Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

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Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

I have been closely following the Wizard Staff tutorial at with just about identical components as to what was used in the tutorial. This includes a Feather M4 Express, Prop Maker Featherwing, JST-connected Neopixel strip, JST-connected mini speaker, tactical on/off switch and a 2200mAh Lithium Ion Battery from Adafruit.
When connected to MU, the code runs fine and the serial monitor displays all the expected output. Also, the get_voltage function displayed the battery is running at roughly 3.8 volts.
The problem comes when I unplug the USB connection and attempt to run the code off the LIPO power alone. When I connect the LIPO to the Featherwing with all peripherals attached, the LED will blink green 4 times rapidly and then nothing...
The code posted below includes a power switch function tied to pin D10 and my thinking is the issues may be related to this. I've tried multiple types of switches connected to the G and ENABLE pins as indicated in the tutorial, yet nothing seems to make any difference.
Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
The code is at present copied verbatim from the tutorial-

Code: Select all

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kattni Rembor Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Erin St Blaine for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Prop-Maker based Burning Wizard Staff
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code.
Please support Adafruit and open source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
Written by Kattni Rembor, Erin St Blaine & Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries
Copyright (c) 2020 Adafruit Industries
Licensed under the MIT license.
All text above must be included in any redistribution.

import time
import random
import digitalio
import audioio
import audiocore
import board
import neopixel
import adafruit_lis3dh

NUM_RING = 12   #12 pixel ring
NUM_STRIP = 44  # 44 pixels in my NeoPixel strip
NUM_PIXELS = NUM_STRIP + NUM_RING  #total number of pixels

NEOPIXEL_PIN = board.D5  # PropMaker Wing uses D5 for NeoPixel plug
POWER_PIN = board.D10

COLOR = (200, 30, 0)      # Default idle is orange
ALT_COLOR = (0, 200, 200)  # hit color is teal
SWING_COLOR = (200, 200, 200) #swing animation color is white
TOP_COLOR = (100, 100, 0)  #top color is yellow-green
YELL_COLOR = (200, 0, 200)  #yell color is purple

# CUSTOMISE IDLE PULSE SPEED HERE: 0 is fast, above 0 slows down
IDLE_PULSE_SPEED = 0  # Default is 0 seconds

# CUSTOMISE BRIGHTNESS HERE: must be a number between 0 and 1
IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MIN = 0.2  # Default minimum idle pulse brightness
IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MAX = 1  # Default maximum idle pulse brightness

# CUSTOMISE SENSITIVITY HERE: smaller numbers = more sensitive to motion

# Set to the length in seconds of the "on.wav" and "yell1.wav" files

enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(POWER_PIN)
enable.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
enable.value = False

# Set up NeoPixels
strip = neopixel.NeoPixel(NEOPIXEL_PIN, NUM_PIXELS, brightness=1, auto_write=False)
strip.fill(0)  # NeoPixels off ASAP on startup

audio = audioio.AudioOut(board.A0)  # Speaker
wave_file = None

# Set up accelerometer on I2C bus, 4G range:
i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
# i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C()  # For using the built-in STEMMA QT connector on a microcontroller
accel = adafruit_lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c)
accel.range = adafruit_lis3dh.RANGE_4_G

COLOR_IDLE = COLOR # 'idle' color is the default for the staff handle
COLOR_HIT = ALT_COLOR  # "hit" color is ALT_COLOR set above
COLOR_SWING = SWING_COLOR  # "swing" color is SWING_COLOR set above
COLOR_TOP = TOP_COLOR  #"top" color is idle color for the ring

def play_wav(name, loop=False):
    Play a WAV file in the 'sounds' directory.
    :param name: partial file name string, complete name will be built around
                 this, e.g. passing 'foo' will play file 'sounds/foo.wav'.
    :param loop: if True, sound will repeat indefinitely (until interrupted
                 by another sound).
    global wave_file  # pylint: disable=global-statement
    print("playing", name)
    if wave_file:
        wave_file = open('sounds/' + name + '.wav', 'rb')
        wave = audiocore.WaveFile(wave_file), loop=loop)
    except OSError:
        pass # we'll just skip playing then

def power(sound, duration, reverse):
    Animate NeoPixels with accompanying sound effect for power on.
    @param sound: sound name (similar format to play_wav() above)
    @param duration: estimated duration of sound, in seconds (>0.0)
    @param reverse: Reverses animation. If True, begins animation at end of strip.
    if reverse:
        prev = NUM_PIXELS
        prev = 0
    start_time = time.monotonic()  # Save audio start time
    while True:
        elapsed = time.monotonic() - start_time  # Time spent playing sound
        if elapsed > duration:                   # Past sound duration?
            break                                # Stop animating
        total_animation_time = elapsed / duration            # Animation time, 0.0 to 1.0
        if reverse:
            total_animation_time = 1.0 - total_animation_time            # 1.0 to 0.0 if reverse
        threshold = int(NUM_PIXELS * total_animation_time + 0.5)
        num = threshold - prev # Number of pixels to light on this pass
        if num != 0:
            if reverse:
                strip[threshold:prev] = [ALT_COLOR] * -num
                strip[prev:threshold] = [ALT_COLOR] * num
            prev = threshold

