USB AVR Programmer and SPI interface. Adafruit's USBtinyISP.

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Post by shlomoaran »

I am using the Adafruit_TinyUSB on the Adrduino IDE, on ESP32-S3 board.
The second usb is connected to HID device, so I want to us USB HID.
Adafruit_USBD_HID usb_hid;
But the:
while(!USBDevice.mounted()) delay(1);
Doesn't finish.

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Re: TinyUSB

Post by adafruit_support_mike »

As a sanity check, verify your USB cable by using it to connect some other, known-working device to a computer.

There's a plague of charge-only cables out there with USB connectors at both ends, but no wires for the data signals. People get caught by them every day.

Just swapping cables has no diagnostic value. The current record is someone who had to try ten cables before finding one that worked. Only a working USB connection can rule out a charge-only cable.

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