cur_mapping"] = "default"
                                    save_config = True
                            state_change = True
            # The F1 key will switch between character states
            elif not f1.value and not f1_state:
                f1_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F1 key")
            # The F2 key will be a backspace key
            elif not f2.value and not f2_state:
                f2_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F2 key")
            # F3 doesn't do anything right now
            elif not f3.value and not f3_state:
                f3_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F3 key")
#             # F4 now activates the RUN button
#             elif not f4.value and not f4_state:
#                 f4_state = True
#                 if debug:
#                     print("You pressed the F4 key")

        # Save the config
        if save_config:
            # Ensure the current mapping is loaded
            for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                if mapping["name"] == config_data["cur_mapping"]:
                    cur_mapping = mapping
            # Reload the cc values and labels
            cc_values = load_cc_values()
            cc_labels = load_cc_labels()
            # Save the config
            with open('config.json', 'w') as f:
                json.dump(config_data, f)
            save_config = False
    except Exception as ex:
        fault.value = True
            with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
               traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
        except Exception as ex2:

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

Okay, so I think I found a workaround. All I did was change the order that the imports happened, moving the adafruit_midi imports to the end. And then it started working. So here's my import section now:

Code: Select all

import traceback
import sys
import time
import board
import digitalio
# import network
import json
from lcdzilla.lcdzilla import lcdzilla
import usb_midi
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by danhalbert »

I'm a little confused, could you upload your whole program?

If you are using USB MIDI, and you try starting from plug-in, then the host computer may not have finished connecting to the USB devices immediately. You could try adding a `time.sleep()` for 2-5 seconds before trying to create the usb_midi device.

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Re: Circuit Python Program Works in Thonny Only

Post by jtemple967 »

danhalbert wrote:I'm a little confused, could you upload your whole program?

If you are using USB MIDI, and you try starting from plug-in, then the host computer may not have finished connecting to the USB devices immediately. You could try adding a `time.sleep()` for 2-5 seconds before trying to create the usb_midi device.

So here's the whole program that doesn't work. If you change the import section to the snippet I posted previously then it does work. Note that when it doesn't work it doesn't even get to the point where I'm trying to create the adafruit_midi.MIDI device (line 150). It hangs when turning on/off the first of the status LEDs, starting at the for loop at line 94, basically freezing at line 98 or 99. In other words, the LED turns on but never off.

Code: Select all

import traceback
import sys
import time
import board
import digitalio
# import network
import usb_midi
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange
import json
from lcdzilla.lcdzilla import lcdzilla

debug = True

def load_cc_values():
    return [cur_mapping['cc1'], cur_mapping['cc2'], cur_mapping['cc3'],
                 cur_mapping['cc4'], cur_mapping['cc5'], cur_mapping['cc6']]

def load_cc_labels():
    cc_label_list = []
    if cur_mapping['cc1'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc2'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc3'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc4'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc5'] >= 0:
    if cur_mapping['cc6'] >= 0:
    return cc_label_list

def build_map_select():
    mapping_screen_def = []
    for idx, line in enumerate(screen_defs["select_mapping"]):
        for field in line:
            if "id" in field and field["id"] != "selectmapping":
            if "id" in field and field["id"] == "selectmapping":
                for mapping_idx, mapping in enumerate(config_data["mappings"]):
                    new_line = [{"text":mapping["name"],"select":True,"id":"selectmapping"}]
        if debug:
            print("Select mapping screen: {0}".format(mapping_screen_def))
    return mapping_screen_def

# Startup process
    # Create the pin for our fault LED. Turn on your fault light. Let it shine whever you go...
    fault = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP11)
    fault.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
    fault.value = False
    # Load the screen definitions
    if debug:
        print("Loading screen definitions...")
    f = open('lcd_def.json')
    screen_defs = json.load(f)
    if debug:
        print("Screen definitions loaded...")

