Security Access tuner replica from alien isolation

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Security Access tuner replica from alien isolation

Post by knoxvilles_Joker »

This used all the available space on an arduino micro. Yes I could spend two months or more cleaning up the code and optomizing it so I could accuratize it more, but I am running out of time.

the 3d files:
The charger and board board:
The top push buttons: ... UTF8&psc=1
on off rocker switch: ... YMCKV&th=1
the slide potentiometer: ... ncQAvD_BwE
THe turn potentiometer: ... 0K/4780740
the screen:

Code: Select all

/*Libraries provided by adafruit written by Lady Ada Fried.
 *Please stick to adafruit products as chinese knock offs are very,
 *very, very, very, very, very problematic.
 * code for bar courtesy of:
 * some code pulled from isolation motion tracker pulled from:
 * help found on arduino forums at
// Include the Bounce2 library found here :
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <Bounce2.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include "Adafruit_ILI9341.h"
#include <LcdProgressBar.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// For the Adafruit shield, these are the default.
// USE hardware SPI pins.
// For Micro those pins are CIPO/MISO=D14, COPI/MOSI=D16, SCK=D15
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10
// the colors are in a RGB565 format, so to get it you first need to grab it as a RGB888 and convert
//go here
//then here
// Assign human-readable names to some common 16-bit color values:
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define BLUE 0x001F
#define RED 0xF800
#define GREEN 0x07E0
#define CYAN 0x07FF
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF
#define DARKGREEN 0x03E0
#define OLIVE 0x7BE0
#define TEAL 0x263F
// button pins
//22 is a4, 23 is a5 on micro.
#define BUTTON_PIN_1 A5
#define BUTTON_PIN_2 A4
// pot pins are pins 14(a0) and 15(a1)
Bounce debouncer1 = Bounce();
Bounce debouncer2 = Bounce();
enum { initial,
       gamelost };
unsigned char barstate = bar1test;
//global integer declarations
// arguments exist against global variables, however, they are nice if you use integers across functions
int rangelow;
int rangehigh;
int g1low = 80;
int g1high = 80;
int center;
int detect = 0;
int render = 0;
int b1 = 0;
int b2 = 0;
//invokation for the adafruit TFT
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);  //, TFT_MOSI, TFT_CLK, TFT_MISO);

void setup() {
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  tft.setRotation(1);  //this sets 0,0 as the top left corner
  // button initialization
  // sets up random number generator for game1 to game 2 transition
  center = random(150, 950);

void loop() {
  rangelow = center - g1low;
  rangehigh = center + g1high;
  // comment out the bottom two if else statements and replace them with the below line to aid in calibrating your setup
  // calibration();
  if (rangelow < analogRead(A0) && analogRead(A0) < rangehigh) {
  } else {  // this is game1 and has to be here for the detection count to register properly.
    int value1 =;
    int value2 =;
    int myHeight = tft.height();
    int myWidth = tft.width();
    // this is a delayed screen rerender
    int render1;
    if (render1 == 2) {
    if (render1 == 40) { render1 = 0; }
    //I ended up having to separate out remaps for each side of the slider bar
    int bordw = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 1023);
    int bordt = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 256, 0, myWidth);
    int bordrh = map(analogRead(A0), 256, 512, 0, myHeight);
    int bordb = map(analogRead(A0), 512, 768, myWidth, 0);
    int bordlh = map(analogRead(A0), 768, 1023, myHeight, 0);
    tft.fillRect(bordt, 0, 20, 5, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth - 5, bordrh, 5, 20, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(bordb, (myHeight - 5), 20, 5, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(0, bordlh, 5, 20, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(0, 0, 5, myHeight, BLACK);
    tft.fillRect(0, 0, myWidth, 5, BLACK);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth - 5, 0, 5, myHeight, BLACK);
    tft.fillRect(0, (myHeight - 5), myWidth, 5, BLACK);
    // center box
    // yellow border
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 8, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 7, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 1, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 6, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 2, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 5, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 3, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 4, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 4, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 3, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 5, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
    // text segments
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10);
    tft.print("INCORRECT CODE");
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
    tft.print("SYSTEM DETECTIONS");
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
    // this is a rerender section
    if (value1 == 0) { b1++; }
    if (b1 == 5) {
    if (b1 == 7) { b1 = 0; }
    // this is for the static effect
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 2 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 2 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    //half row3
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);

