Vin and Vout of Buck Converter

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Vin and Vout of Buck Converter

Post by bchou123 »

I recently bought the buck converter so that I can use a 12V battery source to power the Neopixel RGB strips. I am a bit confused as to which side of the buck converter is the Vin and which is the Vout. And also if it is normal for the buck converter to make a noise while powered? I would really appreciate it if someone can give me some insight to my questions. Thanks!

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Re: Vin and Vout of Buck Converter

Post by dastels »

In/Out are labelled from what I see in the product photos: in is the bare ended wires, and out has a connector.

And, yes, as the product description states:
it's a switching supply so its a little noisy compared to a linear regulator

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