Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

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Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

Post by snphillips »

I've adapted the the Flame Pendant project by adding an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to alternate between two animations.
The idea is to have a fake LED candle display an animation of a candle flame on a 5-second loop. When a person comes within one foot of the candle, a different animation of a flickering flame is displayed. Right now, the when the distance sensor is triggered, the regular animation runs in its entirety before switching to the flickering animation. I can't figure out the code to halt the current animation as soon as the distance sensor is triggered.

My question is how does not halt an LED animation midway through its duration?

In the code below on line 142 I have an if clause that triggers when the distances sensor senses something at 30 cms.

Code: Select all

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Phillip Burgess/paintyourdragon for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

// Animated flame for Adafruit Pro Trinket.  Uses the following parts:
//   - Pro Trinket microcontroller ( or 2000)
//     (#2010 = 3V/12MHz for longest battery life, but 5V/16MHz works OK)
//   - Charlieplex LED Matrix Driver (2946)
//   - Charlieplex LED Matrix (2947, 2948, 2972, 2973 or 2974)
//   - 350 mAh LiPoly battery (2750)
//   - LiPoly backpack (2124)
//   - SPDT Slide Switch (805)
// This is NOT good "learn from" code for the IS31FL3731; it is "squeeze
// every last byte from the Pro Trinket" code.  If you're starting out,
// download the Adafruit_IS31FL3731 and Adafruit_GFX libraries, which
// provide functions for drawing pixels, lines, etc.  This sketch also
// uses some ATmega-specific tricks and will not run as-is on other chips.

#include <Wire.h>                // Library for I2C communication
#include "data-normal-flame.h"   // Flame animation-normal data
#include "data-flicker-flame.h"  // Flame animation-flicker data
#include <avr/power.h>           // Peripheral control and
#include <avr/sleep.h>           // sleep to minimize current draw

#define I2C_ADDR 0x74            // I2C address of Charlieplex matrix

uint8_t page = 0;                      // Front/back buffer control
uint8_t animation  = animationNormal;  // Variable that will be animationNormal or animationFlicker
uint8_t *ptr  = animation;             // Current pointer into normal animation data
uint8_t img[9 * 16];                   // Buffer for rendering image

// The distance sensor
// Hook up HC-SR04 with Trig to Arduino Pin 10, Echo to Arduino pin 11
#define trigPin 10 
#define echoPin 11 

// Variables that will track the response from the HC-SR04 Echo Pin
float duration;   
float distance;

// UTILITY FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------

// The full IS31FL3731 library is NOT used by this code. Instead, 'raw'
// writes are made to the matrix driver.  This is to maximize the space
// available for animation data.  Use the Adafruit_IS31FL3731 and
// Adafruit_GFX libraries if you need to do actual graphics stuff.

// Begin I2C transmission and write register address (data then follows)
void writeRegister(uint8_t n) {
  // Transmission is left open for additional writes

// Select one of eight IS31FL3731 pages, or Function Registers
void pageSelect(uint8_t n) {
  writeRegister(0xFD); // Command Register
  Wire.write(n);       // Page number (or 0xB = Function Registers)

// SETUP FUNCTION - RUNS ONCE AT STARTUP -----------------------------------
void setup() {

// distance sensor setup
  Serial.begin (9600);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

// led animation setup
  uint8_t i, p, byteCounter;
  power_all_disable(); // Stop peripherals: ADC, timers, etc. to save power
  power_twi_enable();  // But switch I2C back on; need it for display
  DIDR0 = 0x0F;        // Digital input disable on A0-A3

  // The Arduino Wire library runs I2C at 100 KHz by default.
  // IS31FL3731 can run at 400 KHz.  To ensure fast animation,
  // override the I2C speed settings after init...
  Wire.begin();                            // Initialize I2C
  TWSR = 0;                                // I2C prescaler = 1
  TWBR = (F_CPU / 400000 - 16) / 2;        // 400 KHz I2C
  // The TWSR/TWBR lines are AVR-specific and won't work on other MCUs.

