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Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:38 am
by arturolaz
Since yesterday I've been playing with the nRF8001 breakout from adafruit, Im trying to integrate it with a project im currently working on, its a smart meter that uses the analog devices ADE7753 wich comunicates to arduino via SPI.
After a lot of trying to get them work together I founded
THIS forum post wich says that this chip "doesnt play well with other devices" my first thought was.. Why did adafruit doesnt say anything about this issue in the product page? I continued searching for info about this and I founded
THIS page where the implementation of the fix is already added to the SPI library in arduino 1.5.8
My question is... If the fix is already there, are there any chances that we can see an updated nrf8001 library soon?
Please dont take this as a demand, maybe Im not very good explaining myself but I dont mean to be rude, I just dont get with a BANNED company like adafruit hasnt do this yet
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:47 pm
by adafruit2
The SPI library is *very new* and we do have it in the CC3000 library but not yet in the nRF8001 library. the BLE requires more work than just the SPI library update because its interrupt driven and the interrupts must be managed 'properly' - its a *lot* of work
We don't have plans to add it either but will keep it in mind!
If possible try to use your ADE7753 sensor on non-hardware SPI pins, that might help! SPI is easy to software-bitbang and unless your sensor requires interrupts as well, having it on seperate pins should solve any interrupt contention
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:58 pm
by poduck
I've just received my bluefruit le board as well, and am having a difficult time trying to get it to work with a microSD card reader on the SPI. That alone seems like a combination that would be so common that getting it fixed should not be set on the back burner. It's not like there is no good use case to warrant the work the library.
At the very least, your site should tell people considering buying it that this board is virtually useless in all but the most basic cases.
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:02 pm
by adafruit2
thakns for the feedback, we'll share this with the team and see what we can do - we've only used the BLE with basic analog/i2c sensors not with SD cards!
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:33 pm
by arturolaz
adafruit2 wrote:thakns for the feedback, we'll share this with the team and see what we can do - we've only used the BLE with basic analog/i2c sensors not with SD cards!
Hi! Its been more than a week, do you have any news? Thanks
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:41 pm
by adafruit2
no news yet! we dont expect to get to this in the next week, but will blog up when we do!
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:26 pm
by arturolaz
Thanks, I'll be waiting
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:04 pm
by paulstoffregen
I am working on this problem. If anyone is still watching this thread, here's the latest attempt to use SPI transactions to make this library play nicely with SPI-based libs. This is a work-in-progress, and I could really use your feedback if you're willing to help test it.
This requires SPI transactions. To try this code, you need either Arduino 1.5.8 or Arduino 1.0.6 with Teensyduino 1.20.
If you try this with a nRF8001 and SD card or other SPI device, please let me know if it works for you?
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:44 pm
by arturolaz
Thanks Paul!
I will try it out tomorrow and l'll let you know.
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:25 am
by poduck
I will also give it a try. Thanks!
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:05 am
by paulstoffregen
It's currently working on some boards, not others. I will be working on this later today... so please look for another update soon if it doesn't work for you.
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:42 pm
by adafruit_support_rick
Thanks, Paul!
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:35 pm
by arturolaz
Maybe Im missing something obvious, I cant even get to work the echoDemo example alone, do I need to set the SPI settings for the nrf8001? Or should I run without them?
Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:05 am
by paulstoffregen
I'm working on this now. It's a tough problem. I hope to have a real fix soon....

Re: Adafruit nRF8001 library update
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:44 am
by paulstoffregen
I'm still working on this, and posting updates on this thread: ... #post58132
When there's a working solution, I'll also post a followup here. Anyone who wants to help test, please keep an eye on that other thread.