def mix(color_1, color_2, weight_2):
    Blend between two colors with a given ratio.
    :param color_1:  first color, as an (r,g,b) tuple
    :param color_2:  second color, as an (r,g,b) tuple
    :param weight_2: Blend weight (ratio) of second color, 0.0 to 1.0
    :return (r,g,b) tuple, blended color
    if weight_2 < 0.0:
        weight_2 = 0.0
    elif weight_2 > 1.0:
        weight_2 = 1.0
    weight_1 = 1.0 - weight_2
    return (int(color_1[0] * weight_1 + color_2[0] * weight_2),
            int(color_1[1] * weight_1 + color_2[1] * weight_2),
            int(color_1[2] * weight_1 + color_2[2] * weight_2))

# List of swing wav files without the .wav in the name for use with play_wav()
swing_sounds = [

# List of hit wav files without the .wav in the name for use with play_wav()
hit_sounds = [

# List of yell wav files without the .wav in the name for use with play_wav()
yell_sounds = [

mode = 0  # Initial mode = OFF

# Setup idle pulse
idle_brightness = IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MIN  # current brightness of idle pulse
idle_increment = 0.01  # Initial idle pulse direction

# Main loop
while True:

    if mode == 0:  # If currently off...
        enable.value = True
        power('on', POWER_ON_SOUND_DURATION, True)  # Power up!
        play_wav('idle', loop=True)  # Play idle sound now
        mode = 1  # Idle mode
        time.sleep(1.0) #pause before moving on

        # Setup for idle pulse
        idle_brightness = IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MIN
        idle_increment = 0.01
        # lights the ring in COLOR_TOP color:
        strip[0:NUM_RING] = [([int(c*idle_brightness) for c in COLOR_TOP])] * NUM_RING
        # lights the strip in COLOR_IDLE color:
        strip[NUM_RING:NUM_PIXELS] = [([int(c*idle_brightness) for c in COLOR_IDLE])] * NUM_STRIP

    elif mode >= 1:  # If not OFF mode...
        x, y, z = accel.acceleration  # Read accelerometer
        accel_total = x * x + z * z #x axis used for hit and for swing
        accel_yell = y * y + z * z  #y axis used for yell
        # Square root isn't needed, since we're
        # comparing thresholds...use squared values instead.)
        if accel_total > HIT_THRESHOLD:  # Large acceleration on x axis = HIT
            TRIGGER_TIME = time.monotonic()  # Save initial time of hit
            play_wav(random.choice(hit_sounds))  # Start playing 'hit' sound
            COLOR_ACTIVE = COLOR_HIT  # Set color to fade from
            mode = 3  # HIT mode
        elif mode == 1 and accel_total > SWING_THRESHOLD:  # Mild acceleration on x axis = SWING
            TRIGGER_TIME = time.monotonic()  # Save initial time of swing
            play_wav(random.choice(swing_sounds))  # Randomly choose from available swing sounds
            # make a larson scanner
            strip_backup = strip[0:-1]
            for p in range(-1, len(strip)):
                for i in range(p-1, p+2): # shoot a 'ray' of 3 pixels
                    if 0 <= i < len(strip):
                        strip[i] = COLOR_SWING
                if 0 <= (p-1) < len(strip):
                    strip[p-1] = strip_backup[p-1]  # restore previous color at the tail
            while audio.playing:
                pass # wait till we're done
            mode = 2  # we'll go back to idle mode
        elif mode == 1 and accel_yell > YELL_THRESHOLD:  # Motion on Y axis = YELL
            TRIGGER_TIME = time.monotonic()  # Save initial time of swing
            # run a color down the staff, opposite of power-up
            previous = 0
            audio_start_time = time.monotonic()  # Save audio start time
            play_wav(random.choice(yell_sounds))  # Randomly choose from available yell sounds
            sound_duration = YELL_SOUND_DURATION
            while True:
                time_elapsed = time.monotonic() - audio_start_time  # Time spent playing sound
                if time_elapsed > sound_duration:  # Past sound duration?
                    break  # Stop animating
                animation_time = time_elapsed / sound_duration  # Animation time, 0.0 to 1.0
                pixel_threshold = int(NUM_PIXELS * animation_time + 0.5)
                num_pixels = pixel_threshold - previous  # Number of pixels to light on this pass
                if num_pixels != 0:
                    # light pixels in YELL_COLOR:
                    strip[previous:pixel_threshold] = [YELL_COLOR] * num_pixels
                    previous = pixel_threshold
            while audio.playing:
                pass # wait till we're done
            mode = 4  # we'll go back to idle mode
        elif mode == 1:
            # Idle pulse
            idle_brightness += idle_increment  # Pulse up
            if idle_brightness > IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MAX or \
               idle_brightness < IDLE_PULSE_BRIGHTNESS_MIN:  # Then...
                idle_increment *= -1  # Pulse direction flip
            # light the ring:
            strip[0:NUM_RING] = [([int(c*idle_brightness) for c in COLOR_TOP])] * NUM_RING
            # light the strip:
            strip[NUM_RING:NUM_PIXELS] = [([int(c*idle_brightness) for c in
                                            COLOR_IDLE])] * NUM_STRIP
            time.sleep(IDLE_PULSE_SPEED)  # Idle pulse speed set above
        elif mode > 1:  # If in SWING or HIT or YELL mode...
            if audio.playing:  # And sound currently playing...
                blend = time.monotonic() - TRIGGER_TIME  # Time since triggered
                if mode == 2:  # If SWING,
                    blend = abs(0.5 - blend) * 3.0  # ramp up, down
                strip.fill(mix(COLOR_ACTIVE, COLOR, blend))  # Fade from hit/swing to base color
            else:  # No sound now, but still SWING or HIT modes
                play_wav('idle', loop=True)  # Resume idle sound
                mode = 1  # Return to idle mode
Thank You for your help

