Is the Github firmware source out of date?

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Is the Github firmware source out of date?

Post by gingold »

Is it possible that the TV-B-Gone kit is shipping with installed firmware that is different from what is on Github?

I ask because I'm trying to track down why a port of the Github software (to a '328P) doesn't work with my test TV, while the device we have built from the kit works just fine. I extracted a hex dump of the kit's firmware, and in the binary I can see some of the strings from the Github WORLDcodes.c, but others are not there.

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Re: Is the Github firmware source out of date?

Post by mikeysklar »

I would expect the tv-b-gone units to be shipping with v1.2 as you see on the design page.

Due to space issues for some processor types the world codes can be left out. Probably more of an issue for the tiny85.

If you are comfortable with Makefiles the v1.2 caitsinth (remove the 'n' banned word) code did compile for me against the legacy Arduino compiler 1.8.19.

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