    #  Pins for the footswitches. Adjust this as needed for more/less footswitches
    cc_pins = [board.GP18, board.GP19, board.GP20, board.GP21, board.GP22,
    cc_buttons = []
    cc_button_states = []
    cc_led_pins = [board.GP12, board.GP13, board.GP14, board.GP15, board.GP16, board.GP17]
    cc_leds = []

    for pin in cc_pins:
        cc_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        cc_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # Build the cc LED pin array, toggle on/off as a LED test
    for pin in cc_led_pins:
        cc_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
        cc_led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
        cc_led.value = True
        target = time.monotonic() + .25
        while time.monotonic() < target:
        cc_led.value = False
    # In my configuration one of the switches is a mode switch
    mode_select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP28)
    mode_select.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
    mode_select.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    mode_select_state = None

    # Pins for the navigation buttons.
    menu = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP2)
    menu_state = None
    select = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP3)
    select_state = None
    up = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP4)
    up_state = None
    up_long_press = False
    down = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP5)
    down_state = None
    down_long_press = False
    left = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP6)
    left_state = None
    right = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP7)
    right_state = None
    f1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP8)
    f1_state = None
    f2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP9)
    f2_state = None
    f3 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP10)
    f3_state = None
#     f4 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.RUN)
#     f4_state = None
    navigation = [menu, select, up, down, left, right, f1, f2, f3]

    for button in navigation:
        button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
        button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP
    # Create the LCD
    lcd = lcdzilla(lcdzilla.LCD_PFC8574, 0x27, board.GP1, board.GP0, num_lines=4, num_characters=20)

    # Create the USB midi device
    midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=1)
    main_state = None
    state_change = False
    clock = None
    key_value = None

    config_data = None
    config_dft = {
        "mappings" : [
    cur_mapping = None
    save_config = False
    # Get the config file data
        config_file = open('config.json', 'r')
        if config_file:
            config_data = json.load(config_file)
            if debug:
                print("Loaded config file: {0}".format(config_data))
    except Exception as ex:
        config_data = config_dft
        if debug:
            print("Didn't load config file, using default. Error: {0}".format(ex))
    # Set the current mapping
    for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
        if mapping['name'] == config_data["cur_mapping"]:
            cur_mapping = mapping
    # If current mapping is not found then use the default mapping
    if not cur_mapping:
        for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
            if mapping["name"] == "default":
                cur_mapping = mapping
                config_data["cur_mapping"] = "default"

    # Load the midi control codes array
    cc_values = load_cc_values()
    # Load the button labels array
    cc_labels = load_cc_labels()

except Exception as ex:
    fault.value = True
    with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
       traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
if debug:

while True:
        # Here we are checking if the buttons were released but they were previously pressed.
        state_reset = False
        if menu.value and menu_state:
            menu_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if select.value and select_state:
            select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if up.value and up_state:
            up_state = None
            up_long_press = False
            state_reset = True
        if down.value and down_state:
            down_state = None
            down_long_press = False
            state_reset = True
        if left.value and left_state:
            left_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if right.value and right_state:
            right_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f1.value and f1_state:
            f1_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f2.value and f2_state:
            f2_state = None
            state_reset = True
        if f3.value and f3_state:
            f3_state = None
            state_reset = True
#         if f4.value and f4_state:
#             f4_state = None
#             state_reset = True           
        if mode_select.value and mode_select_state:
            mode_select_state = None
            state_reset = True
        for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
            if cc_buttons[i].value and cc_button_states[i]:
                cc_button_states[i] = False
                state_reset = True

        # Sleep for a short time so the button is not detected to be pressed again
        if state_reset:
            clock = None
            target = time.monotonic() + .10
            while time.monotonic() < target:
            # time.sleep(.10)