  pageSelect(0x0B);                        // Access the Function Registers
  writeRegister(0);                        // Starting from first...
  for(i=0; i<13; i++) Wire.write(10 == i); // Clear all except Shutdown
  for(p=0; p<2; p++) {                     // For each page used (0 & 1)...
    pageSelect(p);                         // Access the Frame Registers
    writeRegister(0);                      // Start from 1st LED control reg
    for(i=0; i<18; i++) Wire.write(0xFF);  // Enable all LEDs (18*8=144)
    for(byteCounter = i+1; i<0xB4; i++) {  // For blink & PWM registers...
      Wire.write(0);                       // Clear all
      if(++byteCounter >= 32) {            // Every 32 bytes...
        byteCounter = 1;                   // End I2C transmission and
        Wire.endTransmission();            // start a new one because
        writeRegister(i);                  // Wire buf is only 32 bytes.

  // Enable the watchdog timer, set to a ~32 ms interval (about 31 Hz)
  // This provides a sufficiently steady time reference for animation,
  // allows timer/counter peripherals to remain off (for power saving)
  // and can power-down the chip after processing each frame.
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // Deepest sleep mode (WDT wakes)
  MCUSR  &= ~_BV(WDRF);
  WDTCSR  =  _BV(WDCE) | _BV(WDE);     // WDT change enable
  WDTCSR  =  _BV(WDIE) | _BV(WDP0);    // Interrupt enable, ~32 ms
  // Peripheral and sleep savings only amount to about 10 mA, but this
  // may provide nearly an extra hour of run time before battery depletes.

void loop() {

  // *************************************************************
  // ************* Ultrasonic Distance Sensor *****************
  // *************************************************************
  // Write a pulse to the HC-SR04 Trigger Pin
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  // Measure the response from the HC-SR04 Echo Pin
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  // Determine distance from duration
  // Use 343 metres per second as speed of sound
  distance = (duration / 2) * 0.0343;
  // *************************************************************
  // If distance is equal to or less than 30 cm show aranimationFlicker
  if (distance <= 30) {   
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);    // Tiny red LED on for testing

   // TODO:
   // Interrupt the regular animation right away

    uint8_t  a, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y;
    // Datasheet recommends that I2C should be re-initialized after enable,
    // but Wire.begin() is slow.  Seems to work OK without.

    // Display frame rendered on prior pass.  This is done at function start
    // (rather than after rendering) to ensire more uniform animation timing.
    pageSelect(0x0B);    // Function registers
    writeRegister(0x01); // Picture Display reg
    Wire.write(page);    // Page #

    page ^= 1; // Flip front/back buffer index

    // Then render NEXT frame.  Start by getting bounding rect for new frame:
    a = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);     // New frame X1/Y1
    if(a >= 0x90) {               // EOD marker? (valid X1 never exceeds 8)
      ptr = animationFlicker;     // Reset animation data pointer to start
      a   = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); // and take first value
    x1 = a >> 4;                  // X1 = high 4 bits
    y1 = a & 0x0F;                // Y1 = low 4 bits
    a  = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);    // New frame X2/Y2
    x2 = a >> 4;                  // X2 = high 4 bits
    y2 = a & 0x0F;                // Y2 = low 4 bits

    // Read rectangle of data from anim[] into portion of img[] buffer
    for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++) { // Column-major
      for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++) img[(x << 4) + y] = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);

    // Write img[] to matrix (not actually displayed until next pass)
    pageSelect(page);    // Select background buffer
    writeRegister(0x24); // First byte of PWM data
    uint8_t i = 0, byteCounter = 1;
    for(uint8_t x=0; x<9; x++) {
      for(uint8_t y=0; y<16; y++) {
        Wire.write(img[i++]);      // Write each byte to matrix
        if(++byteCounter >= 32) {  // Every 32 bytes...
          Wire.endTransmission();  // end transmission and
          writeRegister(0x24 + i); // start a new one (Wire lib limits)

    power_twi_disable(); // I2C off (see comment at top of function)
    sleep_mode();        // Power-down MCU.
    // Code will resume here on wake; loop() returns and is called again

 // If distance is more than 30 cm show aranimationNormal
 } else { 
   digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);   // Tiny red LED off for testing
    uint8_t  a, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y;

  // Datasheet recommends that I2C should be re-initialized after enable,
  // but Wire.begin() is slow.  Seems to work OK without.

