Bluefruit Serial "Pipe"

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Bluefruit Serial "Pipe"

Post by Kyle_Steindler »

Hi all!

In a recent post I learned that BLE doesn't create a serial port which I need to funnel data into Max/MSP. I had asked about using another BLE device as a bridge to create a serial port data could be written to. I have some follow up questions if anybody is able to help me out! The data flow would go something like this:
BLE Device (no usb) -> BLE Device (usb) -> MacBook

1.) I have an Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 2 that has built in BLE functionality. Am I able to connect this with an Adafruit BLE device with little to no issues? I'm using different microcontrollers for different functions so it would be really helpful to have them all work easily.

2.) My goal is to have to different microcontrollers sending information to the "bridge" device. One would be the Arduino and the other the Bluefruit Playground. I believe I saw that I can connect multiple BLE devices together. What would be the best device to act as this bridge? A Flora BLE module attached to my Circuit Playground Express, the Bluefruit LE Friend, another device?

3.) Which device(s) would best act as the central? The full data flow would be something like this:
Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 2 -> BLE Bridge Device with USB connection -> Macbook
Playground Bluefruit. ->

I'm still very new to a lot of this so I appreciate any help and commentary that could be provided!

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