        # Determine what button was pressed, if any. A menu button pressed will
        # immediately change the state to config state. Note that we'll only
        # process the menu button press the first time until the button is released and
        # the state is reset at the top of the loop.  This prevents the same action from
        # happening multiple times in one press
        if not menu.value and not menu_state and main_state != "Config":
            menu_state = True
            if debug:
                print("You pressed the menu key")
            if main_state != "Config":
                main_state = "Config"
                state_change = True
                main_state = "Midi"
        # The mode select button will put the board into mapping select mode
        if not mode_select.value and not mode_select_state and main_state != "MapSelect":
            if debug:
                print("Pressed mode select")
            main_state = "MapSelect"
            state_change = True
        if main_state == None:
            # Show the splash on the LCD
            target = time.monotonic() + 3
            while time.monotonic() < target:
            # time.sleep(3)
            main_state = "Midi"
            state_change = True
        elif main_state == "Midi":
            if state_change:
                # Load the midi information into the screen definition
                for line in screen_defs["midi_screen"]:
                    for subfield in line:
                        cc_array = -1
                        if "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc1":
                            cc_array = 0
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc2":
                            cc_array = 1
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc3":
                            cc_array = 2
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc4":
                            cc_array = 3
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc5":
                            cc_array = 4
                        elif "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "cc6":
                            cc_array = 5
                        if cc_array >= 0:
                            subfield["text"] = "{0}-{1}".format(cc_array+1, cc_labels[cc_array])
                state_change = False
            # Check if any cc button was pressed
            for i in range(len(cc_buttons)):
                if not cc_buttons[i].value and not cc_button_states[i]:
                    # Don't send a control code if < 0
                    if cc_values[i] >= 0:
                        midi.send(ControlChange(cc_values[i], 120))
                        cc_button_states[i] = True
                        cc_leds[i].value = not cc_leds[i].value
                        status_text = ">>>{0}<<<".format(cc_labels[i])
                        if debug:
                        # lcd.load_status_line(status_text)
                        lcd.load_status_line("Switch {0} not mapped".format(str(i+1)))
            # time.sleep(1)
        elif main_state == "MapSelect":
            if state_change:
                mapping_screen_def = build_map_select()
                state_change = False
            # Selected a map
            if not mode_select.value and not mode_select_state:
                subfield = lcd.enter()
                if "id" in subfield and subfield["id"] == "selectmapping":
                    config_data["cur_mapping"] = subfield["text"]
                    for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                        if mapping["name"] == subfield["text"]:
                            cur_mapping = mapping
                    save_config = True
                    main_state = "Midi"
                    state_change = True
            # Pressing button 3 is same as the up key
            if not cc_buttons[2] and not cc_button_states[2]:
            # Pressing button 6 is the same as the down key
            if not cc_buttons[5] and not cc_button_states[5]:
        elif main_state == "Config":
            # Have we entered up key long press?
            if not up.value and clock and time.monotonic() >= (clock+1):
                up_long_press = True
            if not down.value and clock and time.monotonic() >= (clock+1):
                down_long_press = True
            if state_change:
                for line in screen_defs["config_screen"]:
                    for field in line:
                        if 'id' in field and field['id'] == "mapping_label":
                            field['text'] = cur_mapping["name"]
                state_change = False
            if not up.value and (not up_state or up_long_press):
                up_state = True
                if debug:
                # The up and down keys can be long pressed to speed up value changing. Save the
                # current time for checking for long press
                clock = time.monotonic()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the up key")
            elif not down.value and (not down_state or down_long_press):
                down_state = True
                clock = time.monotonic()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the down key")
            elif not left.value and not left_state:
                left_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the left key")
            elif not right.value and not right_state:
                right_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the right key")
            elif not select.value and not select_state:
                select_state = True
                subfield = lcd.enter()
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the select key")
                # Don't do anything if the subfield return was nothing. An input error occurred
                if subfield:
                    # Exiting config goes back to Midi send mode
                    if 'previous' in subfield and subfield['previous'] == 'Midi':
                        main_state = "Midi"
                        state_change = True
                    # Else the menu has another prior screen
                    elif 'previous' in subfield:
                    # Else the menu has a next which just displays another submenu
                    elif 'next' in subfield:
                    # Switch edit menu
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editswitch':
                        key_value = subfield["key"]
                        # If the switch is currently disabled then only show an option to
                        # enable the switch
                        if cur_mapping[key_value] == -1:
                            for line in screen_defs["enable_switch"]:
                                for field in line:
