Louder Piezo w/alternating pins. How is it done? (Please remind me)

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Louder Piezo w/alternating pins. How is it done? (Please remind me)

Post by mrrmay »

I can't find the code where I can make a piezo louder by alternating the HIGH and LOW states of the pins. In my setup the piezo is on a KB2040 using pins A1 and A3. In this code `buzzer0` makes the tone and `buzzer1` is LOW.

How was it that I could alternate the pins to make it louder?

Code: Select all

import pwmio

# Create piezo buzzer PWM output.
buzzer0 = pwmio.PWMOut(board.A1, variable_frequency=True)
buzzer1= pwmio.PWMOut(board.A3, variable_frequency=True)

# Make sound for 3 seconds
for i in range(3):
    buzzer0.frequency = 440
    buzzer0.duty_cycle = 2**15  

    buzzer1.frequency = 440
    buzzer1.duty_cycle = 0

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Re: Louder Piezo w/alternating pins. How is it done? (Please remind me)

Post by mikeysklar »

There is a pretty good discussion on why the volume is low and what you can do (use an H-Bridge L293D) to boost volume to max.

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