Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

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Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by bjohas »

Hello all,

I'm looking at the picowbell documentation, which has a helpful circuitpython example here:

However, the example only uses time.sleep, rather than giving a deep sleep example. Does the picowbell have the ability to wake the Raspberry Pi Pico while that's completely turned off?

(This is a follow-on post from viewtopic.php?p=970723#p970723)

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Re: Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by mikeysklar »

The Adafruit PiCowbell Adalogger provides an external RTC PCF8523.

There is example code provided by @bablokb for deepsleep / light sleep and setting pin alarms for wakeup.


Code: Select all

# Test program pico-sleep mode: PinAlarm via external RTC interrupt
# Author: Bernhard Bablok
# Website: https://github.com/pico-sleepcurrent

import time
import board
import alarm
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull

from adafruit_pcf8523 import PCF8523 as PCF_RTC
#from adafruit_pcf8563 import PCF8563 as PCF_RTC


WAKE_PIN = board.GP4   # connect to RTC-INT
SDA_PIN  = board.GP2   # connect to RTC-SDA
SCL_PIN  = board.GP3   # connect to RTC-SCL

DEEP_SLEEP   = 0x4

if hasattr(board,'NEOPIXEL'):
  import neopixel_write
  led                 = DigitalInOut(board.NEOPIXEL)
  led.direction       = Direction.OUTPUT
  led_power           = DigitalInOut(board.NEOPIXEL_POWER)
  led_power.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
  led_value           = bytearray([255,0,0])  # GRB
  led           = DigitalInOut(board.LED)
  led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT

intpin           = DigitalInOut(WAKE_PIN)
intpin.direction = Direction.INPUT

i2c = busio.I2C(SCL_PIN,SDA_PIN)
rtc = PCF_RTC(i2c)

# --- simulate work   --------------------------------------------------------

def work():
  if hasattr(board,'NEOPIXEL'):
    led_power.value = 1
    led_power.value = 0
    led.value = 1
    led.value = 0

# --- reset rtc   ------------------------------------------------------------

def reset():
  rtc.timerA_enabled   = False
  rtc.timerA_interrupt = False
  rtc.timerA_status    = False
  rtc.timerA_frequency = rtc.TIMER_FREQ_1HZ
  rtc.timerA_value     = INT_TIME
  rtc.timerA_enabled   = True

# --- main loop   ------------------------------------------------------------

while True:
  pin_alarm = alarm.pin.PinAlarm(WAKE_PIN,value=False,edge=True,pull=True)
  elif MODE == DEEP_SLEEP:

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Re: Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by bjohas »

Hi @mikeysklar,

Thank you so much, I will try that out.

I'm realising that there are two ways of doing 'deep sleep'. One is via the EN (3V3_EN). The Picowbell says "EN (3V3_EN) - This connects to the enable pin on the Raspberry Pi Pico, and is pulled high (to VSYS) via a 100kΩ resistor." I will def try this, to check how much power it draws. Where I've tried this, on other borads (see post on challeger, or Pico directly) the draw is around 7 mA. That's around 5 times less than the 'wake' state (around 40 mA).

However, there is another way of doing 'deep sleep', which is to use an external circuit that cuts interrupts.

This approach is taken here: I suppose that approach is the 'digital version' of the Aadafruit TPL5110/5111. The Adafruit TPL511x has a standby current consumption of 20 uA. The 'power cut' option e.g. on the enviro indoor seems to be about 30 uA. While the timing is only approximate on the TPL511x, it's exact on with the 'power cut' option. For our use case, that would be preferable. In any case, both methods around 200-300 times more efficient than the typical deep-sleep above.

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Re: Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by mikeysklar »

The TPL511x is definitely the way for maximum efficiency. If you can use that hardware with your project it will get you the most out of sleep without having to actually code anything around sleep.

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Re: Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by bjohas »

Thank you - yes, that seems to be the case.

Just a quick type correction on my above post.
> However, there is another way of doing 'deep sleep', which is to use an external circuit that cuts interrupts.
interrupts -> power


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Re: Pico and Picowbell - deep sleep?

Post by adafruit2 »

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