Trinket Pro 3.3V SerialPort difficulties

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Trinket Pro 3.3V SerialPort difficulties

Post by ChrisK89 »

Hello Guys,

I'm trying to build a small project that monitors a status (on or off) and sends me a a text per sms with the current time the status changed (switched from on to off or from off to on)

For GPS and GSM im using a SIM808 and i programmed the complete project on an Arduino Mega2560.
Everything is working completely fine but when I try to convert the programm to work on a TrinketPro 3,3V the SMS won't be sent.

I used Serial.println AT commands for sending the SMS.

Code: Select all

      //******************************** GPS Uhrzeit holen ******************************
     if (sim808.getGPS())
      JAHR = int(sim808.GPSdata.year);
      MONAT = int(sim808.GPSdata.month);
      TAG = int(;
      STUNDE = int(sim808.GPSdata.hour);
      MINUTE = int(sim808.GPSdata.minute);
      SEKUNDE = int(sim808.GPSdata.second);
  //*********************************** SMS Senden EINGESCHALTET ********************************   
    if ((Pegel_Testtaster == 0) && (EINE_SMS == 0))
    digitalWrite (LED_D13, HIGH);

    sprintf(MESSAGE_EIN, "MKXX eingeschaltet %02d.%02d.%04d-%02d:%02d:%02d", TAG, MONAT, JAHR, STUNDE, MINUTE, SEKUNDE);
    Serial.println("AT+IPR=9600"); //Baudrate synchronisieren um Rückmeldungen des SIM808 Moduls zu erhalten
    Serial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //TextModus(SMS) einschalten
    Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+491722996158\"");//Versand der Kurznachricht(SMS) an Telefonnummer
    Serial.print(MESSAGE_EIN); //Inhalt der SMS
    EINE_SMS = 1;
    digitalWrite (LED_D13, LOW);
I already programmed the indicator LED13 to show me what part of the programm is running right now and i can see that the programm is "correctly" working on the Trinket... except the sms won't be send.

Hope anyone has some hints.


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Re: Trinket Pro 3.3V SerialPort difficulties

Post by dastels »

What do you have connected to Vio on the SIM808? For a 3.3v MCU it should be connected to 3.3v rather than 5v as it would have been on the Mega.


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