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "switch_label":
                                        field["text"] = subfield["text"]
                                    if "key" in field:
                                        field["key"] = key_value
                            for line in screen_defs["edit_switch"]:
                                for field in line:
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "switch_label":
                                        field["text"] = subfield["text"]
                                    if "id" in field and field["id"] == "disableswitch":
                                        field["key"] = key_value
                    # Edit control code
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editcc':
                        for line in screen_defs["edit_cc"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "ccvalue":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping[key_value]
                                    field["key"] = key_value
                    # Edit switch label
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == 'editlabel':
                        for line in screen_defs["edit_label"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "labelvalue":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping[(key_value + "_lbl")]
                                    field["key"] = key_value + "_lbl"
                    # Set the current mapping name in the save as text field
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "savemappingas":
                        for line in screen_defs["save_mapping"]:
                            for field in line:
                                if "id" in field and field["id"] == "mappingname":
                                    field["text"] = cur_mapping["name"]
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "select_mapping":
                        mapping_screen_def = build_map_select()
                    # Switch enabled
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "enableswitch":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = 0
                        save_config = True
                    # Switch disabled
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "disableswitch":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = -1
                        save_config = True
                    # Control code updated
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "ccvalue":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = subfield['text']
                        save_config = True
                    # Label value updated
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "labelvalue":
                        cur_mapping[subfield["key"]] = subfield["text"]
                        save_config = True
                    # Mapping selected
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "selectmapping":
                        mapping_name = subfield["text"]
                        config_data["cur_mapping"] = mapping_name
                        main_state = "Midi"
                        state_change = True
                        save_config = True
                    # Saving mapping name as..
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "mappingname":
                        mapping_name = subfield["text"]
                        if debug:
                            print("Looking for mapping: {0}".format(mapping_name))
                            print("Current config: {0}".format(config_data))
                        for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                            if debug:
                                print("Mapping name: {0}".format(mapping["name"]))
                            if mapping["name"] == mapping_name:
                                mapping = cur_mapping
                                save_config = True
                        if not save_config:
                            if debug:
                                print("Didn't find mapping, appending new value")
                            new_mapping = cur_mapping.copy()
                            new_mapping["name"] = mapping_name
                            if debug:
                                print("New mapping: {0}".format(new_mapping))
                            save_config = True
                        config_data["cur_mapping"] = mapping_name
                        if debug:
                            print("Config after change: {0}".format(config_data))
                        # lcd.load_screen(screen_defs["config_screen"])
                        state_change = True
                    # Delete mapping
                    elif 'id' in subfield and subfield['id'] == "deletemapping":
                        if cur_mapping["name"] == "default":
                            for mapping_idx, mapping in enumerate(config_data["mappings"]):
                                if mapping["name"] == cur_mapping["name"]:
                                    config_data["cur_mapping"] = "default"
                                    save_config = True
                            state_change = True
            # The F1 key will switch between character states
            elif not f1.value and not f1_state:
                f1_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F1 key")
            # The F2 key will be a backspace key
            elif not f2.value and not f2_state:
                f2_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F2 key")
            # F3 doesn't do anything right now
            elif not f3.value and not f3_state:
                f3_state = True
                if debug:
                    print("You pressed the F3 key")
#             # F4 now activates the RUN button
#             elif not f4.value and not f4_state:
#                 f4_state = True
#                 if debug:
#                     print("You pressed the F4 key")

        # Save the config
        if save_config:
            # Ensure the current mapping is loaded
            for mapping in config_data["mappings"]:
                if mapping["name"] == config_data["cur_mapping"]:
                    cur_mapping = mapping
            # Reload the cc values and labels
            cc_values = load_cc_values()
            cc_labels = load_cc_labels()
            # Save the config
            with open('config.json', 'w') as f:
                json.dump(config_data, f)
            save_config = False
    except Exception as ex:
        fault.value = True
            with open("error.log", "w") as log_file:
               traceback.print_exception(ex, ex, ex.__traceback__, file=log_file)
        except Exception as ex2:

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