Adafruit is thrilled to be working with Willzyx Music, the x0xb0x is back.
In our previous post & announcement we let everyone know that we would unable to support the project in the best way possible and we would be figuring out what we can do to help people get kits again.

So, big news – we were very lucky enough to find someone who can devote the time, resources and support to x0xb0x – Meet James of Willzyx Music, he writes -
We want to thank James for being part of this with us and we’d like to thank all of customers, fans and everyone who has made the x0xb0x one of the best open source synth projects – LONG LIVE x0xb0X.I just spent the last 10 years working in a San Francisco music shop and I really liked my job. I loved that I was helping people make music and that’s something that I still want to be a part of. Me and my wife have been making plans on moving to Taiwan for a number years and in 2009 we took the plunge. During 2009 I was selling completed x0xb0x’s on eBay under the name of bitcrusher76, it was a success and I am continuing on with the opening of my new web store
My goal with Willzyx Music is to keep supplying the x0xb0x community with Parts and Kits. I have spent the last year building up a stock pile of parts and will bring the Kits back at an affordable price. Any new projects that are produced from Willzyx will have the same MIT open source license, so you can hack, modify and commercialize any of Willzyx’s original designs.
The x0xb0x (Adafruit edition) was available as a kit that includes all parts necessary to build a x0xbox: PCB, case with CNC machined faceplate, components, buttons and knobs, AC adaptor, pre-programmed microcontroller, and (of course) poorly xeroxed assembly manual*...You supplied the sweat & tears.
We have made 9 runs of 100 kits each. All but one of the components in the kit are through-hole.We had a great run and we are currently exploring how to best support this project in 2010 - so far we've made the project completely open source and we will have more updates in the month of April with what's next for our role with the x0xb0x.
Because of demand and time/cost to make these kits -starting in 2005 we created a "waiting list" where interested kit makers could sign up to be notified if and when the next run was available for purchase.This list was a "spot in line" for the kits Adafruit Industries may make based on pricing, time and demand. We did not accept any payment in any form until the kit was shipped and the listee was notified to place their order with a special password for that run. This worked out great, we never "held" funds unless a kit was sent. The waiting list was simply a "back in stock" notifier for potential x0x customers.
At this time (4/2010) the waiting list is closed and no longer will be used. Our data retention policy for this list is as follows -- We do not retain email addresses or names, if you signed up you can safely assume the list has been deleted, you will never be contacted by Adafruit or anyone else. We respect your privacy. We hate spam. We created a video of the tour of the empty waiting list, you're welcome to review it here
If you have any questions please email [email protected] - phil (me) will answer your questions if we didn't cover something here.
We will have more updates soon in the next days and weeks, we wanted to post this up as we updated some of our pages and re-did our inventory.
adafruit support (pt)