Featherwing OLED (128x64) "reversed" connections?

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Featherwing OLED (128x64) "reversed" connections?

Post by iruma77 »

For most other Featherwing displays, they're built so a feather with "down-pointing" terminals plugs into the "back" of the Featherwing, and the display is on the "front" of the Featherwing. I just received a PID 4650 Featherwing OLED, only to discover it's pin connections are "reversed" from all of the others I've used -- in order for it to connect to a Feather, the Feather's terminal pins need to be pointing "upwards" (on same side as chips, LEDs, etc). When used with a Feather with terminal pins pointing down (other side from USB, chips, etc.), the only way for this Featherwing to connect leaves the display facing TOWARDS the underside of the Feather (as in, not visible), instead of facing AWAY from the Feather.

So, why are this Featherwing's pins reversed from most other display Featherwings in terms of how to connect to Feather?

Having Feather's pins on "upper" side of board blocks airflow to parts, and esp. with Feathers like FeatherS2 & FeatherS3 with significant PSRAM & FLASH, creating thermal issues if another board is mounted directly "above" such Feathers.

I'm guessing I can use a Featherwing doubler/tripler to potentially solve this, but that also greatly increases footprint. OTOH, I really didn't want FeatherS2's or FeatherS3's with upwards-facing pins either. Hmmm.

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Re: Featherwing OLED (128x64) "reversed" connections?

Post by dastels »

A typical FeatherWing mounts on top of the feather (or using a doubler/tripler/etc). Displays that fit on the Feather form factor are like this. It's only the larger displays that are different. The typical header use is to have male headers on the display wing and female (or stacking) headers on the feather itself. See https://learn.adafruit.com/assets/33775.


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