  // Display frame rendered on prior pass.  This is done at function start
  // (rather than after rendering) to ensire more uniform animation timing.
  pageSelect(0x0B);    // Function registers
  writeRegister(0x01); // Picture Display reg
  Wire.write(page);    // Page #

  page ^= 1; // Flip front/back buffer index

  // Then render NEXT frame.  Start by getting bounding rect for new frame:
  a = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);     // New frame X1/Y1
  if(a >= 0x90) {               // EOD marker? (valid X1 never exceeds 8)
    ptr = animationNormal;     // Reset animation data pointer to start
    a   = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); // and take first value
  x1 = a >> 4;                  // X1 = high 4 bits
  y1 = a & 0x0F;                // Y1 = low 4 bits
  a  = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);    // New frame X2/Y2
  x2 = a >> 4;                  // X2 = high 4 bits
  y2 = a & 0x0F;                // Y2 = low 4 bits

  // Read rectangle of data from anim[] into portion of img[] buffer
  for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++) { // Column-major
    for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++) img[(x << 4) + y] = pgm_read_byte(ptr++);

  // Write img[] to matrix (not actually displayed until next pass)
  pageSelect(page);    // Select background buffer
  writeRegister(0x24); // First byte of PWM data
  uint8_t i = 0, byteCounter = 1;
  for(uint8_t x=0; x<9; x++) {
    for(uint8_t y=0; y<16; y++) {
      Wire.write(img[i++]);      // Write each byte to matrix
      if(++byteCounter >= 32) {  // Every 32 bytes...
        Wire.endTransmission();  // end transmission and
        writeRegister(0x24 + i); // start a new one (Wire lib limits)

  power_twi_disable(); // I2C off (see comment at top of function)
  sleep_mode();        // Power-down MCU.
  // Code will resume here on wake; loop() returns and is called again

ISR(WDT_vect) { } // Watchdog timer interrupt (does nothing, but required)

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Re: Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

Code: Select all

  // If distance is equal to or less than 30 cm show aranimationFlicker
  if (distance <= 30) {   
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);    // Tiny red LED on for testing
Do you see the on-board LED turn on as soon as there is something in range?

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Re: Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

Post by snphillips »

Yes. I put that in there to confirm my distance sensor is working.

Since I've posted I made a slight step forward!
When the distance sensor threshold is met, I now set my ptr to the flickering animation:

Code: Select all

  // If distance is equal to or less than 30 cm show animationFlicker
  if (distance <= 30) {   
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);    // Tiny red LED on for testing
      ptr = animationFlicker;                   // Resets animation to animationFlicker
This works in stopping the old animation- yay!
Now though, the flickering animation doesn't progress beyond the first frame. I want the flickering animation to continue it's 5-second run, even if the distance sensor threshold is still being met.
I think what's happening is the animation is constantly reseting itself to the first frame of animationFlicker.
I now need to figure out how to tell it, if the flickering animation is already showing, then don't reset, just keep showing it.

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Re: Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

A simple way to do it is to just use a different pointer for the flicker animation.

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Re: Adding Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to Animated Flame Pendant

Post by snphillips »

Yes that worked, thank you!

Code: Select all

uint8_t *ptr  = animationNormal;               // Current pointer into normal animation data
uint8_t *ptrFlicker  = animationFlicker;       // Current pointer into flicker animation data
One side effect is that there are some pixels from the previous animation that kinda stick around when the new animation starts but that's an issue for a different day.

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