    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);

    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12, 20, 20, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16,myHeight * 9 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
  //  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
  //  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12, 10, 10, WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 10 / 12 + 10, 10, 10, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 1 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 3 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 5 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 7 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 10 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 11 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
    //tft.fillRect(myWidth * 13 / 16,myHeight * 11 / 12,20,20,WHITE);
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 14 / 16, myHeight * 11 / 12, 20, 15, WHITE);
  // declarations for buttons
  int value1 =;
  int value2 =;

void calibration() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int bar = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 308);
  tft.fillRect(6, 80, bar, 44, RED);
  tft.fillRect(bar, 80, 308 - bar, 44, BLACK);
  tft.fillRect(0, 20, myWidth, 5, BLACK);
  // draws pot number reading
  tft.setCursor(80, 40);
  // draws pot 2 number reading
  tft.setCursor(160, 40);
  // clears button status
  tft.fillRect(80, 140, 100, 30, BLACK);
  tft.fillRect(80, 180, 100, 30, BLACK);
  // add rendering pause
  // clears drawings
  tft.fillRect(bar, 20, 20, 5, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(80, 40, 200, 30, BLACK);
  //math for range sweetspot logic
  rangelow = center - g1low;
  rangehigh = center + g1high;
  if (rangelow < analogRead(A0) && analogRead(A0) < rangehigh) {
    tft.fillRect(230, 40, 20, 20, OLIVE);
  } else {
    tft.fillRect(230, 40, 20, 20, BLACK);
  // declarations for buttons
  int value1 =;
  int value2 =;
  // draws button 2 status
  tft.setCursor(160, 140);
  // draws button 1 status
  tft.setCursor(80, 140);
  // draws pot 2 status
  tft.setCursor(160, 180);
  // draws pot 1 status
  tft.setCursor(80, 180);
  // clears text

void boot1() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  byte progress = myWidth / 8;
  int progress1;
  tft.setCursor(30, 10);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 5, myWidth * 12 / 16 - 5, 50, GREEN);
  for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 3 / 5, progress, 50, GREEN);
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12);
    tft.print("Progress  ");
    tft.setCursor(myWidth * 5 / 8, myHeight * 5 / 12);
    progress1 = progress * 17 / 40;
    tft.fillRect(myWidth * 9 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12, myHeight * 5 / 12, 20, BLACK);
    progress += 5;

void boot2() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 9 / 12);
  tft.print("Please wait");
  //draws verticle line
  tft.drawRect(myWidth / 2, 5, 2, 65, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth / 2, 5, 2, 65, BLACK);
  // draws 45 degree line
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, BLACK);
  // draws horizontal line
  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 5, myHeight * 2 / 12 - 5, 70, 2, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 5, myHeight * 2 / 12 - 5, 70, 2, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, BLACK);

