oh & dont forget to set the fuses correctly, eh?
they should be set the same as for the bootloader. i really dont see why you didnt install the bootloader....you'll probably regret it later.
ladyada wrote:oh & dont forget to set the fuses correctly, eh?
they should be set the same as for the bootloader. i really dont see why you didnt install the bootloader....you'll probably regret it later.
i don't see anywhere where it says what the fuse configuration for the bootloader is. i usually just turn all the extra (debug/watchdog/etc) stuff off. I'm going to try to reprogram it tonight.
So how exactly does the bootloader work? Do I use the same ICSP procedure to put the bootloader hex into the PIC and then i should be able to use the tinybld software to but the whole firmware on via the FTDI chip?
yep. although i just tried doing icsp with the few things i had on the board (up to the usb part in the instructions, minus the battery stuff), and i couldn't get it to work. looks like i have to take everything off.
luke wrote:yep. although i just tried doing icsp with the few things i had on the board (up to the usb part in the instructions, minus the battery stuff), and i couldn't get it to work. looks like i have to take everything off.
really? i thought it would work even with everything on... guess not.
OK update. I was able to program the bootloader HEX code onto the PIC via ICSP. However, when I use tinybld to load mp3.hex on it keeps saying PIC not found. I made sure the COM was set correctly.
this is where I am too. although i'm not positive i loaded the bootloader properly. I tried using a JDM style programmer and a BP Micro BP-1400 with BPWin at work. Neither of them gave me a successful verification though. When i did it with BPWin it said my config register values didn't match after programming.
ryder1650 wrote:OK update. I was able to program the bootloader HEX code onto the PIC via ICSP. However, when I use tinybld to load mp3.hex on it keeps saying PIC not found. I made sure the COM was set correctly.
for your information, i believe my pic was running correctly, but the usb socket was not connected correctly. sadly, the pads have gotten lifted, so I'm about to go into salvage mode. not too hopeful though.
Hmmm, I was thinking mine was too, but why would the computer detect the USB and then nothing would show up in hyperterminal. Anyways I have yet to dismantle anything so I am holding some hope still.
i just tested the connectivity from the a couple of pins to the pads they're supposed to connect to, and there was none (plus you can see that the pads lifted up).