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »

The D10 power controls power to the amp, LED, and NeoPixels. It shouldn't have any effect on operation. Between EN and ground you only need a simple SPST switch: EN and G are either connected (turning the power off) or unconnected (turning power on). What happens when you power by LiPo without anything connected? I'd go as far as removing the PropMaker wing and making sure the Feather operates properly on LiPo.


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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

Thank you for your prompt reply,
When I remove the Featherwing, the tutorial code returns an error

Code: Select all

File "", line 75, in <module>
RuntimeError: No pull up found on SDA or SCL; check your wiring
I had taken this as normal as the error goes away as soon as the wing is plugged in. When I run a different sample code

Code: Select all

import board
import digitalio
import time

led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

while True:
    led.value = True
    led.value = False

The red LED blinks as expected when powered by LIPO. So at least the board itself should be fine?
Is it possible the wing is missing a jumper somewhere which would deactivate the JST battery connection?

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »

It sounds like the Feather is fine. The pullup complaint is because Feathers generally don't have I2C pullups, they are on the sensor boards (the exception being some boards that have a fuel gauge and/or other I2C devices onboard.

Double and triple check your wiring.


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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

I just tried uploading the code and project bundle from the lightsaber tutorial which requires similar hardware. All with the same result... Everything works fine when plugged into the USB port, but nothing via the LIPO JST. If I have both USB and LIPO connected everything just goes blank as soon as I unplug the USB. As I mentioned earlier, the voltage test indicates the LIPO should have enough charge, and the Feather itself runs fine off the battery. I have to assume the issue resides in the Featherwing at this point.
I suppose I could just use a USB power supply as a temporary fix, but it would be nice if I could find the root of the problem.
Thanks again for your help

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »

It does sound like you might have a problem with the wiring. Can you post photos of att the connections and soldering?


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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

See Attached Images. My soldering skills were admittedly quite rusty when attaching the headers but there don't appear to be any shorts to my untrained eye. The only other connections made were the header pins between G and enable.
FeatherReverse.jpg (238.38 KiB) Viewed 106 times
WingTop.jpg (217.27 KiB) Viewed 106 times
WingReverse.jpg (245.76 KiB) Viewed 106 times

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »

That looks fine. What about the other bits of wiring?


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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

The only other wiring will be a Neopixel strip connected to the JST port on the Featherwing the switch connected to the header pins on G and enable and the Lipo on the 2 pin JST. All of which as mentioned earlier, works fine when connected via USB. The battery works fine on the Feather board alone. Its only when the Wing is attached that it won't supply power.

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »

So to recap:
- everything works fine when powered by USB, but not by battery
- the feather on it's own works fine when powered by battery, but not with the PropMaker attached.

That it works with USB pretty much rules out a wiring problem, actually.

I'm a bit baffled. I'll try to get more eyes on it.


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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by carfreemaine »

Problem Solved!!!
It did turn out to be a wiring issue, but one that was hard to catch. I annotated the images to demonstrate in case others have a similar issue.
When I originally soldered the headers onto the Featherwing, I only soldered the pins that were labelled. Assuming the final two pinouts were extra, I left them open.
WingReverse.jpg (248.25 KiB) Viewed 96 times
Looking at the respective pins on the Feather Board, the pins are in fact labelled as BAT (and obscured by the inspection sticker) EN.
FeatherReverse.jpg (240.06 KiB) Viewed 96 times
Sure enough, adding the final two header pins did the trick!

In any case THANK YOU for your immediate response and help troubleshooting. Hopefully, this thread might help someone else experiencing similar issues.

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Re: Prop Maker Featherwing Code won't run off Battery

Post by dastels »



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