  tft.drawRect(myWidth / 2, 5, 2, 65, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth / 2, 5, 2, 65, BLACK);
  // draws 45 degree line
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, BLACK);
  // draws horizontal line
  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 5, myHeight * 2 / 12 - 5, 70, 2, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 5, myHeight * 2 / 12 - 5, 70, 2, BLACK);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 9, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 6, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth * 7 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 1 / 12 - 11, myWidth * 9 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 4, WHITE);
void game2() {
  // declare variables for function
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int estcon;
  int senpak;
  int ovrpak;
  // sets base text for game
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 1 / 12);
  tft.print("SYSTEM OVERRIDE");
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 4 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 11 / 12);
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 12 / 12 - 10);
  tft.print("V2.34 SYSTEM TEST");
  //calibrate2(); //turn this on ifyou need to verify you have wiring and settings correct.
  // the big minigame border
  tft.drawRect(3, myHeight * 3 / 12, myWidth - 9, myHeight * 6 / 12, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(6, myHeight * 3 / 12, myWidth - 15, myHeight * 6 / 12, WHITE);
  int pass1;
  // this rerenders based on button presses
  int value1 =;
  int value2 =;
  //  int detect;
  switch (barstate) {
    case bar1test:
      if (value2 == 0 && 220 < analogRead(A1) && analogRead(A1) < 440) {
        barstate = bar1passed1;
      if (value2 == 0 && analogRead(A1) > 440) {
        barstate = gamelost;
      if (value2 == 0 && 220 > analogRead(A1)) {
        barstate = gamelost;
    case bar1passed1:
      barstate = bar2test;
    case bar2test:
      if (value2 == 0 && 140 < analogRead(A1) && analogRead(A1) < 280) {
        barstate = bar2passed1;
      if (value2 == 0 && analogRead(A1) > 280) {
        barstate = gamelost;
      if (value2 == 0 && 140 > analogRead(A1)) {
        barstate = gamelost;       
      if (value2 == 0 && detect == 3) {
        barstate = gamelost;
    case bar2passed1:
      barstate = bar3test;
    case bar3test:
      if (value2 == 0 && 720 > analogRead(A1)) {
        barstate = gamelost;       
      if (value2 == 0 && analogRead(A1) > 870) {
        barstate = gamelost;
      if (value2 == 0 && 720 < analogRead(A1) && analogRead(A1) < 870) {
        barstate = bar3passed1;
    case bar3passed1:
      barstate = gamewon;
    case gamewon:
      // center box   yellow border
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 8, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 7, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 1, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 6, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 2, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 5, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 3, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 4, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 4, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 3, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 5, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      // this fills the center box black
      tft.fillRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 2, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 0, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 5, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 5, BLACK);
      // text segments
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10);
      tft.print("Code Accepted");
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      tft.print("SYSTEM DETECTIONS");
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      // text segments
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12 - 10);
      tft.print("Acces Granted");
      //   This is a software reset call via software functions built into the chipset.
    case gamelost:
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 8, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 7, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 1, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 6, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 2, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 5, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 3, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 4, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 4, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      tft.drawRect(myWidth * 2 / 16 - 3, myHeight * 4 / 12 - 5, myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, YELLOW);
      // text segments
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10);
      tft.print("INCORRECT CODE");
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 2 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      tft.print("SYSTEM DETECTIONS");
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      tft.setCursor(myWidth * 13 / 16 + 12, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10);
      tone(12, 500, 70);
      //      This is the logic for the counter on detection attempts/failures.  It resets once it reaches 3.
      if (detect <= 2) {
        barstate = bar1test;
      if (detect >= 3) {
  // this is a rerender section based on pushing a button
  if (value1 == 0) { b1++; }
  if (b1 == 5) {
  if (b1 == 7) { b1 = 0; }  //
  //  This delays the redrawing of the entire screen
  if (render == 2) {
  if (render == 70) { render = 0; }
void bar1() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int estcon;
  // bar 1 override takes reading from slider pot and draws the bar
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5);
  tft.print("Establishing Connection");
  estcon = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 10, 295);
  tft.fillRect(estcon, myHeight * 4 / 12, 5, 15, WHITE);
  // redraws left of the slider
  tft.fillRect(9, myHeight * 4 / 12, estcon - 1, 15, TEAL);
  // redraws right of the slider
  tft.fillRect(estcon + 12, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - estcon - 30, 15, TEAL);
  // these are the static vertical lines on the bar
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 4 / 12, 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
void bar2() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int senpak;
  // bar 2 override takes reading from slider pot and draws the bar
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 5 / 12 + 5);
  tft.print("Sending Packets");
  senpak = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 10, 295);
  tft.fillRect(senpak, myHeight * 6 / 12, 5, 15, WHITE);
  // redraws left of the slider
  tft.fillRect(9, myHeight * 6 / 12, senpak - 1, 15, TEAL);
  // redraws right of the slider
  tft.fillRect(senpak + 12, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - senpak - 30, 15, TEAL);
  // draws lines
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
void bar3() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int ovrpak;
  //bar 3
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 7 / 12 + 5);
  tft.print("Overriding Protocol");
  ovrpak = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 10, 295);
  tft.fillRect(ovrpak, myHeight * 8 / 12, 5, 15, WHITE);
  // redraws left of the slider
  tft.fillRect(9, myHeight * 8 / 12, ovrpak - 1, 15, TEAL);
  // redraws right of the slider
  tft.fillRect(ovrpak + 12, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - ovrpak - 30, 15, TEAL);
  // draws lines
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
void calibrate2() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  // calibration testing
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12 - 10);
  // declarations for buttons
  int value1 =;
  int value2 =;
  // draws button 2 status
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12 - 10);
  // draws button 1 status
  tft.setCursor(myWidth * 8 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12 - 10);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 10 / 12 - 10, 100, 20, TEAL);
  // end calibration testing section

void passedbar1() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  // renders static bar once bar 1 passed checks
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5);
  tft.drawRect(20, myHeight * 3 / 12 + 5, 200, 15, TEAL);
  tft.print("Established Connection");
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 4 / 12, 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 35, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 49, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 34, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 48, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 33, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 47, myHeight * 4 / 12, myWidth - 32, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 35, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 3 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 34, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 9, myHeight * 3 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 33, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 8, myHeight * 3 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 32, myHeight * 5 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 7, myHeight * 3 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 5 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 6 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 7 / 16, myHeight * 4 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
void passedbar2() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int senpak;
  // bar 2 override takes reading from slider pot and draws the bar
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 5 / 12 + 5);
  tft.print("Packet Sent");
  // draws lines
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 3 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 4 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 6 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 6 / 12, 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 35, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 49, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 34, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 48, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 33, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 47, myHeight * 6 / 12, myWidth - 32, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 35, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 5 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 34, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 9, myHeight * 5 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 33, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 8, myHeight * 5 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 32, myHeight * 7 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 7, myHeight * 5 / 12, GREEN);
void passedbar3() {
  int myHeight = tft.height();
  int myWidth = tft.width();
  int ovrpak;
  tft.setCursor(20, myHeight * 7 / 12 + 5);
  tft.print("Protocol Bypassed");
  // draws lines
  tft.drawRect(9, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 11 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 - 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawRect(myWidth * 12 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 8 / 12, 4, 15, WHITE);
  tft.fillRect(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 8 / 12, 30, 15, WHITE);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 50, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 35, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 49, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 34, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 48, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 33, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 47, myHeight * 8 / 12, myWidth - 32, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 35, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 10, myHeight * 7 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 34, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 9, myHeight * 7 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 33, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 8, myHeight * 7 / 12, GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(myWidth - 32, myHeight * 9 / 12 - 10, myWidth * 15 / 16 + 7, myHeight * 7 / 12, GREEN);
void softwareReset(uint8_t prescaller) {
  while (1) {}

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Re: Security Access tuner replica from alien isolation

Post by mikeysklar »

Awesome build. Thank you for sharing.

One suggestion. With your shots of the full unit on thingiverse have the display on. Most of them have the display off.
so.jpg (19.08 KiB) Viewed 239 times

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Re: Security Access tuner replica from alien isolation

Post by knoxvilles_Joker »

I try. It is as accurate as I can make it within time constraintes...

Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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